Laura's Thoughts

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It had been two weeks since the lid of Lunares closed. 

People had gotten temporarily accustomed to the constant night, even if it still made things difficult. Some people waited for the moment when the world suddenly started tearing apart in front of them, while others simply questioned why nothing has happened. Most people were scared, even if they had travelled Reveria before now. Monsters were being noted to be stronger than before, even simple ones like Carrotys on the East Grassy Plains. 

Laura trudged to the spot where the rope ladder was up to her room in East Castele, lost in her worried thoughts. 

What happened to Ben and Yuelia? Has something stopped them from using their wishes? Did they not get to the lid in time before the eclipse closed? Laura knew that couldn't have happened, because then they would have turned the airship around and come back to Reveria. Could something not be working up there? Please tell me it isn't so... 

What would life be like without daylight? Without the sunshine, and the color? How will the Grassy Plains be? There will be more red wolves, and bandits... No flowers will bloom, and the white woolies will forever be asleep. That means they could easily be over hunted by the red wolves from the Elderwood, and then Castele's primary source of meat would be gone. 

We would have to cross the East Plains to get to Farley's Plantation to buy meat from the cows, and then that means risking people's lives, and then we have to buy everything... Father had been giving her lessons on economics earlier, since it was getting wearisomely troublesome with the constant night and people were relying on bought things for food instead of field-gathered, free items. Normally she hated the lessons, but it got her mind off the worrying everyone had secretly been doing. 

Laura stopped climbing her ladder and looked up at the blank sky. The stars were all gone, having disappeared with Lunares's light as well as their heroes. 

Ben, Yuelia, be safe. Come back please. 

"Please..." she breathed, hoping her plea could somehow be answered, let alone heard, from all the way up there. 

But there was nothing. 

Some clouds drifted at the corners of where she thought Lunares should have been, looking like they were framing some important scene. But there was no light, no glimmer of hope in the dark void. The strawberry-haired princess cast her gaze down. I guess this is it then...?  Please don't let it be so. She noticed that she normally wasn't this accepting. 

But Laura didn't feel like fighting anymore. She didn't really feel anything anymore. 

Maybe this is the destruction of Reveria. Not a physical destruction, but the loss of everything we found important. Hope, happiness, motivation... it all left with that airship. 

She looked back up at the opening to her room a few more yards up. I'll never forget what it looks like, daytime. I'll never forget the fun times I had with those two. I'll never forget them, Ben and Yuelia. As long as there is light in Reveria, there will always be hope! 

There was the clank of some paladin's armor in the forest below, so the teenage princess scampered up the rest of the way of her ladder into her room in the castle, which used to have the perfect view of the sun and moon as they set.

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