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Hola Everyone,

It's Saturday and I am here with the second Bonus Part of this story. Thank you for your votes and comments. Means a lot.🙂🙂🙂. The parts in italics is the flashback.
Without further ado, here is the next part of this story. Hope you like it :-


"I CANNOT HEAR THE HEARTBEAT OF THE CHILD" as soon as Dr. Iyer said that there was a stunned look on Dev and Sonakshi's face. "What are you saying Meena?" said Dev in a panicked tone as Sonakshi clutched his hand in tightly, her fears for their child increasing by the minute. "Just a minute Dev, let me check" said Meenakshi as she got up and checked the connections of the machine, making sure it was fine. Sonakshi on the other hand was starting to get hysterical "Dev, Our child.... our child Dev" she said as tears made way from her eyes while Dev caressed her cheeks wiping her tears "Sona...don't cry...don't cry Sona...Nothing will happen to our child, nothing" he said trying to give her strength as Sonakshi's grip on his hand tightened.

Meenakshi meanwhile came back to her seat and looked at the monitor once again, moments passed but for Dev and Sonakshi each moment was passing like an eternity. After some time, the screen flickered as Meenakshi finally heard the heartbeat as finally the image of the child displayed on the screen as Meenakshi's face broke into a bright smile, turning towards them she said "Dev, Sonakshi Do you see your child?" she asked pointing at the screen as they looked at the blurred image but they could clearly see the outline of their child as Meenakshi asked again "DO you hear the heartbeat" as they strained their ear to hear a faint sound as tears of fear a few moments ago turned into tears of joy.

"Dev...that's our child Dev...that's our child" said Sonakshi as Dev just kept looking at the screen, only one word escaped his lips "Beautiful" he said as he hugged Sonakshi "Our child Sona...our life..." he said as they hugged each other tightly, Meenakshi wiped the drop of tear from her eyes as she looked at the couple in front of them. Though she had handled many cases and had become an adept in keeping her emotions in check, the situation currently was overwhelming her as well as it was her friend who was experiencing it. She could understand the joy they felt at that moment. After a few moments Meenakshi detached the equipment after taking the necessary prints and scans. She handed over those to them and asked Sonakshi to take care of her health as both Dev and Sonakshi thanked her and exited the hospital.


Dev and Sonakshi were traveling in their car with Dev's head on Sonakshi's lap as she caressed his hair. The hectic schedule that Dev followed ever since Sonakshi had gotten pregnant finally taking a toll on him. He used to get up early in the morning so that he could help Sonakshi with her morning chores after which he left for his office, he used to do his work at double speed so that he could finish it early and go back to take care of Sonakshi. He had decided that he would take a leave from office and work from home in the last 3 months of the pregnancy. Sonakshi's sleep pattern as well had changed drastically over the last 3 months, there would be days when she would get up late in the night feeling hungry and make Dev cook something for her and he would happily oblige to her. In the last three months even, his sleep pattern had become erratic and Sonakshi had chided him many times to take care of his health, but he would seldom listen as he was happy doing all for his wife and the unborn child. As Sonakshi caressed his hair she whispered in his ear "Thank you...thank you for coming into my life Dev" as she kissed his cheeks while Dev smiled in his sleep. Sonakshi laid her head on the headrest as her thoughts went back to the day 9 months back....


Dev and Sonakshi were sitting nervously just as the door opened and in walked Meenakshi, as she settled down she took out the reports that she had gotten along with her as she spoke "So, Sonakshi finally your treatment is done. And according to these reports everything is fine" she said as Dev and Sonakshi smiled while she continued "You guys can try to conceive a child a now" she said as Dev ducked his head in shyness and embarrassment, talks like these always made him uncomfortable as Meenakshi stopped looking at him, she looked at Sonakshi who asked her to go ahead with what she wanted to say.

"See, let me advice you something. Don't try to force this upon yourselves as that will never work and instead might have side-affects. So, let this happen naturally, when ever you make love feel it, don't make love just to have a child" she said as Sonakshi's cheeks turned into a hue of pink while Dev was still looking down in shyness as Meenakshi smiled looking at them while she continued "And another thing as I had said that it might take sometime for the treatment to take it's affect so don't take stress about it, be strong and don't loose hope" she said as both nodded their head in agreement, thanking her once again they left in the hope that their dream of having their own child gets fulfilled.

Two months had passed when one day Dev returned home from work, as he entered he saw Sonakshi sitting near the window staring into the night sky as he went towards her "Hey Love, missed me" he said as Sonakshi looked at him and the look on her face stunned Dev into silence, it seemed like she had been crying as indicated by the dried tears on her face "Sona...what's the matter? Why are you crying?" he said and hugged her as fresh tears made way from her eyes "Tell me Sonakshi what's the matter?" he asked again as after a few moments she spoke.

"Dev, Can I ever become a mother?" she asked as Dev tightened his hug as he now knew what was bothering her as he spoke "Sona... Don't cry love...Please don't lose hope...I am sure you will become a mother...Please don't cry baccha" he said as she calmed down, he picked her up and made her lay on the bed as he settled beside her, he caressed her hair as he sang a lullaby to her as sleep slowly crept upon her.


"Thank you Dev, thank you for being with me at my worst, for bearing all my tantrums" she said as she came out of her thoughts as she kept caressing his hair while she looked at the envelope which had the Ultrasound scans, she took out the scans as she looked at the images of her child as her thoughts went back to the day a month back


Sonakshi was sleeping on the sofa in the living room waiting for Dev, he was late as he had an important meeting. As Dev entered he saw her sleeping on the sofa as he mentally scolded himself for being late, he quickly made way towards her as he adjusted her position, he slowly moved towards her stomach and kissed it.

"Sorry princess, Papa is late today" he whispered so as to not disturb her sleep but Sonakshi's sleep broke " have returned" she said as Dev scolded her "Sonakshi, what's this? Why are you sleeping here?" he said as Sonakshi pouted and said, "We were waiting for you?" she said sadly and keeping her hand on her stomach she said "Did you see baby, how you father is scolding me? she spoke to the baby as Dev chuckled, keeping his hand on her stomach he spoke "Princess, tell your mom that she shouldn't be awake so late in the night" he said as Sonakshi replied "Baby, tell your dad then not to be late and make us wait" she said with a pout as Dev could not control and quickly pecked her lips as he said "Daddy says sorry to his princess" he said as he held his ear while Sonakshi chuckled as she said "Baby says it's ok but don't repeat it next time daddy" she said as Dev smiled.

"By the way how are you sure that it will a girl" she asked as Dev replied, "I don't know but I feel rather I want a tiny-miny khargosh" he said as she smiled while Dev continued "By the way how big would be our child right now?" he asked as Sonakshi showed her hand and said "Ittu saa" as Dev chuckled. He picked her up and went towards the bedroom as they called it a night.


As the car stopped at Ishwari Niwas Sonakshi came out of her thoughts as she woke Dev up. They went inside where even Asha and Bijoy were waiting for them as they informed them about the ultrasound and showed the scans as joy and happiness spread across Ishwari Niwas.


Sonakshi was in the sixth month of her pregnancy when one day Asha and Bijoy came to Ishwari Niwas. They informed them that according to the Bengali traditions Sonakshi needed to come to the Bose house for her delivery as Dev was adamant to not let her go but Ishwari made him understand as he reluctantly gave in but on the condition that even he would shift to the Bose house as he did not want to miss a single moment of his child's life as everyone chuckled, though Ishwari asked him not to do that he was adamant as finally she gave in and after 10 days as Sonakshi stepped into the seventh month of her Pregnancy Dev and Sonakshi shifted to Bose house.


Dev and Sonakshi were lying on the bed with Sonakshi's head on Dev's shoulder as she asked "Dev, have you thought of a name for our child?" she asked, Sonakshi was in the eighth month of her pregnancy, Dev had settled in nicely into the Bose household. For the past two months Dev was working from home (Bose house) from the past two months occasionally going to the office if it was unavoidable and going to Ishwari Niwas every alternate weekend while Ishwari and the sisters visited on weekends when Dev would be in the Bose house.

"Yes, Her name will be Suhana" he said in a go as Sonakshi looked at him in surprise as she asked, "And if it's a boy?" as Dev replied "I have already told you Sona...It will be a girl and I will spoil her to high heavens" he said as Sonakshi replied "But I want a boy, a cute little OBHODRO like you" she said as Dev smiled, taking her into a side hug he said "But I want a tiny-miny khargosh just like you" he said as she smiled and asked "By the way why did you think of the name as Suhana?" she asked as Dev replied "Because she will be the most beautiful thing to happen in our lives" he said as Sonakshi wound her arms around his torso and kept her head on his chest.

"Sonakshi..." Dev said after a few moments "Hmm..." she replied after a few moments as Dev continued "Since you want a boy, have you thought of a name for him" he asked as she said "Yes, it will be Raunak" as Dev smiled and spoke "And why would be that?" as she replied "Because he will be the ray of sunshine who will bring light and happiness into our lives" she said as he smiled and kissed her forehead.

They were engulfed in their hug talking sweet nothings when suddenly Sonakshi whimpered in pain "Ah...Dev...Dev" she said as she clutched her stomach "Sonakshi...Sonakshi what happened?" he said as she stammered in pain "Dev...its...its paining a lot" she said as Dev panicked, he quickly got up and lifted her up and came down as Asha and Bijoy along with others were stunned, it was Asha who reacted first "Dev, what happened? What happened to Sonakshi?" she asked in a panicked voice as Dev replied "Maa, Sonakshi is in pain. I am taking her to the hospital" he said hurriedly as Asha went along with them instructing Bijoy to be at home as if anything was needed she would call.

On the way Dev called Meenakshi and informed her about the situation as she asked him to reach the hospital while she would reach in half an hour. Half an hour later Dev along with Sonakshi and Asha reached the hospital as Sonakshi whimpered in pain all the way to the hospital. Sonakshi was stretchered off as Meenakshi who had just reached asked him not to panic. Dev just slumped down on the floor, he could not see Sonakshi in pain as Asha made him get up and sit on the bench. Asha called Bijoy and Ishwari apprising them about the situation as half an hour later they were at the hospital. An hour had passed as everyone was nervous as hell, Dev had not spoken a word as he kept looking at the operation theatre waiting for the Doctor to come out.

Half an hour later Meenakshi came out of the OT as Dev ran to her "Meena, How is Sonakshi? Sonakshi is fine right?" he asked in a panicked voice as she replied "Sonakshi is fine Dev" as he sighed in relief but the next moment his heart shrank as he looked at Meenakshi "And...and our child" he asked as she replied "It's a Girl Dev...But..." as Dev's lips broke into a smile but then fear gripped his heart as he asked "But...But what Meena" he asked as she replied.



So, this part marks the penultimate update of this story. The next part will be the last part of this story. I hope you all have enjoyed this story as much as I have loved writing it. Also this is my penultimate KRPKAB story.
Please ignore the grammatical mistakes and see you in the next Bonus Part.


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