It Takes Two to Build a Family

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stella_louise on ao3.

The whole TXT fandom knows how Choi Soobin and Choi Yeonjun act like a married couple most of the time. Well, they're not wrong.

The couple became a "couple" since their pre-debut days, so basically they are at the married stage today.

But the amount of work and busy schedules get in the way of their dream - Soobin's dream. Well, recently the leader has this ecstatic feeling of wanting to have children that's really biologically impossible for him and Yeonjun. However, in the present era, there are ways to do that: just not in the way everybody knows.

One morning, after their recent world tour has concluded, both Choi are found sleeping and cuddling on their hotel bed where BigHit told them to stay after the concert. Soft snores and relieved breathing are heard all over the room, aside from the low humming of aircon. After a few shuffles and rustles of the blanket, one of them hesitantly opens an eye, taking in the slightly dark room. An arm moves and taps aimlessly at the side table to get something. Once the item is obtained, it is raised above the face and two eyes now see the characters on the item.

06:00 - it reads.

Without a doubt, the figure removes a draped arm around his waist and put it on the space just beside where his body once laid. Yawning a bit, then pouting, the figure then climbs out of the bed.

The figure proceeds to the kitchen, looking around as sleepy eyes zeroes on the refrigerator. Opening the appliance, the figure gets some eggs and places them on a clear glass bowl. Once the eggs are secure, the figure gets a pack of loaf bread from the kitchen drawer. After a few this and that, the figure is able to produce a simple breakfast for two.

Fried eggs and buttered bread with two glasses full of fresh cow's milk. A very domestic meal, indeed.

After preparing the table, the figure ties his now-long hair so as not to get in the way of his vision. That is until;

"So this is why I smell something good in the morning." the other figure who arrived says. The other one rolls his eyes and puckers his plump red lips.

"This is just plain breakfast, you sap." the long-haired one retorts. But the other kisses him right on the lips.

"Nothing is simple when its the 'Choi Yeonjun'. You're always special." a deep chuckle follows suit then the other one proceeds to sit on a chair.

A deep red blush appears on Yeonjun's cheeks, making him flustered and looks away at the other.

"Choi Soobin!" Yeonjun retorts. "You and your magic words."

Soobin then sings the line of their song to tease Yeonjun more.

Instead of sitting on the opposite side, Yeonjun chooses to sit on his boyfriend's lap. Soobin loves the idea more than anything else.

After their stay at the hotel, all 5 members of TXT are now in a van and are going back to the dorm. The other three proceeds to go home, but Soobin insists on taking Yeonjun out on a date.

Soobin watches something on YouTube which makes Yeonjun curious, not that the former hides the screen of his phone.

"Seriously, Binnie?" Yeonjun reacts once he sees the video's content. Well, it's mostly about surrogacy and IVF.

Soobin's chuckle becomes dry, as if disappointed by his lover's reaction.

"Never mind, let's just eat." Soobin responds with a small sigh, then gets the utensils to eat their ordered food. Yeonjun then stops the other's hand before it reaches the utensils.

"Binnie, I'm sorry. I know it's important for you." Yeonjun starts. "But can we set it aside for now and maybe bring it up again when we're... older and not as busy as we are now?"

"It's okay, hyung. I'm sorry, too." Soobin grasps the hand above his, then squeezes it with the tender amount of love he has. "I'm pushing you to something you're not ready yet."

Yeonjun chuckles.

"Believe me, I'm ready." he adds. "You don't know how much."

"I love you so much, Jun-hyung."

"I love you the most in this world, Binnie."

Well, Soobin doesn't need to know that Yeonjun searches for videos about taking care of a baby and doing household chores. After all, it takes two to tango, right?

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