Babby, Daddy

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It has been few minutes, since he is staring in the large black orbs that continued looking back at him with fascination. Hardik knew he was quite handsome and good looking, girls told him that many times. He has been complimented and flirted with many times. But no one and he means it when he says, no one eyed him with the fascination this little doe eyed being is watching him with.

Hardik continued eyeing her and she continued eyeing him back with the same fascination. After what felt like an eternity the little devil seemed to get bored with his eyes as something else caught her attention. That something being his gold chain on which the little devil nibbled happily and drooled on his chest.

"Okay, that's so eeeeeewww" Hardik decided picking up the devil by the scurf of it's Onesie and holding it as far as possible from him. He liked people drooling on him but not literally, thank you very much. 

"You don't drool on people, Little Missy," Harry admonished the kid severely, glaring at her direction.

The kid just made grabby motion at his direction totally not getting affected by his words.

"You're not understanding me, kiddo, you don't drool on people," Hardik tried again, the kid needs to understand you don't drool on people. It's bad manners. People can be offended. He is a great guy but others aren't as great as him.

"Bah..baaaah...baah," That was the kid's intelligent reply as she again made grabby motions towards Harry's face. Totally, informing him he wasn't in any place to make any deal with her.

"okay, you got me kid but still you don't nibble on a gold chain. It's not edible,"

"And that's not any way you talk or hold a child, Harry," Bhuvi scolded Harry taking the kid away from Harry and holding it properly in his arms.

"Baabaabaaaaaahaa.....baba...aaaaaaaaaaaaa" The kid squealed happily in Bhuvi's arms and Bhuvi nodded along with the kid as if understanding the kid perfectly. Harry didn't know how can Bhuvi hold a conversation with a toddler? How can he understand this gibberish?

"Yes, yes, absolutely right kid, baba is an idiot. You don't be like dada, alright," Bhuvi conversed with the child happily, rocking her in his arms. And Harry wanted to roll his eyes. Who told them that he is the kid's father? Aren't they assuming just a little, too much.

"You know Bhuvi dear, it's not proven who is the kid's father yet it could be you too. So, are you calling yourself idiot," And now Harry was sounding utterly gleeful with this wonderful thought. Bhuvi calling himself an idiot. What a golden day.

"Who find the kid on the door? So, isn't it obvious whose kid it is?" Bhuvi didn't even know why is he answering to this idiot?

"Well, the letter clearly said that his dad is here. It didn't mention who the dad is? So, how's the kid mine?" Harry was more than hundred percent sure the kid wasn't his. He will know if he has a kid somewhere, won't he? So, why was he unceremoniously being the kid's father. And isn't it Jassi and Bhuvi who didn't want the kid to be given to the childcare authorities? 

"Harry," Bhuvi's further argument was cut short by the kid's sudden bawaah. The kid hated if the attention wasn't on her.

"Look, even she wants the attention on her like you, isn't that proves she is your kid?????" Bhuvi's expressions seemed to scream at Harry and all, Harry could think was who is mother henning the child? How am I the father? And how come a thing so small can scream so loudly??

Where's all that energy coming from? The child lungs must be even smaller than his hand, heck the child herself is smaller than his hand then how come she scream so loudly???

You must be thinking who is this kid or little Devil like Harry loves to call her. Well, this little kid he means devil was left in front of his door. Well, he'll go in flashback and explain the matter thoroughly to you people.


IT was off-season for the cricket fraternity more like they have taken out time for a small cosy holiday trip. The private holiday trip going on in a cosy beach house  they booked in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. No one beside them knows about this trip. Didn't you read the words private.

So, Harry, Rahul, Jassi, Bhuvi, Rohit and Virat were enjoying themselves in the farm house. Enjoying the nature and stuff. Mahi bhai, Jinks and their Sikhi boy had chickened out of their trip. They wanted to spent the time with their wives. Kulcha had some prior commitments so couldn't come. Jaddu had some work with his horses. So, the rest of bachelors of the team were in the beach house. Partying and Enjoying.

It was another beautiful morning in the Island when a sudden knock on their cottage door disturbed Harry's peaceful breakfast making session. Normally, no one allows him in the kitchen but since everyone is still sleeping. So, he decided to surprise them.

Undoubtedly,Harry was very annoyed at the prospect of being disturbed at his wonderful task. Grumbling, he went and opened the door and to his greatest disappointment no one was at the door.

What kind of prank is this? He was about to bang close the door when he noticed the basket lying on the floor.

"Who sent them gift so early in the morning?" was his first thought as he looked at the basket with blankets inside.

Why will someone give them blankets in an Island???? Harry was pondering on the matter very interested. Was this some kind of Island joke?

The blankets moved their own and Harry screamed on top of his lungs. The still now peaceful cottage was suddenly filled with various curses, sounds of people falling down beds, stairs and startled yelps.

In few minutes, the whole house was gathered in the living room with various weapons like vases, brooms and mops staring at a shell shocked Harry. A shell shocked Harry staring at a basket.

"What Happened?"

"Where's the intruder??"

"Do we have a fugitive here??"

"Is there a ghost??"

All this questions were being thrown at the stunned Harry who just nodded and pointed at the basket.

The whole team slowly-slowly rounded around Harry and looked down to glance at the basket. What was in the basket that made the Hardik Pandya scream? The boys looked at the basket and made a similar horrified face.

"A BABY" all of them yelled together highly startled and even the baby screamed at top of his lungs. 

Why were all this funny looking creatures looking at her like this?? Why were they screaming? They're so loud. She'll scream too.

Hearing the baby scream on top of it's lungs the boys panicked more. How to calm down a crying baby??? They don't do babies. 

"Shut the baby,"

"how to shut a baby??"

"Pick it up,"

"How to pick a baby??"

"Harry pick up the baby,"

"Harry stop looking at it like it's from outer space. It's just a baby,"

"I don't do babies, Bhuvi"

"Bhuvi, pick it up,"

"Don't scream Virat, you're scaring the kid"

"The kid is scaring me,"

The little kid seemed to scream along with the crazy men. Finally, tired of all the chaos around him. Jassi picked up the baby being the second close to the basket and rocked the baby in his arms until the baby calmed down and stared at him curiously.

The baby was eyeing Jassi like who is this new specimen?? Jassi looked at his brothers who were eyeing him like he was god himself.

"Umm...bhaiya??" Jassi asked them confused as he tried to place the baby back in the basket but the baby protested very vocally on the prospect of being placed back on the basket. All the players stiffened and warned Jassi to not put the baby down. Jassi was being seated beside Harry with the baby in his arms.

Looking at his elder brothers confused. Why was the baby placed in his arms??

Bhuvi snooped through the basket and found a letter. A letter that was passed among everyone else. A letter that read: I can't take care of the child any longer. I don't want to deal with her. So, I'm leaving her with her father. Now, she is your responsibility. You could keep it or throw it. For all I care. Good bye.

Bhuvi was visibly seething after reading the letter. How can someone just say that you can throw a baby away?? That's so disgusting the baby is so cute and innocent. How can someone be so heartless?

"So, whose child it is??" Virat popped the most dreaded question. All of them looked at each other and then the baby.

"She doesn't look like me," Virat declared first trying to match his features with the baby in Jassi's arm.

"But to me, she looks like you. The monkey kind of look is there," Rohit decided solemnly announcing his verdict.

"Really, she looks quite like you to me. See, the same sleepy eyes," Virat retorted back leaning too close to the baby and the baby happily grabbed Virat's nose babbling "Baaaaabaaaa,"

"See, even the baby called you its baaa" Ro was so gleeful while stating so that he forgot what baa means actually

"And what baa means exactly, Ro?" Virat questioned back annoyed by his bestie but he kind of getting a soft corner on the baby with doe like eyes.

"What are we doing with it?????" Harry asked his brothers still looking quite shook up

"You don't call a baby "IT" Harry. The baby is a girl. So, call her a she" Rahul admonished his friend looking at the cute baby . His eyes turning a little soft watching the baby trying to grab Jassi's fingers

"Should we call the authorities??" Harry asked everyone present in the room.

"But she can be one of our kid," Ro protested already in love with the cute being.

"Media will have a field day. Team India's illegitimate kid. Do we want to subject the kid from that?" Bhuvi ask always the considerate one as he looked at the kid now happily sucking on Jassi's finger.

"And we can't just throw her away, Virat bhaiya??" Jassi spoke looking at the kid. IT was just such a cute child and he just loved babies

"We can't just leave her with strangers, Virat" Even Rahul couldn't quite digest the thought of the cute child with strangers.

"So, I guess we are keeping the baby," Virat announced looking at the smiling baby in Jassi's arms.

At that moment, none of them knew how hard babies really can be??

The babies cry when hungry, when they have dirtied their nappy or sleepy. The team were quick to find out these stuff and even arrange it. The baby was a happy child and easy to entertain. So, the team thought it was to raise a child.

The real trouble came in night when no matter how hard they tried. They just couldn't put the child to sleep. Virat rocked the baby singing lullaby and the end product was, Ro falling asleep. The baby was still wide awake. So, Ro was kicked awake and handed the baby. Ro tried to put the baby to sleep, the baby tried to eat Ro's face. Harry bounced the baby, baby giggled more wide awake then before.

The team glared at Harry.

The team succeeded in putting the baby in sleep at 3 in the morning. And after that, all of then just fell down and slept where ever they were.

.End of Flashback.

So, now looks like Harry, Bhuvi and the Devil were the only awake people in the cottage. Though, Harry won't ever admit it but the kid looked kinda cute when she wasn't screaming her head off.

"So, what to feed the baby?"

"Baby food, duh" Bhuvi answered looking at Harry as if it was the most obvious answer in the whole world.

"Yeah, baby food for the baby,"

"Shouldn't we name her something. Calling her baby or kiddo doesn't feel right" Bhuvi asked Harry looking at the baby in his arms, who was feeling all too content staring at him.

"Yeah that's why I call her devil"

"You don't call a baby, devil Harry" Bhuvi was totally exasperated with Harry

"Okay, we can call her Virat junior"

"Absolutely not,"

"Rohitaa then??"

"God, no"

Harry opened his mouth to suggest another name and Bhuvi cut him off with a glare.

"We will ask everyone else and then decide," Bhuvi decided

"I'll call her, Rohitaaa then," Harry announced

Bhuvi groaned.

~The end~

So, this is just a thought I mean plot. In the story, the 6 are not married and were on a trip to andaman and nicobar when they got a baby. So, whose baby it is according to you? Do you want to read this story?? What chaos can a baby with ICT create? And last not least, is the father of the baby really from ICT and if not, can the ICT give away the baby? 

So, do you want to read this story guys? A story of 6 men and baby. What will be Mahi bhai and rests reaction knowing this 6 acquired a baby? And what should they name the baby?? Who will suggest what??

Tell me if you're interested in such a story? Other wise enjoy this OS.

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