.The gloomy B'day.

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"What to do when your chosen family doesn't give importance to your b'day??" 

Hardik Pandya was feeling extremely gloomy right now. Leave gloomy. He was ready to give up all pretence and start crying like a little kid. He wants to bawl his eyes out, right now. He doesn't care if he looks stupid or childish.

He doesn't even care if the people finally realize that the ever smiling Hardik Pandya also can be hurt. He is always smiling and happy doesn't mean he isn't hurt. 

Haven't you heard the persons who smiles the most also silently cries the most. Is it his fault he doesn't want people to see his gloom, his pain, his sadness??

He smiles because the hardship he has faced from childhood, made him strong. The fight to reach where he is now, wasn't easy. He has seen too many hardship.

So, now he smiles and laughs at the face of problems because crying doesn't solve anything.

Neither does laughing.

But between the two he will always choose laughing his problems away.

But right now, he wants to cry.

For he is legitly feeling very hurt.

Why? Well, because it's kind of his f**king B'day today and his team kind of didn't do anything for him today.

Hardik feels like an idiot for believing they had forgiven him. They hadn't. For why else no one seemed more excited than him today? Why were they acting like it's just another day?

IT's not like they forgot his B'day. They remembered and even wished him in a very bland way.

Even Jassi and Rahul were like "Hey, Happy B'day Har-bear." 

That's it. Just Happy B'day when they're staying in the same hotel. 

Harry wants to wail. His hope for a surprise party has also just about ended cause it's already past 11 in night.

It's 11: 15 in night on 19 october 2019, means his b'day.

Everyone's B'day is celebrated in morning. He remembers his first B'day with the team. It was a very-very special moment for him. It showed how everyone has accepted him and he is their brother.

But now???

His this B'day is the worst b'day in the history of B'days and he isn't being even a little bit of dramatic here.

This B'day just showed how he lost his brothers. He so wants to cry now. He wants to cry wailing on the top of his voice and maybe he'll cling to Mahi bhai and cry. But Mahi Bhai isnt here and it's so late in night to call bhai.

What if he disturbed Ziva's sleep? He can't ever forgive himself if he did so.

HE wants to cry and cry and he have even decided a song for his state.

"IT's my b'day and I'm feeling like little Harry potter. It's my B'day and everyone wished.
But It's still not the same and I wanna cry. It's my bday and I feel, I'm a 11 year old harry potter.
Drawing cake on floor singing happy b'day and I wanna cry, I wanna cry and cry. Cry a river and drown Viraat in it" 

Harry was humming this song to himself.

When their was a sudden barbaric knocking on his door. It felt like someone was trying to break his door down.

Feeling all too Sulky, Harry got up from the bed and opened the door.

Rahul almost knocked on his face.

"Why did you took so much time opening the door," Rahul demanded

"Maybe because I was sleeping," Harry retorted still feeling very sulky

Rahul gave him a look that screamed" I don't believe you," than mumbled "Never mind" and dragged Harry bodily away with him.

And Harry being Harry didn't even ask Why was he being dragged like this??

"Oye, I didn't even close my door"

"You can't drag me like this, it's a crime"

"RAh, why did you call me Har-bear?"

Harry was yelling these questions as Rahul banged open Virat's room and pushed a totally flabbergasted Harry inside the totally dark room.

"WTF, Rahul" Harry yelped surprised when even the door closed behind him.

He couldn't spot Rahul anywhere in the darkness, "Is he being punished at his b'day??" 

Rahul knows he is scared of darkness right???

"BOSSMAN" he called for Virat standing fixed on his position. 

Today is totally not his day. Just wait till he gets hold of that stupid Rahul. Why is he left here again? Harry pondered trying to make anything in the darkness.

Virat?? Did they murder Virat??

"HAPPY B'DAY HARRY" The sudden scream with blinding light, stunned Harry.

When his eyes adjusted to the now bright room. He noticed his whole team standing in front of him grinning goofily. Virat's whole room was covered in balloons. There were two small cakes placed in a table.

Harry just stood there unable to move as he looked around the room and at his beaming team mates.

"What, why are you standing there now?? Come fast just 5 mins are remaining" Jaddu howlered from his place, pointing towards the cake.

And a dazed Harry walks towards the cake. The boys all make space for him and he couldn't help but cry and laugh at the same time.

He was feeling just too much happy.

"Umm, guys I think we finally managed to break him," Bhuvi declares, amused by Harry's mad tear filled laughter. 

Did he really think that they won't do anything on his B'day?????

Harry didn't even retort Bhuvi's words. He was feeling so Happy. His brothers didn't forgot his day. They were just planning a surprise for him. A super late surprise for him.

"Cut the cake, already man" Jaddu yelled impatiently from his place watching Harry still laugh.

Bhuvi rolled his eyes.

Ro groaned.

Virat grinned.

Harry cut the cake. 

Everyone sang Happy B'day totally off-tune.

How can someone sing Happy B'day off-tune?? Just ask ICT.

The cake was small and not like the other cakes but Harry was really feeling too happy to care about the cake's size, right now.

Jassi fed Harry the first piece of cake followed by Rahul.

"Well,looks like the cake wasn't poisoned after all. So, it's safe to say we can eat the cake guys. Virat didn't somehow managed to poison the cake" Ro announced all too sweetly from the sidelines.

"Huh," Harry asked looking all confused.

"Actually, Virat, Kul and Bhuvi made the cake," Rahul informed Harry and Harry suddenly didn't mind the cake was small or anything like that.

The cake was the most perfect cake for him. His brother's made cake for him. They didn't bake a cake for anyone. They baked a cake for him.

Suddenly, he was feeling like the most lucky and loved boy in the whole world. 

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Ro." Virat rolled his eyes as he fed Harry the cake, hugging him and wishing Happy B'day mere bhai.

"Oye, hatt I wanna feed him too," Rohit yelled trying to bodily separate Virat from Harry who clinged on Harry more.

Just to annoy Ro more.

And Harry knowing the plan stuck to Vi like someone has joined them by feviquick.

Ro pulled Vi and thinking this a game Jaddu pulled Harry. Soon, everyone joined them and started pulling them away like they were playing some kind of tug of war with Vi-Harry.

Vi and Harry just laughed like this was the most fun thing in the whole world.

"Harry bhaiya, How's the cake?" Kul asked Harry shyly

"It's the most tastiest cake. I've ever eaten Kul. Thank you soo much for baking such an awesome cake for me," Harry was so touched by the sweet gesture that he didn't mind praising the cake to heavens.

Kul beamed.

"I wrote the Har-Bear on the cake," Rahul pipped in whistling innocently

Harry scowled.

"That's why I thought which doctor scribbled on my cake," Harry snarked moodily

Rahul stuck his tongue out.

Jaddu screamed "Cake smash time"

"No, I'm going to eat this cake. No one is going to touch my cake," Harry yelled picking up his cake and holding it near to him very possessively.

"Don't worry Har-bear, we did extra arrangement for smash time," Yuzi spoke mimicking a perfectly girly voice as he brought forward a smash cake.

Jaddu cackled.

Ro chuckled evilly.

Kul took the cake away from Harry.

And then everyone had their time of life taking aims and throwing cream on Harry. And Harry run around the room ducking behind people in such way that every single team member were covered in white cream.

After they were done with their cake fight. Kulya decided it was time to eat the cake but Jaddu had a different plan. He thought having a bursting balloon competition is a very sound plan right now.

So, the *cough* chaos *cough* loving*cough* members of the team got engaged in a very fun and very amusing balloon bursting competition.

They were jumping, sitting, lying on top of balloons. Some even going as far as dancing on the balloon to burst it.

Bhuvi didn't know who let these kids out of kindergarten??

Jassi was sitting with Kul eating the cake before those trying to burst the balloon remember the cake.

Rohirat looked at each other pulled Harry who was doing some kind of crazy naagin dance while bursting the balloon, away from the balloons.

"What, I was having fun na Rohitaaa- Viiiii" Harry whined like a kid called away from his toys

"Well, you must be thinking why we celebrated so late?" Rohit asked Harry ignoring his whinning

"Yeah, you were quite late," Harry nodded totally agreeing with his captains "But I kind of forgive you"

Rohirat ignored his words again.

"Well, we did it because we wanted you to know we will be with you till the end. When there won't be anyone beside you. You'll find us beside you. We'll always there for you and not leave you alone during the end or gloomy times. Like most people wished you at 12 am of 19 oct and forgot all about you on 20oct  but we are with you even after 12 am on 20 oct and we will be with you, forever. We will be with you till the end," Virat finished kind of rambling knowing the words sounded too good in his head but not while speaking.

Even Ro was giving him a really isse zyada kabada krna possible hai look.

But Harry was feeling soooo touched. He felt the emotions coming out of Virat. The thing he wanted to convey.

"His team will be with him forever," and suddenly this wasn't the worst B'day of his life.

He looked at Rohirat who were giving each other looks.

Virat seemed to be saying "I'm not a shayar,"

And Ro scoffing "like you can ever be a Shayar, shayari will do suicide in your mouth"

"I'm better with words than you," Virat seem to be challenging


And before they could have an eye arguement. He jumped up hugging the life out of both of them.

"I LOVE YOU BOTH," Harry yelled all happy as he hugged his both brothers jumping in joy. He wasn't even feeling sleepy anymore.

He can spend the whole night having balloon bursting competition with Jaddu, Yuzi, Rahul, Shikhi.

This is the best B'day ever.

"Umm, Guys you do realize I have to sleep in this room, right?"Virat yelled totally horrified finally noticing what happened to his room.

Rohit laughed totally pleased as he noticed the cake on the bed.

Yups, definitely best b'day ever.

_the end_

Mahiro457 so, what do you think dear?? Promised a gift didn't I?? This is just a glimpse btw. Harry ka yeh haal huya hai toh aapka kya hoga janabe aali??

Don't worry, it'll be fun 

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