~Night strolls~

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KL Rahul opens the refrigerator in the hotel lobby and takes out a chilled energy drink bottle. He then continued playing a very-very clumsy catch game with the bottle. Mayank Agarwal didn't know what wrong the bottle has done to Rahul?

But he was quick to predict that drinking this chilled drink will be the cause of Rahul not being able to speak a single word tomorrow, a sore throat will grace the lanky being and they'll have to bear an overly grumpy glaring moody Rahul.

Mayank was not being very far from the mark or overly cautious, as it was late on a freezing night. It was unnaturally chilly tonight and Rahul was always quick to catch a cold. But he knew his protests would be ineffective and the lanky being he calls his best friend won't pay any heed to his concerns.

Yet being the considerate bestie that he is, Mayank still let everyone hear his prediction on Rahul's state the next day, quite vocally. No one, reacted to his prophecy much and not at all, in a way he wanted them too.

Having just lost the first ODI of the 3 match series against Australia mere hours ago had put his best friend in a very bad mood. The team was in low spirits, quietly avoiding much socializing with the excuse of Covid and rules.

Especially the new vice-captain, who welcomed the role with a not so good performance, with critics both actual and self-proclaimed after him and two very big shoes to fill in, it wasn't a big surprise for anyone, that the mood of Mr KL Rahul was disastrous.

And so, Mayank let the way, KL acknowledged his prophecy by not responding at all pass for now.

Instead, he concentrated on the looks his bestie was tthrowing towards Virat Kohli who was casually chatting with Jasprit Bumrah, from his line of sight Mayank could make out the whole scenario as the Captain's cheering tactics.

When Virat realised Rahul's eyes on him. He glanced towards them and passes the boy a kind tight-lipped smile, concentrating back on his chat with Jassi.

Rahul looks disappointed by the antic of their Captain. The only sign of his gloom being the tightening of his grip around the poor chilled bottle. Sighing, he glances at Mayank again and begins walking outside.

Of course. He wants to go out now that idiot, making certain to catch cold. Mayank thought angrily cursing Rahul in his mind but a part of him also knew that he'll follow Rahul out. After all, he can't let his bestie wander out alone so disowning every common sense. He followed Rahul out.

Yes, they have a match tomorrow but they'll storm around in the dead of night. Of course, what else they should do? How could he expect anything else from his bestie? Shaking his head, he silently followed Rahul whistling.

He didn't notice an exasperated Kohli eyeing both of them forlornly, like he couldn't quite believe them. He really couldn't.

Of course. Of course, Rahul wants to go out on a walk and drink chilled water in biting cold. That too, when they have an international match to be a part of tomorrow. Rahul's so getting a sore throat. Virat thought half angry, half worried, half exasperated. He was feeling like a parent so done with their kids antics.

Shaking his head, quickly wraping his chat with Jassi ruffling the kid's hair lovingly. He follows Mayhul outside because someone needs to look after them. It takes some time but Virat finally spots the two gloomy souls, pacing around looking like annoyed ducklings.

For a moment, Virat ponders about filming their amusing walk but then decides against that joining his ducklings. They don't thank him for giving them company or say anything for that matter.

They keep walking quietly, looking around the silent, barren surroundings of the hotel. And Virat keeps on looking at the water droplets forming on the cold drink bottle in Rahul's hand. This guy will be surely unable to speak tomorrow.

Virat wanted to berate the kid, well his kid actually but he doesn't. Some three weeks ago, he would have casually told him to not drink chilled drinks like that. But things have changed now. His little brother is now the captain of a franchise.

He is a celebrity now. A celebrity that doesn't need Virat to introduce him. An integral part of ICT who has established himself. He wasn't the starry-eyed kid, Virat has taken under his wing. The kid who followed Virat everywhere. The past few days, had made him somewhat doubtful about his words and how they would be perceived.

Virat hadn't actually initiated any talk with Rahul on the burden of Vice Captaincy or how it affected him. Subconsciously, he knew he needed to talk to Rahul but he couldn't make himself initiate the conversation. Okay, he'll admit he's being a chicken.

But he isn't mentally prepared enough to initiate any conversation about Rohit now. Yes, he is afraid, afraid of being judged as harshly as the world is judging him by his own kiddos. He'll totally shatter then he can't take those judgy looks from his kids too.

A part of him knows, is a hundred percent certain, his kids won't judge him. His kids know that the decision was mutual and Rohit actually agreed hundred percent with his decision of making Rahul vice-captain. His kids know that he is in contact with Rohit.

Okay, so they don't talk as frequently as he would like but still, they're in contact and everything he said in the press conference, it was the official side of the story. It was his way of letting out the fear that gripped him not finding Ro on the flight of Australia. The impromptu panic meeting he called realizing Ro won't be joining them.

The fear that gripped him realising Ro's father had attained corona and Ro was actually in a very bad state, very worried and he wasn't there to support his friend in the hard time. After all, he knows how it feels and these were strange times.

But it wasn't his place to disclose Ro's personal matters. It's not like he could publically casually announce "oh!! Btw Rohit Sharma's father had tested positive. Ro went back for him and yes, that's why he isn't here."

It didn't feel right to him. It didn't feel like it was his place to disclose the whole matter to the public. So, he just presented the official side of the matters. The email, he was informed about and the stuff BCCI administration told him. Silently, hitting at them for their incompetence.

But it had again created a storm of controversies and theories. Seniors, he considered elder brothers finding fault in his every little antic, speaking things against him, again and again. It kinda shattered his belief in the brotherhood they shared and made him kinda afraid, very afraid.

What if they end up like this too? He couldn't see the same amount of doubts against him swirling in his kids head, knowing Jassi and Harry didn't hold anything against him was a relief. But again, he couldn't make himself initiate any convo on that topic with anyone. Yeah, he was being a wimp but in his dictionary, it was called self-preservation.

And any discussion with Rahul on the VC thingy will definitely have that topic in it. So, Virat had been avoiding it, sparing himself the hurt and confirmation, after all, Rahul was close to Rohit too. But looks like the time to hide had officially ended. He needs to face the worst now or these two will continue roaming around looking all ghostly.

All Virat wishes to know is if Rahul is coping with the added responsibility well, as most people don't. The burden of filling MS's wicket-keeping shoes and Rohit's VC innings might be too much of a burden for his kiddoliya. He was still a kid for Virat. He always will be and Virat just wants to know what was going in that over thinking mind of his? And maybe, it's also because Virat so wants to help him out, if he isn't. But he just can't bring himself to ask the simple question.

He is being a scared kitten right now, overthinking about the results of his actions and words, the way it'll be taken and it's not at all helping the situation. He can't help his kiddoliya and Mayu this way.

Deciding to face the whiplash of accusation on the Rohit's matter (everyone's accusing him anyway). So, how bad can it get and at least, only he would be the hurt one. Rah and Mayu will stop hurting at least. Heck, he couldn't even bring himself to tell him to not drink frozen cold drink as it might make him sick. He should redeem the situation with the drink first.

Determined, Virat snatched the chilled bottle from Rahul's hand. The same time, Mayank decided to break the silence surrounding them.

"I won't mind if you dropped me from the playing XI tomorrow," Mayank said softly, baffling Virat and cutting short Rahul's incoming string of protests.

"Why would I even think of dropping you?" Virat couldn't help but ask the kid perplexed. Well, what's wrong with people these days and from when did players started telling their captain's they won't mind getting dropped?

"It's what everyone wants and isn't it good for the team balance too?" Mayank couldn't help but ask Virat, absolutely not meeting his quering gaze. He had been thoroughly dejected with his performance today if only he hadn't gifted his wickets and all the legends barking on the post-match shows, can't be idiots, can they?

"Which idiot told you that??" Virat wasn't amused by Mayank's statement. God, he wasn't keeping the negative attention all to himself to deal with such under confident kids.

Mayank silence mixed with don't you know stare, cleared the matter quite wonderfully to Virat. Didn't he specifically order, all these idiots to stay as far away as possible from the post-match shows and social media but when had they actually listened to his orders?

"Mayu!!!" Virat gently called the kid, because Mayank was his kid, to look in his eyes. It was the only way Virat could assure Mayank of his intent.

"I'm not dropping you. No one's dropping you. It was just not our day," Virat wasn't certainly looking forward to changing the squad. Yes, he was quite worried about Yuzi and Nav, but the kids didn't need to know that.

"But!!" Mayank began, but the certain look in Virat's eyes made him go silent. His self-deprecating words were apparently not being accepted anymore.

"I won't let you down," Mayank promised instead for that's all he could promise his brother, right then. His brother wasn't giving up on him and he won't be letting him down.

Virat smiled. Happy, he could change the kid's mood from gloomy to determined.

"It would have been better if Rohit was here," Rahul's statement, though was enough to snatch that smile from Virat's face.

He played and replayed Rahul's statement in his mind searching for any sign of contempt finding none, Virat asked warily "why?"

"He wouldn't have gifted his wicket like I did. He would have played a mature Vice captain's knock," Rahul cried out, looking away from both his best friend and brother. Generally, he doesn't let this stuff out but right now, he couldn't control himself.

The negativity, the wrongness of the whole situation washing over him and he couldn't help but say this out loud.

"Okay, that's a lot of probability kiddo. Don't you know how many times your Rohitaa Sharma has gifted his wicket. Even I had gifted my wicket, today. Does it makes me a bad guy? (Of course, it did in the critic's eyes but Virat wasn't going to tell them that) It's just a bad day for us, kiddos and maybe it wouldn't have been Rohit's day too. Don't think about what could have been?" Virat's eyes were locked on both Mayank and Rahul as he spoke this. The kids were affected, every single one of them even Harry with his brilliant innings was on self-blaming mode.

And Virat understood that as much as he understood that this messed up mental state wasn't good for them. They needed to have a positive mindset. It was the only way, after all. He should have asked Washy to drag Nav with him out anyway.

And why was Rahul keeping so quite? Why hadn't he retorted yet? Virat thought looking at his taller than him kid. Rahul was looking down through Mayank was looking at him gratefully. It wasn't going like he wanted it too But he continues with what he had intended anyway.

"And, it's fine actually" he says as nonchalantly as he can. "Your workload has just increased, and it can be very affecting anyway."

Rahul just smirks and looks away. Maybe he didn't get the point. Virat might have to try a bit differently. His Rahuliyaa can be hell stubborn.

"But I guess it's more or less the same for you."

No response; and his silence stings more in the dead quietness of the street.

"Being Captain "

"Bhaiya I am totally getting what you're doing here. So please, stop." he cuts him off, finally speaking and stopping Virat's train. So he was understanding everything, just not giving in. Stubborn lanky rascal.

"Then why don't you spill it out?" Virat calls him out.

"Kya batau?" Rahul snaps, equally irritated. "Sab theek hai na. Jesa hota hai, wese hi hai sab. Aur kya? [Isn't everything's alright. Things are the way they were. What else?]"

Virat didn't know what to make out of this answer.

"Isn't everything alright?" He has been asking the same question to himself for the last few months. Mahi bhai left so stealthily. The mess Ro and he had been creating. Everything's piling on him. Everything.

And he doesn't know if it's alright or not? He feels like a kid who's parents left their hand in midway. The scared little boy seeking a hand to hold but his older brother left him alone again, quitting in the middle again.

Didn't he promise they'll win the world cup together again? Didn't he promise they'll make it happen? He'll do it even if he had to go to extremes then why? Why did his brother leave like that? Virat didn't know.

"Isn't it?" Virat couldn't help but say as nonchalantly as possible. Please, let them take this as a statement, not a question, please. He prayed in his mind. His words finally pushing Rahul to the extreme.

Rahul stopped on his tracks, turned towards Virat. His eyes holding extreme pain as he finally cracked.

"Is everything really alright, Virat? Are you really able to sleep in the nights? What's with the extremely tired eyes and fake smiles? What's with the world after your blood? Isn't it all because of me? Couldn't you make Sikhi pa VC? It wouldn't have ignited such a backlash. What were you thinking? Why do you put so much faith in me? I'm not worth it,"

And with Rahul's every word Virat realized. The guy wasn't burdened by the added responsibility. He was burdened by his self-imposed guilt and worry for his older brother. Virat didn't quite know what to do with this guy?

"Kiddo!!" Yes, Virat finally gave up all the pretence and professionalism hugging Rahul.

"I'm fine. The world always have been like that, they criticized Dada, Sachin paji, Mahi bhai in a movie, they were behind Mahi bhai like Mahi bhai had stolen their fortune. What I'm facing is nothing compared to that? At least, they didn't make a movie to criticise me," Virat shrugged, hugging his Rahuliya close to him.

These hugs and love always made him feel better.

"But" Rahul still protested, he was very angry with the whole wide world right now. And, even more, affected than anyone else on Virat's criticism. (The kids will like to challenge Rahul on this front, they had been as worried as anyone)

"No buts, I'm fine, I'm with my family and that's all matter. Now, drink water" Virat said handing Rahul an open water bottle, which Rahul took totally trusting his Virat bhai.

If it was anyone besides Rahul or the kids. They wouldn't have been as trusting as to take anything open given by a certain Kohlito, also known as the trickster supreme. Once upon time ages, ago, a certain Jinks had made the mistake of asking Beetroot jucie from a certain Kohli. He had received chilli sauce juice instead.

The guy still refuses to have anything from Virat. But these kids hadn't met the vintage trickster Virat. So, Rahul drank the water provided by Virat without any suspicions as Mayank demanded from Virat very cutely.

"Ain't I your kid?? Won't I get a hug?"

"Of course, you're baccha" Virat said pulling Mayank in for a crushing hug, also the perfect cover for his prank with Mayank in his arms. Virat squeezed the bottle in Rahul's hand in such a way that half of the water splashed on Rahul's face, the other half on Mayank.

For a few seconds, both the kids continued staring at Virat totally baffled, but when the incident finally sank in. They looked at Virat glaring.

"You're so going to regret that," Rahul screamed, Mayank nodded as both of them chased after Virat with water in hand. Throwing and Splashing water on each other like mischievous, laughing schoolboys.

The boys laughed and finally enjoyed a totally worry-free moment. Water dripping down from their hairs, shirt drenched and laughter bubbling freely from their chests.

Virat was very happy with his handy work. At least, the kids looked truly happy and refreshed and not fake happy.

"So, should we buy something for the children?" Virat asked the boys, well, gifts make everyone happy right though he didn't want to imagine the shopkeeper's reaction when there dripping and drenched famous guys comes to buy frozen fruit, sugar and dairyless ice-creams for more than a dozen people.


Hardik Pandya, Manish Pandey and Ravindra Jadeja weren't actually waiting for Virat Kohli, KL Rahul and Mayank Agarwal in the lobby. They were unable to sleep, so, they were pacing around. No, they weren't awaiting anyone.

And if they kinda perked up hearing Virat's voice. It was nothing actually. They said na they weren't waiting for them, though they couldn't understand the line of the trio's conversation.

"You know people tend to look at you oddly when you don't have any children and say we should buy something for the kids," Virat was grumbling.

"Well, then you shouldn't publically talk about buying gifts for kids," Rahul was teasing, Harry was certain of that but when he finally spotted them. He couldn't help but blurt out totally perplexed.

"Did you guys play Holi or something?"

He didn't know why his question made them laugh like there's no tomorrow?

Did they lose their mind out there or what?

~the end~

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