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MR Nags was an odd but bearable creature, well, make it slightly bearable people. And none of the players wanted to see either the head or the hide of one Mr Nags after IPL. Well, The RCB players would love to all but disappear if they were made to face Mr Nags, all of sudden.

So, imagine the extent of those players surprise when one fine morning while the team India was having a "peaceful", special emphasis on peaceful here, breakfast in their team hotel in Pune. Few people, make it players, suddenly started hallucinating a dreadfully familiar tone's whisper yells of:






The players hearing these voices couldn't help but try banging these horrifying names out of there minds. Okay! Why were they imagining Mr Nags calling them out of all people and that too so early in the morning? Was something wrong mixed in their food?

The boys thought smelling and analyzing their foods to detect something odd in it but they couldn't. Shrugging, they kept in nibbling on their food pondering the reason behind hallucinating such a terrifying voice when to the gates leading to the dinning area opened with a bang.

The whole ICT turned towards the entrance startled and then kept on staring completely awestruck.

The spoon slipped from Yuzi's hand.

Washy spilled the juice all over Shreyas.

Rahul spit out the water in his mouth on Mayank, coughing violently.

Umesh's mouth was hanging open.

And Virat, Virat was rubbing his eyes trying to dispel the horrible sight from his view. This couldn't be happening. This can't be true but no matter how hard he rubbed the sight in front of him didn't change.

There dressed in a neon blue version of the ICT kit with bright magenta hair, his trade mark black glares, mustache and head band stood Mr Nags in all his dreary glory.


The obnoxious guy yelled delightfully throwing both his hands up and making #peas gesture with his hands. The antic enough to make most of the RCB, current and ex combined players slowly get up from their chairs and using it as a literal shield to defend themselves from this crazy creature.

They didn't quite know what he was doing here?

"VEEROT! MY TURU LOB!! AREN'T YOU HAPPY TO SEE ME?" Nags yelled almost like an over-clingy, over-dramatic, daily soap soon to be ex-girl friend, as he made his way towards Virat.

"NO!" Virat deadpanned totally horrified to see this guy here. He had an expression that screamed "Bhaago!!!" and the fact that people were pulling themselves as far from him wasn't helping the matter at all.

Though Nags wasn't at all deterred by Virat's cold, totally unenthusiastic reply as he halted beside Virat's chair looked around and yelled, "Oye Bevarsi Kudka!! Bring the choir for me now!"

And then smiled sweetly at Virat.

"Now, don't lai VEEROT. I Know YOu messed your one and only Bestie. Your Brother. Your ultimate Bromance partner!" said Mr Nags, over-dramatically trying to hug his Veerot who was fending him of with spoons.

"You and I both know that's lie, dude" Virat deadpanned again as Nags looked around totally stumped.

"Now where is that rascaaal? Where is my chair?" Nags asked around as he noticed Rahul all but trying to shift under the table to escape Nags

"Kamaladu Logesh! how are you Mahn? How does it feels to Captain RCB lite?" Mr Nags asked very-very jollily turning to Rahul.

Rahul glared daggers at Mr Nags.

"Now!! Now!! Don't be shaye Rahool! No shaam aadmeeting u larned evarything from me, even Yuz's aadmits aai am his guru!"said Mr Nags, full of his self praises, making Mayank giggle.

"Aaaiyoooo...Saar" Nags exclaimed awestruck looking at Mayank and then asked totally with a blank face, "Who are you saar?"

Making both Hulrat facepalm as they looked at each other and the other almost invisible mates of there.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have a resort to chill in?" Rahool asked.

"I waas doing just that, I was in my Maaldeevs on my private yatch relaxing, enjaying being keng Nags of the world ven BCCI called me saying...aaiyo MR Nags, ur Veerat needs you, the team is in troubled waters, they need your expertise and all. They requested me again and again and you know I lub my Veerot, so, here I'm the new Head Coach of ICT!!!" Mr Nags beamed showing his pearly teeth.

While the ICT members looked totally horrified as they yelled, "WHAAAAAAT!"

"Yes, yes no need to be so ekcited!! AAI doing this for my Veerot, not at all for ten crows. I've many ten crows. ai'll teach u my Nags special Kowli Saru technique too, so No Waries guys!! WE'LL have porty times" Nags continued rambling about all his brilliant strate-jiii.

Virat looked at Rahul.

Rahul looked at Virat.

Their expressions screaming "Mummy Baccchao!!!"

~the end~

Imagining the brilliant regime of head coach Mr Nags.

And Yuzi got married today, I still can't believe it.

So, Nivedita_SS, hope this makes you happy. I don't know how it came out to be?

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