1: Exorcists!!

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Looks like Allen only arm and eye thing are switched.

My names Silver, I have grayish silver eyes, short white hair,15 , I'm 5,6 and I'm a parasitic type innocence user.

I used to work for the black order till I uncovered there dark history on a certain type of experiments they were doing. That was 3 years ago. I'm still an exorcist only I work alone. I destroy akuma in my area and collect innocence if there is any and send it to the black order. Thats the only contact I have with them. They do not know where I live. And am happy they don't. I don't need any exorcist knocking at my door.

Other then that my life is pretty normal. I go to school have, a part time job, but I live alone. I don't have any parents or siblings anymore. They were killed by an akuma. The Millennium Earl offered me the deal and I regrettably accepted. My little sister is what killed me inside. And being as young and naive as I was I brought her back to life. Biggest mistake ever. She tried attacking and killing me. But my innocence awoke and killed her before she could kill me. I was 6 at the time. I was always alone living on the streets. So when I left the black order nothing changed.

I wake to the sound of my alarm going off. I sigh hitting the button yawning. Looking at the time which read 6 am. I didn't get back till 4am this morning. Damn I was tired it had been a long night. I had to leave the area because a large group of akuma had decided to start attacking a small town. Funny thing was there wasn't any innocence. It was strange but they were all level 1 and 2 akuma's so they are still pretty stupid. I get up walking sluggishly to the closet were I pull on a bra obviously, a black cut off tank top which shows a little stomach, black legging, a pull over black and white frilly skirt. Hay I may be a badass doesn't mean I can't enjoy being a little girly. Next I pull on my black socks and Cafe high black boots. I go into the bathroom cleaning my face, brush my teeth, brush my hair, everything I need to do. I dont where makeup, and the bright red scar on my right eye is to bold to be covered up. When I finish it's 6:43. I go to the kitchen and grab an apple. I get my bag and put it inside. I rush to the garage opening the door. I see my motercycle. Its a black crouch rocket with a white star on the right side. I wheel it out then shut the garage. I put on my helmet put the key in kick the kick stand up and ride out of there.

I drive into the parking lot parking in a random spot close to the entrance. I get off kicking the kickstand. I take my helmet off putting it in my bag. I grab my apple and take a bite while I walk to the doors. Just then the bell rings. Whoa got here just in time. I hurry to math class. I'm in 10 grade so geometry. Woohoo not my sarcasm. I take my seat pulling out my notebook. I finish my apple the quickly copy down the problems from the board and solve them. Teacher blabs on about numbers and shapes I don't really care to listen. I already know this. Half way through class my right eye starts acting up. I was in tremendous pain too. It was acting like it was searching for something. I raise my hand asking to be excused. With a reluctant sigh she lets me go. I grab my things and head to the bathroom. I get there and my eye was going crazy looking for something. What was going on? What was it doing? This has never happened before so I don't know what to do. I splash some water on it but that causes even more pain. I cuff my eye. I Didn't understand what was going on. After a while my eye goes back to normal. I sigh leaving. I check the clock on the wall seeing I was in there for a good 2 hours. Wow it didn't seem like I was in there that long. I was in science now. I go to class walking in. I take my seat." Hello silver would you mind explaining why you are late?" I hate this guy he's always trying to get me in trouble for something." I'm terribly sorry for being late mr beck but I was having feminine issues that needed taken care of." I lied. His face turns a bright red causing the whole class to laugh. He just huffs telling us to go back to work. It wasn't an entire lie I was having issues just not girl issues.

I pull out my textbook and start rereading this weeks chapter. 30 minutes later the bell rings for lunch A. Lucky for me I was in that group. I walk to lunch stopping at a vending machine for a big bag of chips and a bottle of water. For a parasitic accomadater we normally have a huge appetite. But unfortunately for me I've had to train my body to be able to handle small potions of food for long periods of time. Since I lack a lot of money and food. Now when i do have those things I can be a real pig. I find an empty table and sit at it. I silently eat my food and drink my drink. I don't have any friends everybody here thinks I'm to weird. I don't really care what they think though I don't need friends. Ive lived on my own for half my life, I'm good. Suddenly the whole cafeteria quiets down. I slowly turn around only for my eyes to widen in shock. There stood 5 exorcists.

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