18: Mysterious white being

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I wake up in an all white room. Where was I. It's so bright. Squinting my eyes I notice I'm NACKED. I try covering myself the best I can. Which unfortunately wasn't much. I turn around to see something. It kinda resembled a gate. A creepy gate with an eye on it. I then notice the person if you can call it that sitting on the ground. What freaked me out though was this person was completely white except for there black outline and that they were staring at me while I was trying to cover myself. Perv with a capital P.The person also only had a mouth.

I couldn't tell if it was a man or women because they wore no clothes or had any private parts. I'm startled when it starts speaking." Welcome silver to The Gate." Imagine me staring at someone with a wtf face. That's what I was currently giving him or her ,o hell I'll call them it.

"Um ok sorry, but I think you have the wrong silver so if you could kindly point me to the exit door I'll be on my way." It laughs making me jump." You don't realize where you are do you? This is the place all beings come before life and after death."" Wait so why am I here then?" It laughs again before answering." Your here because whatever that drug they injected into your body was it killed you." I back away shocked. This couldn't be right. I can't be dead the last thing I....remember....was............ Why can't I remember anything?" Suddenly the memories come all at once. Pain rips through my head as I drop to the ground holding it. I remember from the time I was little and my family being killed to my mental break down in the gym and then before my death. The Noah's they had found out i was a traitor, but I was unsure of how. Then they started to profusely experiment on me. The last thing I remember was some kind of white substance being injected into my arm then pain. That's when I blacked out, but I guess I died instead of waking up.

Damn I can't die, not yet anyway. I have to kill the Noah and prove to everyone that even though me and Allen have awakened our Noah genes, we don't side with them. We never did and never will.

Looking up I see its still standing there with a huge grin on its face. Mustering up the bravest face and voice I can I speak." No, I'll be damned if i die now. I have people counting on me and I'm not about to let them down. I've worked to hard for it to just end like this!" It stares at me a minute more before laughing." I can bring you back to life, but there's a price. Are you prepared to pay for the sake of life again." I nod"I plan to do whatever it takes." It smirks again holding its arms out." Your lucky I've never just given back a life, not even to the Elric brothers who sacrificed everything., but I'm willing to help, you seem............. different. Though normally I would need a new body through alchemy, it seems yours is still in tacked. Very well when you awaken the payment will be taken." I nod ready to get back so I can hurry and kill those damn Noah's. The black gate opens revealing a large purple eye. Black tendrils suddenly spring from the dark abyss grabbing hold of my arms and legs. What the hell. Was I tricked? What was this basterd planning? What are these things? It pulls me in and all I see is darkness. There were pairs of eyes and laughing voices everywhere that belong to no one. I was utterly scared s***less. The next thing I know I'm waking up on a metal table in an all too familiar white room. Something was missing, I could feel it but didn't know what it was. It takes me a second for my eyes to adjust but when they do I'm shocked. It looked as if everything was in HD.(high definition). Getting used to it I'm suddenly aware of the blinding pain I feel all over my body. For a minute I wanted to scream, but then it suddenly disappears as if it were never there in the first place. Gulping down fresh air I look down at my body and am stunned. WHAT THE HELL. Dark red lines of all sorts covered my whole body except for my right arm that held my innocence, and my hand which now held a strange symbol. It looked like a strange star surrounded by a dragon or lizard with wings.

Weird, but I need to focus on what I came back for. Pulling against the metal binds that held my wrist and ankles down I'm surprised when they easily give way freeing my arms and legs. Whoa either I've gotten stronger or those bids somehow weakened over a short period of time. Looking around I spot my clothes on the floor in a corner. Walking over I pick them up noticing the long rips in the fabric. Literally nothing was holding my shirt together any more. Actually that could be classified as a shirt anymore. It was just ripped up fabric. Same for my pants, bra, and underwear. Going to a few cabinets I find a white sheet, Scissors and medical tape. Not waisting any time I begin making it into a dress for now. When I put it on the sheet it went to the ground so I cut it to my knees. Looking at myself I nod satisfied for now. Looking up I take a deep breath preparing my self. This was it, I would kill the Noah then me and Allen could back to the order. I take a step towards the door, but stop when it suddenly opens.

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