27: lies or truth of the unknown

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I sit in the cafeteria attempting to eat, but I'm just not hungry. It's been one week since silver disappeared. There's been no traces of where she could of gone. She was just gone, as if she was never there to begin with.

Tears stream down my face. I haven't been sent on any missions since. I demanded to komui not to send me on any missions. Finding my sister was my top priority.

It's strange when komui came in to inspect the area the symbol seemed to have shocked him. He left immediatly after. A little while later he called me to his office.

I step into komui's office taking a seat. Surprisingly for once it was actually clean. Looking up I spot komui and the the look on his face scared me. This wasn't like when he tried fixing my arm or when he made his robots. This was different." Allen I've called you because I wanted to talk to you about what happened. Can you tell me what happened?" I sigh." Me, lavi, and krory were all having competitions, you know the norm, but silver decided she wanted to join in. I would of stopped her, but that girl can be terrifying at times. She was in the middle of arm wrestling krory when she started coughing up blood, and froze up. She then fell to the ground and started drawing some weird star symbol in the circle. The next thing I know there a bright blue light and she's gone. Do you have any idea on what could of happened? People don't just disappear like that." He sighs," I may have a theory, but it's above you position. Just continue with missions and leave it to us." He says with a stone cold expression. Blinding white fury takes over my entire being. How dare he say something like that. "How could you say something like that komui, she's my sister. The sister I've been mystericaly reunited with after being separated from for 17 years...... What if it was leenalee? I know for a fact that you wouldn't just leave it to the higher up's. You would be doing whatever you could to find her and bring her home safe." I say trying to get him to agree.

He takes off his glasses rubbing his face." I'll do what I can Allen, just know I'm torn up about it to." With that he points to the door. I reluctantly leave. On my way out i see kanda walk in. Komui you better pray to God kanda accepts what you just told me.

Flashback end

There's something he's not telling us, But what? He knows how important this is to me. There's got to be a reason why he can't tell me. The higher up's probably made him swear it's secrecy.

Why did this have to happen? Couldn't we have just had normal lives? But if that was the case, I would of never met silver. I wouldn't of known I had a sister. Wait a minute did our birth parents abandon silver too because of her arm? There so heartless I hope I never see them again.

Anyway I need to figure out where silver went. Maybe that book has something to do with it. I'll have to search her room. Maybe I can get kanda to help.
20 min later
Me and kanda stand outside her door. "You ready" he nods slightly. Taking a deep breath i open the door. We walk in on guard. We were both expecting something to come flying at us. When nothing does we start looking around. Her closet, bed, under the bed, nightstand.

I open her dresser door only to go beat red. O God forgive me silver, it's just to find that book. In front of me were panties and bra's. Sliding my hand through it I couldn't help staring at them. They were so sexy. Hay I'm still a guy. I can't wait till silver's 18, then we can get married. I love her and will do whatever I can to protect her. After an agonizing few minutes of daydreaming about silver, I hit something smooth. Pulling it out I see its an old, brown, leather bond book. "Found it."

I stood outside that old hags mansion in the woods. I was waiting for envy. He's the one I've come in most contact with so I'm more familiar with him.

It doesn't take long before I see him leave the house walking into the woods. Silently I make my way to him. When I'm close enough I purposely me step on a branch catching his attention. He turns around and at the sight of me smirks. But I could tell by the look in his eye he was surprised to see me.

"Well, we'll if it isn't for the pipsqueek? What are you doing all the way out here? Did you come just to see me? I'm flattered."

That arrogant b*****." Shut up envy. I'm only here because I need a favor." I say glaring at him. Now he looked intrigued.

"O really and why would I do you any favors? Last time I checked we were enemies trying to kill each other." He says amused. I sigh he's right. "Look envy I wouldn't be asking for this if we didn't really need it. There's a girl in central. Shes a homunculi and she's dying because she doesn't have a philosopher stone." He stops abruptly, just thinking." Another homunculi, I call your bluff kid. You and your brother just want a stone."" I'm not lying." I yell causing him to smirk." Fine pip squeak I'll get you a stone but I want to see this supposed girl." I grit my teeth." Fine"

This kid had to be lying. Father makes us homunculi. And he hasn't made any lately so I had to see this.

Right now I was in the form of some random soldier as to not draw any attention to us. We slowly walk to central command. As we walk I notice all the humans smiling and laughing, loving care free lives without worry. It was amazing how they could live like that. Weren't they worried about what would happen next in life. A bomb could go off right now and that could be it for them. It's actually sad how they rely so much on their supposed military to protect them, when it's really the military they needed protection from. I must of been so distracted I didn't notice we were already there. This was it. Time to find out if this pip squeak was actually lying or not. I smirk at the thought of catching him in the act.

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