28: A homunculi without sin

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As soon as I stepped into the building I felt a immensely strong aura. Not only did the size and strength stun me, but the purity it gave off. It was so innocent, like a new born child that had just come into the world. I had never felt something like this, and in all honesty it kind of scared me.

The aura was so different then fathers. His aura also gave off a sense of immense power, but his included gave off, hostility, aggression and hate.

What I felt now was nothing other then raw purity. I wouldn't be surprised if I found out the source was a big ball of glowing white light.

Edward sighs in front of me before waking up the steps. He was probably nervous. I don't blame him. He's bringing a homunculi into the central command building willingly. Not only that but we were huge enemies. I was only doing this to prove the kid wrong. Though I'm starting to second guess myself by the confidence that shows in his eyes. Sad thing is I'm always in the building. The furer is wrath, a homunculi. Not that any of these petty humans knew.

Stepping into the building I'm surprised to see that it relatively calm today. Normally people are rushing around trying to get to places, but not today.

We walk up some stairs to a door. The sign next to it read medical. While walking up here, with each step I took I could tell the power frowing.The presence was inside this room I could tell. It was almost suffocating.

Edward opens the door walking in. He looks around before clenching his fists obviously furious." You wait here I'll go get her from the curnal. Before I can say any thing he's running out of the room slamming the door behind him.

Edwards a fool. The presence was in the room. Looking around I tense when I can't find it, Damn. Slowly I walk around the room. It was about the size of a large room. A little bigger then a master size bedroom. Walking to window I look out hoping to find it but I couldn't. Where the he'll was it hiding? I checked the closet, cabinets, under the beds. It was in the room that was a fact. Sighing I stare out the window observing the tiny helpless humans.

I almost scream when something suddenly jumps on my back pushing us forward. I bang against the glass cracking it. Before I can react the person grips my hair yanking it backwards before all but throwing my head against the window again. Almost instantly the glass shatters and we fall through. Who the he** was on my back? And how were they this strong? It takes me seconds to going them off my back and land on my feet.  The impact leaves a crater in the cement from my original size.

Flinging my hair out of my face I'm surprised to see a girl in front of me. She has short stark white hair, gray eyes, and was about 5,6. On her right arm it was completly black except for some glowing green diamond thing and on her left hand was the homunculis symbol, but what  shocked me the most was that the aura was coming from her. Her legs and the parts of her arm that I could see were covered in red lines. Looking back to her face I just then notice some weird gear things surrounding her right eye. Which was also red and black. Like a bullseye.

There's a bright grayish flash causing me to look away. When the light dims I'm surprised yet again. A black cape and mask were on her face and back. Her right hand was now made of metal and her left was now very thin.

What the actual he**." I will put your souls to rest demon. As you have been suffering way to long. It's time you were set free." She says lunging forward. I dodge as she tries slicing me with her claw like metal hands. I'm was impressed at her speed and strength. No human could have what she was displaying to me. It was unreal, but here it was as clear as day. This girl was the supposed homunculi and she wasn't been made by father.

Suddenly a dart flies into the side of her neck. She rips it out before stumbling and falling to the ground unconscious.

Looking up to where it came from, i see mustang, He grins. Giving a thumbs up. Edward runs out of the building quickly picking up the larger girl. It was funny because she was taller than him but thinner than him.

He walks back into the building. Soldiers and civilians were just watching the whole thing on aww." FORGET ALL THAT YOU HAVE SEEN THIS IS A MILITARY EXPERIMENT." With that he walks back into the room. O damn this place is going to be the death of me.

I walk back into the building going to the room I was brutally assaulted in. The girl laid in bed sleeping with a peaceful look on her face. Edward and Mustang surrounded her talking.

"So this is the girl?" I stated but it sounded more like a question. They both turn nodding." This is very strange. Father didn't make her. I wonder what her sin is? The strangest thing about this is she has an aura of only the purest of things surrounding her. It's as if she was born with no sin at all, but that can't be right as she bared out mark. She has to have one of the seven sins." I say staring at the girl.

I just meet her but already I could tell she wasn't like us. In more ways than one.

"Envy you've got to keep this a secret at least until we figure out what she is." Edward says staring at me pleadingly. I sigh nodding my head." Fine, this also may help her though." I say pulling out a philosopher stone.

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