29: Twin bond

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As I sat in the bed I started to sense an evil presence. My eye automatically activated and started searching for it. I could tell it wasn't a akuma. Akuma give off a sort of sad, aggressive type of oura. This was giving off an extremely vengeful oura. I was coming closer and closer to my room. I didn't recognize what this was coming from, and this scared me. On instinct I look for a place to hide. I chose under my bed. The sheets were long so even if it were to look under the bed it wouldn't see me unless it moved the sheets.

I could sense when it had reached the door.

The door opens. I could hear Edwards voice saying something, but couldn't quite make out what he was saying. Then all goes quiet.

There's the soft pitter patter of feet as they walk around the room slowly getting closer. I had to attack at just the right time or this won't work and it could possibly gain the upper hand. This thing can sense me too. It knows I'm in the room just doesn't know where.

Finally I see its shadow. It was looking under the bed. It just couldn't see me because of the sheet. Thank the Lord. It sighs standing staring out the window to the right of the bed. This was it. Quickly and silently I drop down climbing out from under the bed. I see a man with blond hair wearing a blue military uniform standing at the window staring out.

My right eye narrows revealing a man with green hair and revealing black clothes making me shudder. But what scared me was surrounding his body was a collective blob of red souls. Chains wrapped around each one of them binding them to the man. I wanted to cry as they were calling out to me. My hand ached to release them from their suffering.

Without realizing it I had already jumped on his back, attacking him. We smashed into the window cracking it. Grabbing his head I bash it against the window again, only this time the glass shatters and we fall through. I push away from him activating my innocence. Landing on my feet, I see he does as well.

He stares at me stunned I'm the first to speak. " I will put your souls to rest demon. As you have been suffering way to long. It's time you were set free." I say about to lung at him when I'm suddenly struck in the neck by something. I pull it out staring at it. A tranquilizer dart, damn. My vision blackens and I fall forward.

I wake in tremendous pain. I couldn't even describe it it hurt so bad. Snapping my eyes open I see envy ....................with his hand impailing my chest. I scream"MAKE IT STOP PLAESE" I beg staring at envy through tearful eyes. He pulls his arm away but the pain remains. " I don't know what's going on. Her body accepted the stone but she shouldn't be in pain like this." He backs away, panic in his eyes. Suddenly my right arm starts throbbing. Looking down I see Crown Clown had activated.

"Crown Clown," only the innocence on my hand was lighting up. This wasn't like when I activate it and it glows no this was different. Something was very wrong. I have to shield my eyes as the green light got brighter and brighter along with the pain getting more intense. I feel a prick in my left arm before darkness.

No one's pov

Allen walker sat in the dining hall with his friends attempting to chest him up when he started to feel pain in his chest and left arm where his innocence is located. He tried to ignore it but the pain grew more intense by the minute. Soon he couldn't breath. Grasping his chest his friends jump up rushing over to him." Allen what's wrong?" Leenale asks trying to figure out what was suddenly wrong with Allen now. She receives nothing but heavy breathing. He suddenly slumps to the floor curling into a ball sweating. " Allen come on man, got to tell us what's wro-" he suddenly screams. Clown Crown activates on its own pushing everyone back. Allen's left arm, his innocence was pulsing with a bright green color. Brighter then ever before. " SOMEONE GET A DOCTOR" leenale yells. She tries to get close to Allen but his innocence was blocking his body. All that could be seen and heard was the glowing green light on his hand, Crown Clown and his screams which were getting worse by the minute.

"Do you think this could be related to silver?" Lavi asks no one in particular." She could have something to do with it. They are twins and their innocence are almost exactly a like except for the color. She could be in tremendous pain right now and her innocence is trying to get help the only way it knows how to, which may be causing Allen pain." Kanda says a slight stutter in his voice.

He couldn't bare the thought of silver being in pain and he couldn't comfort her. The thought made his heart ach to The point he wanted to clutch at his chest. If there weren't people in the room he would if broke down right there.

The good news though is that they definitely know she's alive now, but as to her whereabouts. That was still a mystery. After a while the screams die down. The light dims back to its original glow. Everything was silent. Crown Clown deactivated leaving an unconscious Allen, who was still clutching his chest.

Everyone rushes over, but the doctor just pushes them all away. He examines Allen concentrating on only him and not the thousands of questions being thrown at him about if he was ok or not. Pulling his shirt up a frown etches itself across his face. There were no marks, not even redness. Taking his vitals the doctor sigh turning to everyone. Everyone's hearts sink as the see the look on the doctors face.

" I'm sorry but your friend has slipped into a coma."

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