30: Feelings

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You know when your dreaming, but you don't know your dreaming and you think it's real until you wake up realizing it wasnt, well that's kinda what's going on now except I know I'm not dreaming and I'm conscious for it. And I know I'm not day dreaming either.

Well when i first woke up it was just dark. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't open my eyes.

After a while of nothing but darkness and silence my eyes open, no not my eyes, someone else's eyes. But I could see out of the as if they were my own.

The person sits up looking around. There were strange men and a suit of armor standing around." Are you alright silver, I didn't expect you to attack envy like you did." A short male says with long golden hair in a braid.

Silver, I'm in silver's body. Yay now I can find out where she is and we can bring her home. Though if I don't hurry things may get a little weird. My intending point on the matter is I'm a boy in a girls body, and not just any girls my sister's. I mentally shiver at what she would do to me for this.

" i only attacked him because he has multiple soul's chained to his body who are in despair wanting nothing more then to be set free. Where I come from these being are called akuma. I'm sorry envy, but it's only natural I would want to kill you. I am an exorcist after all, She says." I could tell she was smiling, she wasn't sorry in the least.

I have to figure out when or even If I can speak to her. I don't want to just pop in saying hi when she's walking down the street or something. It may draw people's attention when she freaks out, because I know she will.

"Hay al did you notice since envy put the stone in her chest the red lines on her body have disappeared" the short kid asks the suit of metal.

"Actualy I did notice. I was wondering why they went away. Maybe it was another reaction to the stone." Metal man says a hand to his chin thinking.

"We also have to consider that she's not a normal homunculi. For one she passed through the gate being turned into a homunculi. Second She doesn't have a philosopher stone, we had to put one in her. Third she had a reaction to the stone as if it was causing her harm when it entered her body.

"O so that why I felt so much pain" I say almost immediatly wanting to slap myself." Allen is that you?" Silver asks worry etched into her voice. I sigh shaking my head before realizing she couldn't see me." Yah it's me sis." She laughs." How did you get into my head?" She didn't freak out. That's good.

"I don't know, one second I was in the dining hall with everyone eating, then the next thing I know I'm on the ground in tremendous pain. I must of blackened out. I don't know how I got here but after that I just woke up in your body."

She laughs again." Well I don't care how you got here. Im just glad your here. Things have been really strange since I left. I even found out what I am now. Well kinda and I even found out I'm in a different world."

"That's awesome silver. Everybody is working really hard trying to bring you back... Do you remember that circle thing you drew?"

"No, i don't sorry,"I say getting a little teary eyed. Everybody in the room was staring at me like I was crazy. Which I probably was. I don't care though, figuring what I've been through in my life I feel I've earned that right.

"Um silver are you ok," the Black haired guy warring the blue uniform asks.

"Yah I'm fine. I'm just talking to my brother Allen. By the way Allen said when I was transported here I drew some type of circle thing. Do you have any idea of what that could be?"

They all stare at me shocked." You performed alchemy beyond the gate? That's suppose to be impossible."

"Yah I don't know how though. I have no memory of performing it myself. My brother does though."

They think for a moment." That's really weird. You performed alchemy beyond the gate then became a homunculi passing through it." Braid says.

"Wait Edward I was a homunculi before I passed through the gate. That's why when you found me I was so frail and deathly. I don't know why but ever since I woke up I've been feeling really good." She says almost bouncing out of her spot. So thats his name. I wanted to laugh at how happy she was. She was adorable when she wasn't trying to act all tough.

We've both been through a lot in life but there's still a lot she hasn't told anyone about her past and its worrisome. If she doesn't let some emotion out and keeps it bottled up ital eventually affect her health.

Focusing back onto there conversation I hear something along the lines of that's why you feel better.

"Hay silver what did Edward say about you feeling better?"

"O he said while I was out they put a philosopher stone in my chest. My arm had some type of reaction to it but that's it."

"Maybe that's what I felt. I was feeling your pain through our bond" I say.

She goes quiet." You felt pain from it?" I don't answer. "I'm sorry Allen, I didn't mean to hurt you. I've been a terrible sister."

"No you haven't don't say that. It's not your fault something like this happened to you. It's the noahs fault. Besides if it weren't for you they probably would of already successfully awakened neah. So don't think like that silver. Once I'm back in my own body I'll do what ever it takes to bring you home so we can be together again. And I know you want to see kanda he's been a wreck worrying about you."

She laughs at that." Thanks Allen I couldn't ask for a better brother, I love you."

My heart warms.

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