31: Mr. Pirate attacks

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Be warned this chapter may be a little offensive to some people. I'm sorry if you are offended.


For the next few days ed, al, and mustang teach me about this world and about alchemy. They were pretty shocked to find out I did posses the ability to perform alchemy even though to them it should be impossible. I seem to be doing a lot of that lately defying all odds. I kinda even beat death for a price.

Allen's pretty interested in this alchemy ability too. He says once he wakes up he'll have to try and see if he can perform alchemy.

I tell you though. It's a lot to memorize. Ed and al both have the entire periodic table memorized. If I was to transform something into another I would need the right ingredients to do it. It's just yo much. Even though i posses the ability to use alchemy I don't think I'll be using much of it.

Doesn't mean I won't try to learn as much as I can though still. It is pretty interesting learning a different power then you already posses.

I sit in mustang office bored. Mustang was on the phone talking. I didn't really care so I don't listen. A few soldiers I forgot the names of were sitting on the room doing mustangs paper work. Reminds me of komui only it just sits on his desk and doesn't get done. Komui takes not wanting to do paperwork to a whole new level. It's quite sad actually.

Ed and al went somewhere I don't know where.

Suddenly the door opens and in walks a really weird big man with an eye patch. Ooo I think him and lavi might get along. Everybody stops what their doing standing up saluting him. Mustang hangs up the phone standing as well." At ease soldiers". They all sit back down sighing. The man stared at me then to mustang." Furer Bradley I wasn't expecting you." Mustang says glaring at the man. Allen was laughing his a** off in my head. I on the other hand was covering my mouth with my hand. It was so obvious mustang didn't like this man one bit. Either this furer Bradley guy didn't get the hit or he didn't care because he just starts talking again.

"Ahh I'm only here because I heard you had an interesting guest here." He says turning to me. Yet again staring at me with his one eye. I wonder if I made a pirate reference if he would get mad?" You should do the eye one. The one you did to lavi, when you asked him about his eye patch." I smirk to myself. Great idea Allen.

"You stare a lot don't you." He smiles but you could tell it was forced." You must be the young lady I've heard so much about." He says turning towards me." I didn't realize I was that popular. Dang mustang why won't you let me leave and go bask in my fame." He fakley laughs glaring at me. The furer as well laughs but I think he truly was entertained by me.

"Your quiet the funny girl, mustang you wouldn't mind if I borrowed her to ask her a few questions?" Mustang shakes his head stiffly." Not at all sir but know she has a temper." He says sighing, almost as if I cause him trouble. O I'll cause him trouble alright."I'll take that into consideration. Thanks for the warning." He gives me a closed eyed smile afouring me a hand which I reluctitly take."Keep your eye on him, he's strange and I have a feeling something bads going to happen." Allen's right I had that feeling to.

Pirate man leads me out of the office down a hall then another hall, then another till it got to the point there would be no way id be able to find my way back without getting lost.

We get to a door walking in. I see a huge office. Much bigger then mustangs. The office consisted of a desk, a window behind the desk, a few chairs and a filing cabinet to the right on the wall. It was a pretty plain office. He walks to his desk taking his seat. I sit across from him." So tell me, what's your name?" Dang blunt much. "My names Walker, silver Walker." Aww you took my last name." Allen cooes." Shut up Allen of course I did, I don't have one and you are my twin brother. So it's only natural we have the same last name." I say to Allen in my head. He goes quiet. Looking back up to pirate man I decide to try some jokes out now." Hay Mr. Bradley have you seen any good movies lately." He stares at me unamused. Damn that didn't work. At least when I did it to lavi he gave me a reaction this guy is just staring at me.

"Sooo how about those questions?" I ask rubbing the back of my neck. "Ok tell me silver is it true your a homunculi." O sh** better play dumb." A what? What's a homunculi?" He stares a me before sighing. Before I can react my left hands being slammed down on the desk and my gloves ripped off. There my homunculi symbol sat as plain as day on my pale skin. I growl raising my right hand and punching him in the face. He seems shocked and release my hand enough I'm able to flip backwards away from him.

Suddenly pain erupts through my chest making me gasp. Moving my shirt a bit I see the faint glow of my new philosopher stone in my chest." So it's true your body really does react negatively towards the philosopher stone.

Pushing the pain away I glare at him. "Your a homunculi that hasn't been made by father, he can't control you. So I will personally kill you for him. You will only get in his way. But before I do kill you i should properly introduce myself. My names wrath, third son of father." He says taking his swords from his holsters. Sh**. Hes a homunculi too. Envy you snitch. Fine if its a fight he wants its a fight he'll get.

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