Chapter 33

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(Readers POV)

(Y/N): Jaune can I hear you again?

Jaune: I said we steal a bullhead.

Good, I'm not going crazy. I did hear him right.

(Y/N): Of course you would come up with something like that.

Jaune: It's still a good idea.

(Y/N): Whatever. You can tell me the full plan in the morning.

I walked up to the couch and laid down. I closed my eyes.

Jaune: You're going to sleep already?

(Y/N): Yeah. Your problem?

I moved a little to get more comfortable. I felt weight on me. I opened one of my eyes to see Yang on top of me. She gave me a small smile. She rested her head on my chest and closed her eyes. I wrapped one of my arms around her to keep her close. I closed my eye and went to sleep.

(Time skip)

Me and Yang are riding her bike in the forest near Argus. For Jaune's plan, I have to destroy a Communication Tower so Caroline can't track the bullhead. Yang stopped and I got off.

Yang: The tower should be up ahead. Come back here once you're done.

(Y/N): Alright. See you in a bit.

I was about to leave, but Yang grabbed my arm.

Yang: This is for good luck.

She gave me a kiss on the lips. I returned the kiss. We separated and I started to run.

(Y/N): I don't need luck, but I do appreciate Yang's concern.

I said to myself. After a bit of running, I made it to the tower. I jumped up and made it to the top. I saw a control panel.

(Y/N): I guess this makes it easier.

I walked up to the panel. I was about to touch a button, but I was kicked away. I quickly got on my feet and looked up to see Blake.

(Y/N): The hell are you doing here?

Blake: This isn't where you trained yesterday.

(Y/N): Wait, were you watching me train with Yang yesterday?

Blake: Maybe.

So that's why I was getting the feeling of being watched.

Blake: I was going to attack you, but that blonde girl was with you.

I got my shields up and rushed over at Blake. I hit her off the tower.

(Y/N): The tower is going to have to wait.

I jumped down and went after Blake. All she was doing was dodge my attacks. She didn't even try to attack back.

(Y/N): Why aren't you fighting back?

She just jumped from tree to tree. I quickly ran after her. I jumped up, but she used her semblance to dodge me again.

(Y/N): This is getting annoying!

She jumped off a tree and went down. I ran over to see that she jumped down a cliff. There was a waterfall and some stone bridges.

(Y/N): Where did she go?

I felt a kick to my back. I fell down the cliff, but I was able to land fine. I looked up to see that Adam was the one to kick me down. He jumped down and look at me.

Adam: So we meet again.

(Y/N): Good to see you. I need to repay you for stabbing my stomach and cutting Yang's arm off.

Adam: I'd like to see you try.

He rushed over at me. He started to swing his sword. I put up my shields to block his strikes. I looked up to see Blake trying to hit me from above. I jumped back to avoid her.

Adam: You aren't going anywhere.

Adam dashed forward at me. I tried my best to keep my guard up. I was able to punch him and he was sent back a bit. I didn't get a chance to breathe because Blake went to attack me. I put my shields up.

(Y/N): I'd be fine if it was one of them, but I'm against both. This won't be easy.

I said under my breath. I jumped back to get some distance. Blake ran at me and kept on attacking. I was about to counter attack, but Adam got behind me and sent me forward.

Blake: This kill is mine.

Adam: That's fine with me.

Blake ran at me. I got up and jumped in the air. I kicked her in the face. She used her semblance so I only kicked her shadow. Adam was in the air and about to strike at me. He looked up and got hit be... Yang's bike?!

(Y/N): What the?!

Blake was about to hit me, but Yang got behind her and punched her away.

Yang: Are you ok?

I landed and looked at Yang.

(Y/N): I'm fine. These two got stronger since last time. Get out of here.

Adam: You should listen to him. You should run, unless you want to loss your other arm.

Adam started to laugh. I looked over at Yang and she was shaking. I put my arm on her shoulder and her shaking stopped.

(Y/N): It's ok. Don't let him get to you.

Yang: Alright.

Adam: You really are foolish. It seems that we need to teach you two a lesson.

(Y/N): Yang, you take Blake. I'll get Adam.

Yang: Got it.

She rushed over at Blake and Adam rushed over to me.

(Y/N): Come at me!

I ran over at Adam. I parred his sword and kicked him in the stomach. I rushed over at him and started to give him a barrage of punches. He blocked them with his sword and it started to glow red.

Adam: Take this!

I put my shields up and he slashed at me. He cut through part of my right shield. I backed up and looked at it. He cut it in half. I looked at him and he smiled at me.

(Y/N): That was close.

I think I figured him out. I can't hit his sword. I ran over at him. He thought I was going to attack him because he raised his sword up. I smirked at him and grabbed him by the arm. I slammed him in the ground.

Adam: How?!

I grabbed his ankle and started to spin around. I saw that Blake was pushing Yang back. I threw Adam at Blake and they collided together. I ran over to Yang.

(Y/N): You ok?

Yang: I'm fine.

I looked ahead to see Adam and Blake getting up. Adam dashed behind us and tried to attack Yang. I got in front of Yang and held my right arm up.

Yang: (Y/N)!

I looked to see my arm starting to bleed. I kicked Adam back. I held my arm. My aura should heal it quickly.

(Y/N): You really are a bastard.

Adam: I can tell that you two are slowly losing. Just give up and accept your fate.

(Y/N): Like hell I will! I will never lose to someone like you!

Adam: What do you mean?

(Y/N): I won't lose to someone who cares only for himself! Blake is only here because you wouldn't beat me and Yang by yourself!

I looked back to see Blake's face. Even with her mask on, I can tell that she knows I'm right.

Adam: I'm doing this for the Faunus.

(Y/N): I don't give a damn about that! All you want is power over the Faunus! I'm going to kill you. Not for my sake, but for Yang's!

I rushed over at Adam. He swung his sword at me. I dodged and grabbed him by the face.

(Y/N): This is for stabbing my stomach.

I slammed his face down in the ground, making a small crater.

(Y/N): This is for Yang's arm.

I slammed him down again. Making the crater bigger.

(Y/N): And this is for everyone else you killed in cold blood!

I slammed him one more time. The mask he was wearing broke and he had burn marks on his left eye.

(Y/N): You disgust me, bull.

Adam got up and pushed me away. He dashed at me and swung his sword down. I raised my arms to block the oncoming attack. A bunch of smoke came up. I didn't feel anything. The smoke cleared and showed Yang using her semblance. She caught Adams sword with her left arm.

Yang: Gotcha.

Yang broke Adams sword in two.

Adam: The hell?!

She reeled her right arm back and punch Adam in the face. She punched so hard that her robot arm shattered on impact. Adam was sent back into the nearby cliff. His aura shattered and he started to stumble.

Adam: Blake! What are you doing?! Attack them!

I looked back to see Blake. She started to hesitate and didn't move. I looked at Yang and gave her a nod. Yang was still holding a part of Adams sword. We started to run at him. I noticed the broken part of my shield on the ground. I grabbed it.

Adam: BLAKE!

Yang got behind Adam and stabbed him. I thrusted my broken part of my shield and stabbed Adam too. Adam looked down shocked. He started to lose conciseness. I leaned in his ear.

(Y/N): All is fair in love and war.

Me and Yang let go and Adam stumble of the stone bridge and fell to the water below.

(Chapter 33 end)

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