Chapter 34

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(Readers POV)

Me and Yang fell down to our knees. We are both out of breath. I looked over at Blake. She wasn't moving. She could easily kill me and Yang, but she didn't move a step.

Yang: Why isn't she attacking us?

(Y/N): Don't know.

Blake looked down at the water Adam fell into.

Blake: He's gone.

I saw her shed some tears. She fell to her knees. She took off her mask and threw it away. I walked up to her, knelt down, and put my hand on her shoulder.

(Y/N): Are you ok?

She looked at me and she wrapped her arms around me in a hug. She put her face in my shirt and started to cry into it. I was taken back by this. I started to rub her back to comfort her.

Blake: Thank you.

(Y/N): For what?

Blake: For getting rid of him!

Was Adam really that big of a piece of trash? Me and Blake stayed for a bit. She removed her face from my shirt and we stood up.

Blake: I can't thank you enough.

(Y/N): No problem.

We broke the hug and Blake turned to Yang.

Blake: I want to apologize for everything that happened to you.

Yang: You didn't do any of this. It was Adam and I think he got what he deserved.

Yang gave a thumbs up. Blake smiled and thought to herself for a minute.

Blake: Humans really aren't as bad as I thought.

Good to see that she finally sees with reason. I put my hand on her shoulder again.

(Y/N): What are you going to do now?

Blake: With Adam gone, I'm now the leader of the White Fang. I'm going to turn the White Fang back to what it once was, a peaceful group that will fight for equality without destroying anything.

(Y/N): That's something I would support.

Blake: Really?

Yang: Yeah. If you need any help sometime in the future, you know who to call.

Blake: Thank you two, from the bottom of my heart.

She gave me a quick hug and started to run. She ran into the forest, disappearing from my line of sight. I walked up to Yang.

(Y/N): Are you fine?

Yang: Yeah, but I could really use a "Hand."

She showed me her lack of her robot arm. I sighed and facepalmed.

(Y/N): You maybe a good fighter, but you are not a great comedian.

Yang: Come on! That was funny.

(Y/N): How is everyone else?

I looked behind me to see a bullhead landed next to me and Yang. The door opened and Ruby was there.

Ruby: Come on love birds! There is a Grimm trying to attack Argus!

(Y/N): I'm going to ignore the love birds comment.

We ran into the bullhead and it took off.

(Y/N): You guys actually got a bullhead?

Ruby: Yeah. It took some convincing, but Caroline let us keep it.

I turned towards a window and saw a giant Grimm walking through the water. It breathed fire at anything that went near it.

(Y/N): Holy crap. That thing's huge.

We got somewhat close to it, but not too close so we get burned to a crisp. The door opened. Yang and Nora are shooting at the Grimm. I sat down and Jaune sat down next to me.

Jaune: Kinda sucks, doesn't it?

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Jaune: Me and you don't have guns attached to our weapons. So we can't really do much.

(Y/N): I hate to say this, but you're right. I hate being a sitting duck, not being able to do anything.

Jaune: Yeah. What happened to you and Yang? She doesn't have her arm and your right shield is broken.

(Y/N): We fought some White Fang members and won. Yang punched the dude so hard, that her arm shattered into pieces.

Jaune: Really? That must have been a tough fight.

(Y/N): Nothing me and Yang can't handle.

I looked up to see Ruby jumping on a big white hornet. It flew away and went to the Grimm.

Jaune: What is she doing?

(Y/N): Did no one tell you about the silver eyes?

Jaune: The silver eyes?

(Y/N): Just watch.

We continued to watch. Ruby got in front of the Grimm. After a little bit of time, a white light started to surround the Grimm entirely.

Jaune: You're saying that Ruby is doing that?!

The light cleared up and the Grimm was now stone.

Jaune: Holy crap!

(Y/N): I'd say that our job here is done.

I was about to get up, but I can hear rumbling. I looked down to see the Grimm broke it's head out of the stone.

Jaune: That's not good!

The Grimm was about to use its fire breath again. A giant mech with a drill arm dash at the Grimm and started to drill it. The Grimm screamed in pain and started to turn to dust. The hornet came back to the bullhead and Ruby jumped back in.

Ruby: That was scary.

Yang wrapped her one arm around Ruby.

Yang: At least you're ok! That was too close for comfort. Don't scare me like that.

Ruby: Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.

Yang let Ruby go and Yang sat down next to me.

Yang: Today has been a rollercoaster of events.

(Y/N): Yeah. Really glad that we are getting a breather.

Ruby: We should be going to Atlas now.

The bullhead turned and started to go in one direction.

(Y/N): Who is piloting?

Maria: I am!

I looked over to see Maria smiling at me.

(Y/N): You can drive a bullhead, but you need me to carry you down the street?!

Maria: I can do what I want.

I was about to go off in a fit of rage. Yang grabbed my hand and I calmed down.

Yang: You need to work on that short temper.

(Y/N): I am not short tempered.

She looked at me with a skeptical look.

(Y/N): Fine, I might get annoyed easily.

Yang: Alright. Whatever you say.

I looked out the front window and saw some buildings.

(Y/N): Is that Atlas?

Everyone else turned and looked through the front window. The clouds cleared up and there Atlas was.

(Y/N): Looks like we made it.

(Chapter 34 end)

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