Some info on my OC

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Name: Haruka
Age: 17
Gender: Female

She got her Yokai watch when she was wandering through the forest. She saw a quarter machine, and her prize was whisper, the Yokai butler.


Toadal Dude
Blizzaria(Nickname: Tsurara)
Snee(Nickname: Chance)

She has a unique way of battling.

She has the strange ability to fuse with a single Yokai, and that Yokai only. Which, is Jibanyan.

She's also the only person who can fuse.

This ability gives her red cat ears, and two red tails, along with a scarf similar to Jibanyans sweater thing. Her hair also turns red and white. She also gains the power of fire. When she's defeated, Jibanyan and her separate, causing the two to return to normal. The same thing happens when she wins. The two can fuse and unfuse whenever. While she's fused, her other Yo-Kai battle alongside her.

Looks(Normal form):

(Not the clothes tho lol)


I'll draw the fused form eventually lol

Oh yeah.

She met Arachnus when Toadal told her to increase the Fleshy Souls team barrier. She had to fight Arachnus, and his minions, after their brawl, they became friends. He likes her, along with Toadal. Which explains why the two still argue with each other when they're both near/accompanying her.

Personality: Carefree, Goofy, Cheerful, bold.


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