Tips - Sealed Medallium Pages!

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Alright. In the games, if you look in the back pages of the medallium, there are five pages that have eight tribe symbols in a circle like shape.

If you look on the upper screen of  your ds, you'll see the same layout, except there are sometimes names of Yo-Kai listed.

If you collect the 8 Yo-Kai needed, you'll unlock one of the five legendaries!

And that's why I'm here! Cause I know what legendaries there are, and how to obtain them!

I'm only gonna cover the first game... Sorry! It'd take forever to list both lol

1: Shogunyan

Ahh... Probably one of my favorite legendaries of the first game.

In the anime, he says that he's one of Jibanyans ancestors.


Yo-Kai needed:

• Dismarelda
• Happierre
• Leadoni
• Jibanyan
• Draggie
• Castelius III
• Tattletell
• Mochisimo

2: Komashura

A legendary Komasan!

I've always liked this one, but I've never obtained him ^^'

According to its Description, It apparently has relations with a rare S-Rank Yo-Kai called Demona.


Yo-Kai Needed:

• Komajiro
• Komane
• Quaken
• Blazion
• Casanuva
• Kyubi
• Lava Lord
• Mad Mountain

3: Elder Bloom

Cherry blossoms grandpa! XD


Yo-Kai Needed:

• Hungramps
• Bloominoko
• Negasus
• Castelius Max
• Betterfly
• Heheheel
• Timidevil
• Dromp

4: Dandoodle

The legendary manjimutt ._.'


Yo-Kai Needed:

• Manjimutt
• Cuttincheez
• Drizzle
• Everfore
• Insomni
• Skreek
• Compunzer
• Nagatha

5: Gilgaros

The strongest Oni ever born.

And possibly the hardest and most time consuming legendary to get.

You need all the s-rank rare Yo-Kau that you get outta the Crank-A-Kai.

I shit u not XD


Yo-Kai Needed:

• Demona
• Frostail
• Goldenyan
• Cruncha
• Count Cavity
• Auntie Heart
• Eterna
• Shadow Venoct


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