Chapter 11: Familiar Faces

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-This chapter and the rest of this fic takes place during the current episodes-

It was Saturday, and Fumi finally got to see Natsume and Keisuke. The two were a bit nervous, but yet happy to see their former mother settled down at her apartment and was greeted with a hug.

"I miss you guys..." Fumi spoke.

Keisuke cried, "I miss you too!"

"How's it been?" Fumi asked.

Natsume responded, "It's been okay. Dad's never been this happy, and he's still taking time to get used to our real mother, but she seems really nice."

"I'm so glad! I hope she's a better mother than I was." Fumi smiled weakly, as she thought about how she was as a mother.

Keisuke protested, "Don't say that! You're an awesome mom! I wish you didn't leave!"

Fumi looked at him with a sad expression, "I'm sorry...but I had to. I couldn't take all of the fighting with your father and pretending to be someone I wasn't."

"Well, I must've thought so too. I knew it's been difficult for you to adjust to it." Natsume said.

Fumi sighed, "It was...I'm just relieved that you found out the truth much sooner than I hoped. I wanted both of you to grow up, having your real mother by your side."

"It's still unfair...I'm not used to this..." Keisuke choked up, denying accepting his new life.

Natsume reassured him, "It'll take time, but at least dad told us the truth rather than making us live a big lie for the rest of our lives."

Keisuke went silent as Fumi looked at him, being saddened by his reaction, "At least we can still be together. You guys can always visit me when you want."

Keisuke sighed, "I guess that kind of makes me feel better."

"Let's have a good time this weekend, alright? You'll be here until you go to school Monday." Fumi tried to cheer him up.

Keisuke smiled a bit, "I guess that's good. When you're here, we always have a good time with you."

"That's the spirit, Keisuke!" Natsume patted him on the back.

The conversation was interrupted by a sudden knock.

Fumi went to the front door and opened it. A mysterious man entered the house, and Keisuke was suspicious of him.

"Mom-I mean Fumi...Who is that?" Keisuke asked, nervously.

Fumi gestured to the man, "This is my friend who rented this apartment to me. I've known him for a long while. He's such a gentleman."

The man introduced himself, "Hello, the name's Kyubi."

"Kyubi?!" Natsume and Keisuke shrieked.

Fumi looked at them with concern, "Do you know him?"

"Um...we've met before." Natsume sweated.

"Uh...yeah..." Keisuke laughed in a strange way.

Fumi's expression went back to normal, "Well, make yourself at home. I'll be right back."

After she walked into another room, they faced Kyubi with angry looks.

"What are you doing?!" Keisuke yelled.

Kyubi chuckled, "I wasn't expecting this at all, but...I've known your mother for years. I'm so thrilled that she's with me. I can finally woo her like I always wanted."

Natsume was dumbfounded, "What are you even talking about?"

"You see, in the past, I always loved your former mother... She was everything to me, but then that Keita stole her away from me. I wanted her heart, and so I did, by renting this place to her and attending to her needs... Soon, she'll be mine." Kyubi smiled at his thoughts of winning over Fumi.

Keisuke was weirded out by this, "So... you're after her?"

"I wouldn't say that. Fumi's the perfect girl, and I want her. I will never fall for anyone else. I even took her on dates through the years and told her things that no one else knew. We're meant for each other," Kyubi carried on.

Natsume replied, "So... you've been flirting with her, in that human disguise?"

"Of course, I could never tell anyone that I'm a kitsune. Besides, would that mean I look that idiotic?" Kyubi flaunted.

"Just don't hurt her...ok?!" Keisuke snapped.

Kyubi sighed, "Calm down kid. I used to just flirt with girls to steal their hearts, but I'm not that type of person anymore. I just want to settle down and find my own path. That is why...I'm set on Fumi."

"Ok, I'm getting the point. That's strange...but...just don't do anything." Natsume stared at him with a serious expression, while feeling a bit uneasy.

Fumi came back as Kyubi approached her, "Fumi, you're back. I see that you're still beautiful like always."

He kissed Fumi on the hand.

"That's sweet of you, Kyubi." Fumi blushed, while being flattered.

Kyubi gave Fumi a card, "I came here to give you your first monthly bill."

Fumi was a bit surprised as she read it, "Are you sure this is it? It doesn't seem much."

"Of course! You're my friend. I'll take care of the rest." Kyubi turned and walked out of the apartment.

He looked back at Fumi and winked at her, "Until we meet again."

Fumi called back, "Wait!"

It was too late, as she let out a sigh, "He's being too kind."

She turned to see Natsume and Keisuke staring at her in disbelief.

"You can't seriously like him, right?!" Keisuke blurted out.

Natsume shoved him, "Keisuke, that was rude!"

"No, it's alright. I like Kyubi..." Fumi stated.

"What?!" Natsume and Keisuke jaws dropped.

Fumi panicked, "No, no! Not in that way!"

"Thank god..." Keisuke slouched in relief.

Fumi groaned with worry, "I mean...Kyubi is very attractive, but I like him as a friend. I'm not ready to make a commitment right now. Plus, I'm busy with my new job, and I just got out of a fake relationship, and also...there's this other guy."

"Another guy?!" Keisuke shouted in shock.

Fumi looked away, "Well...your dad introduced me to him when we were together. We kept in contact ever since, even when I was raising you as babies. He's so nice...but...I'm not sure if he's ready for marriage. I mean...I'm not ready either."

Natsume understood her, "I'm sure you'll both be ready when the time comes."

"Yeah, don't let Kyubi get to me first, for that's bad news!" Keisuke added.

Fumi laughed, "I'm sure Kyubi means something for encouraging me."

She hugged it out with Natsume and Keisuke.

Meanwhile, Jibanyan noticed USApyon was planning something.

She questioned him, "What are you doing?"

"We're going on a road trip. We promised Junior that we would go out as a family, remember?" USApyon replied.

Jibanyan started to complain, "How are we supposed to go out like a normal family?! Especially if we look like this!"

"We're using our human disguises this time, and we're going to the human world...if that's alright with you." USApyon made a statement.

Jibanyan was a little uncomfortable, "I don't know...I only used my disguise once...and I'm afraid someone will find out...about us."

USApyon raised Jibanyan's chin to face him, "Look, I already talked to them. They told me everyone was going to be alright. Also, Junior uses his human disguise all the time, and even he's not paranoid about it. Please. It'll be fine."

Jibanyan turned away from him, "I'm just afraid of getting into a relationship with you again...ok?! I don't want people to think I'm weak!"

USApyon stood next to her, "Hey, I'm the one giving you nicknames, and besides. You think they're being all whiny if anyone would tell me I'm weak? No, they don't."

Jibanyan sighed, "I guess you're right. I'm a terrible partner, and I don't deserve to have you..."

USApyon kissed Jibanyan on the cheek, "That's not only it, for we can be all lovey-dovey and still be about it, right, doll face?"

Jibanyan laughed softly, "Ok, I'll stop being stubborn."

USApyon and Jibanyan transformed into their human disguises.

"So, does it feel great in your disguise?" USApyon asked.

" least I look and sound like a woman." Jibanyan used her real Lightside voice, in her human disguise, by default.

"I'm going to try my best to be a better partner...and a parent." Jibanyan glanced at USApyon, being a bit hopeful.

He smiled back, "That's what I like to hear."

They found Junior, in his human disguise, waiting on them to come. He was excited as he saw his parents in their current state.

"Wow! I never seen mommy as a human before!" Junior exclaimed.

Jibanyan looked at USApyon, raising an eyebrow, "You showed him your disguise, haven't you?"

"He wanted me to take him out on a few yeah." USApyon laughed in an awkward tone.

Junior went up to Jibanyan and looked at her in amazement, "You look so pretty! I can't wait to go out with you and daddy!"

He hugged her, as she looked at USApyon, with tears in her eyes, "USApyon..."

"Let it out." USApyon grabbed Jibanyan and hugged she cried happily.

Jibanyan was grateful that her family accepted her for the way she was.

Junior seemed worried, "Is mommy ok?"

"She's okay. She's really happy." USApyon smiled at him.

Later on, they made it to the human world, in their route, they headed towards the mall.

"I've been in here a lot...but...I never buy anything." Junior informed his parents, while saddened by the thought of it.

USApyon patted him on the head, "Well, today, you get to buy anything you want."

Junior looked up in excitement, "Really?!"

USApyon nodded, "Yes, your mother and I agreed to come here to shop with you."

As they walked inside the mall, he turned back to his son, "But...we're letting you go by yourself to whichever store you want. Also, your mom and I will meet up with you at..."

He paused and looked at Jibanyan, "Where did you say we're meeting up at?"

"Hot Topic." Jibanyan smirked at him.

"Oh yeah...just meet us at Hot Topic when you're done." USApyon replied.

Jibanyan told Junior, "Yeah! Mommy and daddy are going to show you cool stuff!"

"Yay! Cool stuff!" Junior cheered.

Before his parents left, USApyon looked back, "And don't get lost!"

"Ok!" Junior waved back at them, as they made their separate ways.

Jibanyan looked back at her son with worry, "Aw geez...I feel bad for leaving him."

"He's a big boy. He'll be fine on his own." USApyon assured her.

Jibanyan groaned in doubt, "Just meet me back at Hot Topic... And where are you going anyways?"

"I'm not too far. Just browsing I guess, but...where are you going?" USApyon questioned.

"I'm going to Victoria's Secret... You don't have to know everything..." Jibanyan replied, as she strutted off.

"Women...I'll never understand them." USApyon crossed his arms, as he let out a sigh.

He looked around and couldn't decide where to go.

"How do people shop? I can't even figure out which store I want to go in..." USApyon was frustrated.

He glanced at names of various stores and stumbled across a name that made him chuckle.

"Dick's Sporting Goods...Dick's." USApyon laughed it off.

Then he sighed, "I got to stop being immature, but I guess I'll go in."

He browsed through the store and found some things, to which in one shop, when his was filled up, and as he finished and bought some items, someone bumped into him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know where I was looking-"

USApyon paused as he noticed the person in front of was puzzled, but yet a bit surprised.

The person shook hands and introduced himself, "No, it's my fault. I'm Keita, by the way."

"Why does that sound so familiar..." USApyon whispered to himself.

Keita asked, "Did you say something?"

"Um... it was nice meeting you." USApyon smiled, awkwardly.

"Of course." Keita smiled back as he left.

USApyon was confused, "Why did he seem so familiar?!"

At Victoria's Secret, Jibanyan was a bit slow, while looking through the items.

She sighed loudly, "USApyon says he buys stuff for me here all the time... But how does he do it? This is awkward as hell..."

Jibanyan looked through the items in confusion, "Why is it so damn hard to pick out a bra or even underwear?"

A woman passed by and overheard her.

"Excuse me, I was about to leave, seem to be having trouble."

Jibanyan turned and went silent as she glanced at the lady.

"Are you ok?" The woman questioned with concern.

Jibanyan snapped out of it, "Yeah, of course! It's just...I feel bad for being in here."

"Why? Is it because you're young?" The woman suggested.

Jibanyan stared at her in shock, "I'm...thirty-six."

"Oh, I'm sorry! I thought you were in high school." The woman exclaimed.

Jibanyan blushed, "Really? I guess being short has its perks."

She was flattered, but still felt bad about her appearance.

"But...I just feel weight." She shrugged.

The woman made a speech, "Listen, don't follow what the media says, it's complete bogus. Every woman is beautiful, no matter what they look like. In fact, women your age would die just to have your complexion."

"Thank you...I needed that." Jibanyan felt a bit better.

Before the woman left, she gave out her phone number, "Here, have my number so we can call each other. If you need me, just ask for Inaho."

Jibanyan stood there, in deep thought, "That name is so familiar...Heck...she looked similar... Do I know her?"

Later, Junior was done shopping by the end of the day, and searched through the mall for his parents, but ended up lost.

"I forgot where mommy said to meet her at..." Junior frowned.

He tried to remember but gave up and sat on a bench for an hour. Time passed as Junior started to look up at the ceiling and would see a couple staring at him with worry.

"Hey, are you alright?" The man asked.

Junior mumbled, "You're...Natsume and Keisuke's dad."

" know them?" The woman questioned.

" name is Junior." Junior stated.

Keita replied, "So, you're this Junior that Keisuke talks about."

He nodded his head yes, in response.

"Inaho, how about you help Junior find his parents? I got to finish one last errand." Keita suggested.

Inaho helped Junior look for his parents.

"Keisuke told me that you were his new mommy." Junior spoke.

Inaho sweated some, "He already told his friends, huh?"

"You seem nice." Junior smiled.

Inaho laughed, "I try my best."

She wondered and looked at Junior, "What do your parents look like?"

"My daddy is really big, he has blue, wears yellow." Junior spoke.

Inaho chuckled, "He sounds like the same, and what about your mom?"

"She's kind of short, but she has really pretty clothes; it's red, and she wears a lot of red." Junior continued.

"I think I saw her." Inaho pondered.

Junior's face lit up, "Really?!"

"Come on, I think I know where she's at." Inaho commanded.

She led Junior back to Victoria's Secret, and noticed that Jibanyan was still inside the store.

"Stay right there. I'll get your mom." Inaho informed him.

She came back, with Jibanyan following her behind.

Junior ran to Jibanyan and hugged her.

"Mommy! I got lost!" Junior cried.

Jibanyan shushed Junior, "It's okay, Mommy's here."

Inaho smiled at them and Jibanyan took notice, "I'm so glad that you found my son!"

"It's my pleasure for a friend." Inaho paused and said, "Speaking of friends, your son is actually friends with my son."

"Really?" Jibanyan questioned.

Inaho took her by the hand, "I want to invite you and your family to have dinner with me at my place. What do you say?"

"Um...sure." Jibanyan forced a grin.

"Perfect! Does this Monday sound good?" Inaho looked at her, waiting for an answer.

Jibanyan responded, "Of course, that sounds great!"

Minutes later, after they made separate ways, Jibanyan and Junior found USApyon waiting for them at Hot Topic.

"What took you so long?" USApyon asked, being impatient.

Jibanyan sighed, "Junior got this nice couple who found me. His wife asked if we could have dinner with them Monday...and... well...I said yes."

"Of course, it had to be...." USApyon groaned in annoyance.

Junior blurted out, "You know that lady was Keisuke's and Natsume's new mommy, right?!"

Jibanyan's face went felt foolish and got furious.

"What?!" Jibanyan screamed out in her Shadowside voice, then covered her mouth.

"Sorry mommy..." Junior felt guilty.

Jibanyan grumbled, "No wonder her son is the same! Now you got someone who's one of your friends that knows us!"

"Calm down angel, we'll fix this." USApyon reassured her, being worried about her angrier problems and her issues.

Jibanyan pouted, "You better hope so...or you'll pay!"

USApyon wrapped his arm around her, "Want to go to Hot Topic? It'll make you feel better."

"Fine...can I buy that limited-edition shirt that I wanted?" Jibanyan looked at USApyon with innocence.

"Anything for you, sweet cheeks." USApyon winked.

Jibanyan looked at him, lovingly, "Thank you, honey buns."

"You guys are gross!" Junior whined in disgust.

The following Monday, Keita and Inaho made an announcement to their children.

"Ok guys, we're having dinner with a nice family tonight." Keita announced.

Keisuke complained, "Is it one of those boring families?"

"No, it's actually your friend of Junior's." Inaho chimed in.

Keisuke was shocked, "You know him?!"

"He was lost, but we found his parents. We invited them over to join us for dinner tonight." Inaho smiled.

"Oh...that's great!" Keisuke laughed, with a little bit of suspicion.

Natsume questioned, "I have homework that's due, but what am I supposed to do?"

"Just finish it and get home early." Keita stated.

Natsume mumbled to herself, "If I can..."

Throughout the day, Jibanyan panicked as the evening got closer.

"What are we going to do?!" Jibanyan exclaimed.

USApyon spoke, "We might as well face it, and tell Junior's friends the truth."

"Are you insane?! I'm calling dad!" Jibanyan yelled.

She grabbed her phone and called Whisper.

"Why are you calling me at this time of the day...?" Whisper asked.

Jibanyan started to nag, "Listen here, old man! I'm having a crisis! We went out in our human disguises the other day at the mall, and accidentally lost Junior! Now, Keisuke and Natsume's mom found him, and we got to go to their house for dinner, because we got invited and-"

Jibanyan lost her breath as Whisper replied, "Oh boy...I wish I could help but-"

He got cut off by Jibanyan, "What are those punks doing after school?!"

"I think they're going to do homework or something..." Whisper said.

Jibanyan growled, "And?!"

"They'll be at Akinori's place downtown! Is your identity really a big deal for you?!" Whisper questioned.

Jibanyan clinched her teeth, "It is a big deal! If anyone, besides my family, found out...I'm pretty sure everyone would hate me and avoid me!"

"You're over-exaggerating..." Whisper sighed.

Jibanyan stated, "You're going to stop those punks from getting home for dinner! Do you understand?!"

"Yes. I don't like the idea, but...if that's what you want." Whisper hesitated.

"You better do it, or I'll destroy you! Or even worse...I'll tell mom!" Jibanyan ended the phone call.

Whisper got the chills from that statement, "She better not tell Fubuki...I remember the last time when my wife kicked my former friends to a pulp. Oh, that's more terrifying than when Jibanyan beats me up..."

After school, Natsume and Keisuke went to the agency, where the other three humans, and some Yo-kai, was waiting on them.

"Hey, are you guys ready to do homework?" Touma asked.

Natsume was unamused, "That's not funny, Touma."

"I'm here to assist you, Natsume!" Micchy announced.

Natsume sighed with regret, "Please don't..."

"Fine!" Micchy sat in the corner, while feeling left out.

"Come on guys, let's get started. "Ayame suggested.

As they started their homework, Whisper went to Micchy.

"Hey." Whisper said.

Micchy looked at him, "What?"

"I need a favor from you." Whisper replied.

Micchy frowned, "It better not be stupid."

"No, I need you to distract Keisuke and Natsume from doing their homework." Whisper spoke quietly.

"What?! Are you crazy?!" Micchy shouted.

Everyone looked at him, as he panicked, "Sorry! It was nothing!"

They turned away and continued their homework.

"Well...Junior went to the mall in his human disguise and got lost. That, and Natsume's parents found him and they invited Junior to come to dinner could meet his parents." Whisper explained.

Micchy was confused, "But...Junior just has a dad."

"I know. That's why I want you to prevent Keisuke and Natsume from getting to dinner on time, so they won't have to face it. I mean...I don't want them to feel weird if Junior came by himself." Whisper carried on with his lie.

Micchy sighed in frustration, "Fine, but I hate to betray them again...why am I involved in this?"

"Because...I need to make sure that Junior is ok when he goes." Whisper lied.

Micchy asked, "His dad is busy?"

"Yes..." Whisper lied again, hoping Micchy would be convinced.

"Alright, but you owe me." Micchy complained.

Whisper left the agency with panic and headed towards Keita's house.

"I got to hurry! I never checked on Keita ever since I hid that watch!" Whisper exclaimed.

He eventually made it and went through the walls, and noticed Keita was in the kitchen, getting dinner ready.

"Keita!" Whisper yelled out.

Keita turned to see an unfamiliar figure, but yet it seemed so familiar at the same time. He noticed that Keita was actually looking at Whisper and felt overwhelmed by this.

Keita approached him and spoke out in shock, " that you?"    

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