Chapter 12: We Meet Again

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There was a moment of silence as Keita and Whisper met face to each other, as both wondered if this was real or just a hallucination. But their realization of Keita was the first to respond as he took a closer look at Whisper.

He finally spoke, " that you?"

"Keita, you remembered!" Whisper's face lit up at his response.



"You look really weird." Keita replied.

Whisper fell flat on the ground and got back up and confronted Keita.

"Is that really the first thing you said to me?! Even after all these years I've been waiting?!" Whisper protested.

Keita sweated, "I'm's's been so long.... I almost didn't recognize you."

"Of course, sure you knew..." Whisper mumbled.

Keita hugged Whisper, "But I'm glad to have you back!"

Whisper got teary eyed, "Me too! It hasn't been the same ever since you left!"

Keita broke the hug and pondered, "How did you know where to find me?"

Whisper hesitated, "Well...I found your old watch by accident...and I thought I would leave it in case if you saw it...I thought I would check and see if you remembered..."

Whisper was afraid that Keita would get angry with his surprise, but Keita put his hand on Whisper's shoulder and looked at him with a smile.

"I'm glad you did that. I was feeling so empty all these years... I realized, I knew I was missing something...and then I found the one best friend, you...I'm happy that I get to see my old friends again." Keita informed him.

Keita was finally feeling the joy he used to have, years before; his joy of having something to look forward to, and to make new friends along the way. Plus, Whisper was the first step of regaining his old life and his too. And, he only just got back with Inaho, and now he's starting to relive his old memories. Keita admitted that growing up sucked and wished he could have some fun for the fun of the past, as he realized his wish was coming true.

He looked at Whisper with glee as he thought about his old moments, but was interrupted by Inaho, who just entered the house. She looked at Keita and then her glance went to Whisper, who suddenly glowed and turned back into his original form, as the three hugged each other.



Keita was stunned, "You turned back to your original self for Inaho, but not me?! Come on!"

They ignored Keita, as he stood there, watching in jealousy.

Minutes later, Whisper was back in his current and Inaho explained their situation to Whisper as he exchanged back.

"So... you look different because of a wish Enma granted you? And the same thing happened to everyone else?" Keita questioned.

Whisper hated to admit it, "Yes, everyone who got their wish granted completely changed. I wish I could go back and undo it..."

"That's really awful...I wish we could help." Inaho spoke.

Whisper looked at her in worry, "There's no turning back could've been worse."

"At least we can get everyone back together...right?" Keita smiled nervously.

Whisper didn't want to tell Keita about the complications of getting their old Yo-kai friends had no choice, but to try and explain it carefully.

" see...a lot of Yo-kai went their separate ways. I'm not even sure where the majority of our old friends are at." Whisper looked at them with a sad expression.

Inaho chimed in, "But we still have Jibanyan and USApyon, right?"

Whisper facepalmed and regretted explaining their situation to Keita and Inaho, since they might take it the wrong way.

Whisper sighed, " see...Jibanyan and USApyon are... you know...they're living together and are in a relationship."

Inaho got excited, "I knew it! I knew they would be together!"

"So, you're saying, that shouldn't stop them from coming ...?" Keita was concerned about Whisper's sketchy behavior.

"They're reclusive...that's all. I'll be seeing them soon anyways-" Whisper covered his mouth, as Keita and Inaho stared at him in confusion.

"What do you mean we're seeing them soon?" Keita questioned.

Whisper didn't want to say, but he had no choice, "You remember Junior, right?"

" you know him? Is there something you're not telling us?" Keita was not in the mood for Whisper's antics.

"'s a Yo-kai." Whisper blurted out.

Inaho laughed, "Why didn't you say so? Is he your friend?"

"More like my grandson actually..." Whisper said quietly.

Keita and Inaho looked at each other in confusion, but made the facts clear as the two looked at Whisper, wanting to know what exactly was going on.

"Don't tell me...that Junior is Jibanyan's son... That would be insane..." Keita didn't want to believe it, but he knew he was probably right.

"Yes...he is...and his can take a wild guess." Whisper crossed his arms.

Inaho stood there puzzled and eventually freaked out, "That woman...was Jibanyan?!"

"Yeah...when I said everyone got their wish on who they wanted to didn't just affect their looks." Whisper chuckled weakly.

"Jibanyan's a woman?!" Keita exclaimed.

Inaho looked at Keita, unamused, "That's what he was trying to say."

"I came here to tell you that Jibanyan and USApyon are Junior's parents, and they're coming to see you, tonight!" Whisper stated.

Keita sat down and rubbed his head, "I can't believe this...I'm glad Jibanyan and USApyon got what they wanted...but...this is so weird...It's happening so fast...!"

Inaho reassured him, "It'll be fine. At least we'll get to see them again."

"I guess you're right..." Keita felt a little better.

There was a knock at the front door, and everyone panicked as Keita and Inaho were concerned about what was awaiting them.

"Oh crap! I got to do something!" Whisper panicked and transformed into his human disguise.

Keita and Inaho were a bit surprised as they just seen Whisper's new appearance.

" really let yourself go." Keita groaned in disbelief.

Whisper nagged, "Hey! This was the only thing I thought of!"

Inaho looked out the window and said, "I think it's them!"

Keita pushed Whisper towards the door, "You should open the door and explain to them what's going on."

"Why me?! This is your house!" Whisper glared at Keita with angrier.

Keita shoved Whisper at the front door, "Just do it!"

Whisper was regretting this as he slowly opened the door and peeked out to see Jibanyan and USApyon with Junior, in their human disguises, respectively.

They were stunned to see Whisper, in his human disguise, to beat them to it, then Jibanyan forcefully dragged Whisper outside.

"What the frick are you doing here?!" Jibanyan shouted

Whisper was frightened at Jibanyan's angry presence, "Well...remember when I told you I found Keita's old watch and left it? He found it and... he remembers everything."

Jibanyan and USApyon froze in shock.

"What...?" It was all that Jibanyan could say.

Whisper felt guilty for not telling them, "I came over here to explain everything to him...and Inaho."

"Inaho...? She's with Keita?!" USApyon's eyes were wide open.

Whisper laughed in an awkward fashion, "Yeah...they both know...but...I want just you two to go in; to come back and tell us after you're assured. You and I will watch for Natsume and Keisuke, in case if they come back."

Before they went in, Jibanyan gave Whisper the death stare, "Fine, but you owe me."

After they went inside the house, Junior and Whisper sat down on the couch, as they looked at Whisper, in a curious way.

"Grandpa, I have a question I always wanted to ask, and daddy won't tell me the answer to it." Junior said.

"And what is that?"

"Where do babies come from?"

Whisper covered his face with his hands and leaned his head down in regret.

"This is going to be a long night..."

Jibanyan and USApyon searched around until they found Keita, and went to the kitchen, to see that their former masters were waiting on them. They all gave each other nervous exchanges as they approached each other; Jibanyan and USApyon faced Keita and Inaho, they went one at the time so that each could gain the courage to speak up, until Keita decided to be the first one to speak.

"Jibanyan...USApyon..." Keita mumbled.

Inaho spoke, "You're the woman from the other day."

"And... you're the guy I bumped into." Keita added.

USApyon spoke, "Yeah...who knew that we would meet again? No wonder you guys seemed so familiar..."

Keita felt awful for Jibanyan and USApyon, forcing their selves to reunite with him and Inaho, in the state they were in. But with this, it still made him feel better to see how his old friends tried to reassure them that everything would be ok.

"Um... it's nice to see you guys. It's been awhile..."

Inaho responded, feeling a bit uncertain, "'s great to be back like old times."

"It's nice seeing you, after all these years- ...Jibanyan?" USApyon noticed Jibanyan never said a word and was a bit concerned.

Various emotions took over Jibanyan as she started to turn back into her original Yo-kai self, as she ran to Keita and hugged his knee. Keita bent over to reach Jibanyan and held her.

"Keita...I missed you!" Jibanyan started to cry.

"I missed you too." Keita had tears running down his face.

Keita held Jibanyan tighter, not wanting to let go, "It's ok now. I'm here."

As he watched that moment, USApyon tried to be caved in and turned back into his original Yo-kai form.

"I can't take this anymore!"

He ran to Inaho, who had her arms open for a hugged it out.

USApyon sobbed, "Inaho! It's been so long!"

"I know...but I'm here now." Inaho cried happy tears.

The blissful moment between the Yo-kai and their former masters lasted for a long time. They were glad that they reunited with each other, that were once the memories that came flooding back, longing for their friendships to rebuild, just like the old times; when there was peace and happiness, as they felt like nothing could break them apart.

Time passed by as they had conversations about their current lives, and catching up on lost time, and USApyon and Jibanyan eventually turned back into their Lightside, and Inaho was glad they didn't look too different from their original forms, since they still had to get used to Whisper's current form.

"You guys don't look too different, but...I like it!" Inaho was the first to react.

"As for Whisper...we're still trying to adjust to look." Keita added.

Inaho remembered that Whisper mentioned that some Yo-kai have two different forms and wanted to ask them if they had another form. She hesitated, but Keita beat her to the question.

"Hey, Whisper mentioned that some Yo-kai have two forms... They're called Lightside and Shadowside...right?" Keita questioned.

USApyon shrugged, "We're in our Lightside forms right now. I'm not sure if you would want to see our other forms..."

"Aw, come on. I bet they're cool." Inaho exclaimed.

Jibanyan sighed, "Our Shadowside forms are made for combat and well...they're also the forms we're not fond of..."

"It can't be that bad." Keita smirked.

USApyon glanced at Jibanyan, "You'll probably see our Shadowside forms, since might as well show them...if...we can fit in this room."

"Fine..." Jibanyan grumbled.

"What do you mean if you can fit-" Keita was interrupted by the action of Jibanyan and USApyon sinking into their shadows.

They rose back up from their shadows and were currently in their Shadowside forms. Jibanyan's head almost touched the ceiling, while USApyon had to bend down, due to being too high, and Inaho's jaws dropped as they stared at their friends, in their current forms. The two humans weren't expecting them to be so large or buff.

"Ok...I want to know one thing. What steroids are you guys taking?!" Keita shouted.

USApyon groaned in annoyance, "We're not on steroids. A lot of Yo-kai were transformed this way for combat. I told ya guys you wouldn't like this."

"Oh no... I think you guys look cool! Also...a bit frightening." Inaho laughed nervously.

"You think so?" Jibanyan finally spoke up.

Keita and Inaho were surprised by the voice that came out; it was different from the previous voice she had.

"What's with your voice...?" Keita asked, in concern.

Jibanyan frowned, "This is my voice for my Shadowside. The other voice you heard was my Lightside I like to call it, my real voice. A lot of people had mistaken me as a guy because of it."

"That's terrible! I think you're a woman, even in your Shadowside." Inaho gasped.

USApyon chimed in, "Speaking of that, um...Whisper mistakenly told everyone that Jibanyan is a as of right now, no one knows Jibanyan is actually a woman...except for us, Jibanyan's parents, and Junior..."

"And I have to use this voice in my Lightside form, by default." Jibanyan pouted.

Keita felt horrible for Jibanyan's situation, "Hey, I don't care what people can be. Whatever you may be seen as, you want to be a woman, go ahead. I'll support you one hundred percent. Although, it'll take time to getting used to..."

Keita gave Jibanyan a thumbs up, "I'm here for you, sis."

"Me too! I know this sounds childish, but...we used to be best friends. And now that you're a woman, we can be besties!" Inaho cheered.

"Just remember, we always got your back." USApyon grinned.

Jibanyan looked at her friends and softly smiled, "Thanks guys."

At the agency, everyone was done with their homework, except for Natsume and Ayami, who tried her best to help them out, while Keisuke watched Touma play a game on his phone.

"Why are you obsessed with that character? You've been playing as her for hours." Keisuke questioned, wanting to know.

Touma looked away from his phone, "She's my type of character. Besides, the best kind of girls are androids."

Keisuke tattled on him, "Natsume, Touma is into robots!"

"I just really like that exaggerating, Keisuke." Touma frowned.

Natsume turned and glared at Keisuke, "I don't have time for me to even finish."

"No!" Micchy yelled.

Everyone gave him a strange look.

"I should check and see if you got all the answers right." Micchy suggested.

"I'm not stupid. I check after I write it down." Natsume was annoyed at Micchy's comment.

"Um... your time." Micchy smiled while sweating.

Natsume continued her homework, "Whatever, Keisuke and I have to get home soon."

Meanwhile, after their touching moment, Keita invited Whisper and Junior back. He had seen that Jibanyan and USApyon were in their human disguises and wondered if they turned back into their Yo-kai forms for Keita and Inaho. Though, at the same time, he couldn't believe that Junior asked him so many awkward questions, which made Whisper uncomfortable, as he stared at Jibanyan and USApyon in annoyance.

"Never leave me alone with your kid who asks too many questions!"

Jibanyan responded, "He's not your fault we get to complain about him!"

"Eh...sorry Junior." She looked at Junior, feeling guilty for blurting that out.

Junior just smiled, "It's ok."

Inaho looked at Junior, "So, he's really your kid?"

"We already went through this..." USApyon mumbled.

Keita pondered, "What does his Yo-kai form look like?"

"I'll show you!" Junior turned back into his Yo-kai form.

Keita chuckled a bit, "He looks like Whisper."

"Shut up! He's incomplete and he can't help it!" Jibanyan growled.

Whisper stared at Jibanyan in disbelief, "I'm offended by your comment."

"This has nothing to do with you...!" Jibanyan shoved him out of the way.

Inaho was in awe at Junior's form, "He's so cute! You guys made a beautiful baby!"

She glanced back at Jibanyan and USApyon, being blushed and felt very flattered.

" was difficult..." Jibanyan looked away.

Whisper interrupted, "Off topic, but...did Keita and Inaho see your Lightside and Shadowside forms?"

"We sure did." Inaho cheered.

Keita laughed awkwardly, "Yeah, theie Lightside forms don't seem too different, but...their Shadowside forms will take some time getting used too."

"No offense..." Keita looked at Jibanyan and USApyon, nervously.

"None taken." USApyon replied.

Whisper checked his Yo-kai pad and headed towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Keita asked.

Whisper said, "It's getting late. I have to head back home, or Fubuki will kick my behind."

"Oh...well...good luck then." Keita grinned.

Whisper left as Keita watched them leave. He really wished that Whisper didn't have to go, but he knew Whisper had his own life, the same did for Jibanyan and USApyon, which saddened him. They even knew even if his Yo-kai friends left, at least he would be able to find them. Keita was thankful for the memories, as the two went inside and closed the door. He spent time with his wife and friends until they heard a knock on the door.

"That must be the kids." Keita stated.

Inaho looked at Keita in concern, "Should we tell them about this?"

Keita glanced Jibanyan and USApyon then turned back to Inaho, "Not right now, we'll tell them when the time is right."

Keita stared back at Jibanyan and USApyon once more, "You guys keep quiet about this."

They nodded their heads in spoke to Junior, "And you can't tell them either, got it?"

"Ok." Junior responded and quickly transformed into his human disguise.

Keita opened the door to reveal Natsume and Keisuke, waiting to come lead them in the house, as they took notice to the guests. Keita and Keisuke were surprised by the two strangers, who were accompanying Junior.

"You guys remember Junior?" Keita questioned.

"Yeah." Natsume replied.

Keisuke slowly waved at Junior, "Hey...Junior."

"Hi Keisuke!" Junior waved back.

Inaho spoke up, "Junior was about to leave with his parents, but it's getting late and we don't want to cause them any trouble."

"Yeah, we're glad that we met Junior and his parents. They're very nice people." Keita looked back at Jibanyan and USApyon, "Right...guys?"

Jibanyan and USApyon were afraid to admit it; they knew he would give himself away if Natsume and Keisuke heard his secret. He budged at Jibanyan, as she appeared to speak, and was hesitated, but hoped that they didn't recognize her.

"Yes, we're happy that Junior has some friends and that they have nice parents." Jibanyan forced a smile.

"It's nice to meet" Keisuke replied back.

"Junior says great things about you." Jibanyan said.

Keisuke bragged, "He couldn't have any better friends than us."

Natsume gave him an angry stare, at his rude response.

Jibanyan looked at USApyon, "Honey, it's getting late. We should go."

"We're sad to see you go, so take care." Keita smiled weakly.

He led Jibanyan, USApyon, and Junior out the door and waved. It hurt him to see them leave but knew they would see him again. He just never was used to his Yo-kai friends leaving him, but he had to adjust to the new life. He went back inside and looked at his friends, that the time to tell Natsume and Keisuke about his past life would come soon enough.

Next day, at the agency, Natsume and Keisuke were dumbfounded at what happened, they last tried to convince their friends that something was going on with Junior.

"Come on guys, don't you think it's weird that two random strangers pretended to be Junior's parents?!" Keisuke protested.

Touma responded, "Maybe they're his actual parents?"

"Junior only has a dad-"Keisuke paused, "Wait...what if Jibanyan lied to us and pretended that he was Junior's dad? There's no way Junior has any traits from him!"

"Yeah, Jibanyan never spends time with him, and he's always quiet when Junior calls him his dad. I think we got a new case!" Akinori announced in excitement.

"We don't have time for this...Keisuke and I need to settle something." Natsume stared at Keisuke with a serious expression.

"What are you talking about?" Keisuke was puzzled.

Natsume faced her brother in annoyance, "You have to confront our parents! They've been unusually quiet since Fumi left."

Keisuke covered his ears, "No! No! I'm not listening!"

" you really have to argue here?" Akinori complained.

Natsume grabbed Keisuke by the hand and lead him outside the agency, "We're going to fix this, and you can't back out."

"No! Someone help me!" Keisuke shouted.

Akinori and Touma watched as Natsume and Keisuke made their way, as they turned to face Akinori.

"I hope they don't try to kill each other..." Touma sighed with grief.

Akinori placed his hand on Touma's shoulder, "Don't worry, they'll be fine. Besides, Natsume would overpower Keisuke with her strength and intelligence."

"Akinori, I'm not joking." Touma grumbled.

"Fine, but at least after they get this over with, we'll have a new case to solve!" Akinori proudly declared.

An hour passed as Natsume and Keisuke finally made it. They went inside and found their parents sitting in the living room, on the couch. They stood in front of them, as Natsume was about to make an announcement.

"What is it?" Keita asked.

Natsume took a breath deep and sighed, "Mom, dad...Keisuke has to tell you something."

"I... don't want to..." Keisuke whispered.

Inaho replied, "It's alright, you can tell us."

Everyone was silent for a few minutes. Keisuke felt depressed and worried but tried his best to express his feelings.

"I... I miss Fumi, ok?! It's not fair that she had to leave! I know it must've been hard to tell us the didn't have to do this! It's difficult getting used to having a completely different person as your mom! I know Inaho is trying her best, but I just can't accept it right now... I hope you understand...I like Inaho,'ll take awhile to see her as my mother... I'm sorry..." Keisuke choked up after his speech.

Keisuke felt relieved to tell the truth, but at the same time, what would his parents think of him now? Will they hate him? He was afraid to know.

"It's fine, we understand. I knew you wouldn't accept this right away. I just wanted to protect you guys from getting hurt. I hope you'll realize it someday." Keita reassured his son.

"I hope everything will be ok...It's been overwhelming for me." Keisuke sighed.

Natsume responded, "Me too...I'll admit that I'm a bit upset with you lying to us, but if it was to protect us, then...I accept your apology. I'm still a little disappointed, but...if you can show us that you'll be a better person and to be more positive...I'll be proud to call you my dad."

"I promise I'll do better. I had to do this to escape the lies that were eating me, but since I told the truth, I felt whole and free. I've never been this happy, since...we had you and Keisuke. I'll admit that I was a terrible father, but for now more lies, and no more betraying the people I love." Keita smiled and hugged Natsume.

Inaho joined in their hug stood there, watching noticed and looked at him with worry.

"Keisuke...I know it's hard to get used to this...but...I feel awful for taking Fumi's place, even if I am your biological mother. I hope you can forgive me someday...and maybe...we can bond like a real family. That's all I hope for..." Inaho hoped that Keisuke would accept her as his mother.

Keisuke looked down at his feet and thought over what happened, as she raised his head up and ran to his family, joining in their group hug.

"Mom!" Keisuke cried tears of joy.

"Keisuke..." Inaho was overwhelmed with happiness.

"I'm sorry for being a bad son! I feel so...dumb!" Keisuke buried his face on Inaho.

"It's okay. You're not dumb. You're smart for your age." Inaho said.

Keita added, "And sometimes stubborn."

"Hey!" Keisuke looked at Keita, being offended.

" get it from Inaho's brother." Keita chuckled.

Inaho grinned, "You're a splitting image of him and that's a good thing."

"I guess that's alright...but...I still have to ask...can we see Fumi again this weekend?" Keisuke questioned.

"Of course, we promised you guys that you can see her when you wanted." Keita replied.

"Thanks dad!" Keisuke exclaimed.

"Let's just try to be a family like we're meant to be." Natsume spoke.

They hugged it out and finally accepted their new life and wanted to adjust to it. That, and Keisuke finally felt normal again. And Inaho felt less worried for Keita, for he was glad that he got his problems off his chest. Everyone knew that his family would rebuild and get better as time passed.

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