Chapter 13: Solving the Case

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Now, just before we start, I have to apologize for quite the delay. Remember: this story follows along with Rachel's story, but more corrected.

Also, MY GOD it's been THIS LONG since the previous chapter, but at least she told me that it might come to a climax in the next couple of chapters.

Besides that, it's time to continue where we left off.


The next afternoon, Natsume and Keisuke arrived at the Detective agency, when Akinori greeted them as he got ready to announce their next case.

"We worked everything out with our parents." Natsume spoke.

Akinori grinned, "That's great! Now, we can work on our next case! We have to find out who Junior's real parents are!"

"You're still not over that...?" Natsume sighed in disbelief.

Keisuke butted in, "Come on! Wasn't it weird that two random strangers pretended to be Junior's parents?!"

"I guess... Since we haven't had a case for some time, we might as well do this one." Natsume regretted her decision, since she thought it would end up being pointless.

"Alright! Way to go!" Akinori patted Natsume on the back.

Keisuke wondered, "Where's Touma and Ayame?"

"They're out for now. Touma invited her over and came by to show off his new pets...or whatever he calls them." Akinori rolled his eyes.

Natsume added, "We should tell them the case is on."

"Exactly! I'll lead the way!" Akinori proudly marched outside, with Natsume and Keisuke following him.

Meanwhile, Kyubi checked on Fumi at her expense, and went in without asking first, which was a mistake he wish he didn't have to do, since he intruded on Fumi, who was in a bathrobe.

"Kyubi?!" Fumi went wide eyed.

"I'm sorry...this is a bad time..." Kyubi blushed nervously.

Fumi sighed, "At least knock first before you enter."

"Of course," Kyubi bowed down as he apologized.

Fumi raised a brow, "I'm assuming you want something from me?"

"Oh yes...I was wondering...since you and Keita...aren't a thing...what if I took you out...on a date?" Kyubi cracked a smile.

Fumi pondered, "Hmm...I'm not ready for that kind of commitment, you know..."

"Oh...I see..." Kyubi mumbled softly.

"But...we can go and get some friends." Fumi suggested.

Kyubi faked a grin, "Of course, that sounds great! Sorry for bothering you!"

Kyubi left Fumi's apartment in an awkward mood as fast as he could. By the time he was outside, he had clinched his hand onto his chest and was out of breath.

"That wasn't planned...if I can't win Fumi with my charms...I need to learn how to win her over...from someone of her kind..." Kyubi thought for a second, and spoke out, "...and that would be...a single parent."

He left the property and took his plan into action.

An hour passed and Orochi was still at the agency, which was a distraction from the norm. Akinori didn't want to be rude and kick him down. If he did that, he thought Orochi would literally murder someone, but to his dismay, he had to wait until he left to even start; the biker stood there, watching the others fool around at being amazed by Akinori, as Orochi was growing impatient.

" you have any other friends to show your pets to?" Akinori asked.

Orochi glanced at him, "Not many, even if there's some that I don't seem to care..."

"Aw...that's sad. I care." Ayame said.

Akinori chimed in, "Uh...I care too!"

"That's wonderful, Akinori. I like guys who care so much about nature's gifts." Ayame smiled at Akinori.

"'s nothing." Akinori blushed in excitement.

Touma came back with a guest.

"Where were you?" Natsume questioned.

Touma spoke, "Kyubi was waiting at the front door, and no one would answer."

"What is he doing here?!" Keisuke exclaimed.

Kyubi replied, "I'm here for a mission."

"What mission?" Natsume asked, being concerned.

Kyubi stated, "I want to win Fumi's heart, but...I can't do it with my charm. I was you guys know any single parents that could relate to Fumi, so that I could get advice from them?"

Akinori came up with an idea, "I know! You can help us with our case!"

"" Natsume groaned in annoyance.

"Come on, we could be one step ahead, if we get Kyubi to speak with Jibanyan, it won't seem bad! Besides, he'll say something that we need to know." Akinori explained.

"I about it, Kyubi?" Natsume looked at Kyubi, waiting for an answer.

Kyubi responded, "Oh...that cat with...the...unique child. I could see if he has any good advice, owe me for this."

"What would that be?" Keisuke said, in a nervous tone.

"Convince Fumi to like's all I want." Kyubi begged.

Natsume frowned, "FINE THEN, take Orochi with case if you need backup."

"...him?" Kyubi complained.

Natsume shoved Kyubi, "Just go!"

Kyubi went on his way with Orochi, tagging along with him, as the others watched them take their leave.

"Thank god Orochi's gone. I thought he would never leave." Akinori sighed in relief.

Natsume smirked at him, "I knew you wanted him gone."

"No, I didn't!" Akinori nagged.

Touma interrupted, "At least we have one thing out of the question...let's see if we can get a word from Jibanyan's parents."

"Aw...I forgot about them! This is gonna suck..." Akinori moaned in regret.

"It was your idea." Keisuke teased.

Ayame lead the way, "Come on! It'll be fun!"

Akinori's face lit up from her response, "Ok! Anything for you!"

The gang went their way to search for Whisper and Fubuki for more answers.

In the Yo-kai World, Inaho was visiting USApyon and Jibanyan at their home.

"Shouldn't you be in the human world at your house or something?" USApyon asked.

Inaho shrugged, "I realized that having no job and staying home is kind of boring. I thought I would hang out at least, until the kids get ready to go back home."

"That would be heaven for being at home and doing nothing..." Jibanyan thought to herself.

"But then, you realize that you're the one stuck doing all the housework." Inaho interrupted her thoughts.

"That's what I do now! Except I fight too, which is way more for ruining my daydream..." Jibanyan pouted.

USApyon added, "At least I have a job, so that we can have plenty of money."

"Thanks." Jibanyan smiled a bit.

"Now be a dear and make me some nachos. I'm starving." USApyon replied.

Jibanyan frowned, "Of course..."

Inaho lead Jibanyan to the kitchen, "And I'll help."

Minutes passed while Jibanyan was making out the silence that was going on for too long and thought that she would take up a conversation.

"'re not weirded out?" Jibanyan questioned.

Inaho tilted her head, "By what?"

"USApyon and I have been in our Shadowside forms this whole time. And you've been quite calm about it. Though, are you not creeped out by this?" Jibanyan was puzzled.

Inaho said, "I guess I'm used to it. It just seems like something weird happens to me all the time, and that is nothing."

Jibanyan changed the subject, "I also decided to take your and Keita's advice. I'm going to show the world that I'm a woman."

"That's great!" Inaho cheered with glee.

Jibanyan grumbled, "I'm not sure how some people will handle this..."

"You'll be shouldn't hide your true self! You're such a wonderful lady." Inaho reassured Jibanyan.

"Thank you." Jibanyan felt better about herself.

There was a knock at the front door, and Inaho decided to open it, to reveal Kyubi, and Orochi. They noticed the two were a bit surprised to see USApyon, in his Shadowside form, out of all things. The two knew Jibanyan lived with USApyon, but they weren't excepting him to be there.

"Hey... It's...been a while." Kyubi tried to speak up.

"'re huge." Orochi spoke.

Kyubi budged him on the arm.

"Oh, sorry!" Orochi quickly replied.

USApyon shrugged, "Nah, it's fine. It's been a few years since I last seen you two. Though, why are you here anyways?"

"We were wondering if Jibanyan was here. I need advice from a single parent to win the heart of another single parent." Kyubi stated.

"Well...I guess I'll let you in." USApyon said.

He led Kyubi and Orochi inside the house.

They were in the living room, with USApyon sitting on one couch, while Orochi and Kyubi were sitting on the other, facing each other. It was a bit awkward.

"Do you know anything about being single?" Kyubi asked.

"Me? Being single? It's horrible and that's why I have a girlfriend of my own." USApyon spoke.

"Thanks for making me feel like crap." Orochi mumbled.

Kyubi snapped, "It's not about you, Orochi!"

In the kitchen, Inaho was concerned about the long silence.

"There was a knock on the door and felt that it is too quiet. I better go check and see what's up." Inaho declared.

She went into the living room and walked towards USApyon, seeing that Kyubi and Orochi were there.

"Is that your girl?" Kyubi asked, gesturing at Inaho.

Inaho rolled her eyes in disgust and went back to the kitchen.

"Oh no, she's my friend." USApyon said.

Inaho went to Jibanyan, "USApyon has told me that we should bring them the nachos."

"Do I have to do everything around here?!" Jibanyan sighed in annoyance.

Jibanyan entered the living room, to see that USApyon, Kyubi, and Orochi all were staring at her.

"That's my girl." USApyon pointed at Jibanyan.

Kyubi and Orochi froze in shock.

"I thought you wanted nachos..." Jibanyan spoke.

USApyon got up and faced her, "No, we have guests."

"But I made these for you!!" Jibanyan nagged.

"Save them for later." USApyon demanded.

"What if I don't want to?!" Jibanyan yelled.

"Put them up and come back here!" USApyon shouted.

Jibanyan went into the kitchen and came back and sat next to USApyon.

"Fine! Have it your way!" Jibanyan huffed.

The atmosphere was quiet for a moment, until Kyubi broke the silence.

"I came here because I thought Jibanyan was single. I'm sorry, but...what the hell is happening?" Kyubi was confused.

USApyon tried to explain the whole situation to Kyubi and Orochi.

"So... Jibanyan is female now? I can see the difference." Orochi looked at Jibanyan up and down.

"Ok, what is that supposed to mean?!" Jibanyan exclaimed.

Kyubi sweated, "So... that kid of yours is actually yours and USApyon's? Damn..."

"I decided that I'm telling the truth to everyone. I don't care what people think of me anymore." Jibanyan crossed her arms.

"That's for wasting your time." Orochi apologized.

Kyubi and Orochi made their leave and left the house.

As they were walking, they were still a bit surprised by their experience.

"What are we going to tell those kids? We can't just tell them that Jibanyan is a woman, and she's with USApyon... I'm freaking sure they aren't aware of it yet." Kyubi asked in disbelief.

"No shit. They told us to look for Junior's real parents, and the only thing I know is to say that Jibanyan is dating someone, and that she's still Junior's dad. I mean he...I mean...ugh, forget it." Orochi face palmed.

"Fine, we'll just tell them now..." Kyubi replied.

As Kyubi and Orochi headed their way back, they saw the Detective Agency have already entered, and the Yo-kai approached them to tell a few truths and lies.

"Hey, you find anything out?" Natsume greeted.

Kyubi lied, "Well...we spoke to Jibanyan and... he's definitely Junior's dad."

"Oh, really?" Akinori was suspicious.

Orochi added, "He's dating someone, and they had Junior never told us who it was exactly."

" close!" Keisuke whined.

"At least we found out something useful." Touma stated.

Natsume thought, "But...the couple from the other night...nether one of them resembled Jibanyan..."

"We were on our way to see she can help." Ayame suggested.

Akinori groaned, being unamused, "Yeah, when we asked Whisper, he ran off."

"We wish you luck on your quest." Orochi said.

"Also, please convince Fumi to like me." Kyubi chimed in.

Natsume replied, "Of course, we'll try our best."

After the agency left, Kyubi and Orochi sighed in relief.

"That was close. I'm a terrible liar." Kyubi complained.

"I guess our business here is done." Orochi replied.

As Kyubi made his leave, he added, "I hope those kids can convince Fumi to like me, or I'll have to go great lengths to make her mine...!"

"Ok, good luck with that," Orochi waved goodbye.

Meanwhile, Jibanyan received a phone call; she picked it up and answered the phone.

"Jibanyan, you got to come over to our house!" Whisper spoke.

"Why?" Jibanyan asked.

Whisper replied, "Natsume and the others kept asking me about you and your love life."

"What...?!" Jibanyan got nervous.

Whisper added, "They're on their way to see your mother. I'm afraid she'll say something, especially since you told us that you want to reveal your true identity."

"But...I wanted to tell them first!!!" Jibanyan nagged.

"Then get over here!" Whisper protested.

Jibanyan slammed the phone and rushed towards the front. USApyon noticed that she was leaving and wanted to know why.

"Where are you going?" USApyon questioned, wanting an answer.

"I don't have time! Mom's gonna tell those punks about my identity before I do!" Jibanyan panicked.

"What's the big deal? Isn't that what you wanted?" USApyon stated.

"Not like this! It'll be awkward as hell if she tells them!!!" Jibanyan shouted, as she opened the front door, running out of the house.

USApyon watched her and sighed, "I don't know if I should follow her or if it would make things even more awkward..."

At Fubuki's house, the agency already greeted them inside.

"Are you here for Whisper, because if so...he's out." Fubuki laughed.

Natsume said, "No, it's not about him, but it's about-"

The conversation was interrupted by a knock on the opened it to see her husband, who was out of breath.

"Wait..." Whisper panted.

Keisuke exclaimed, "Whisper? I thought you ran away from us."

"I did but...Fubuki...don't tell them!" Whisper pleaded.

"Tell them what?" Fubuki wanted to know what was going on.

Akinori explained, "You see, we're on a case to find out who Junior's real parents really are. We want to know. We asked Whisper, but he ran. We had Kyubi and Orochi ask Jibanyan, but we did not get an answer."

"Well...almost." Touma added.

Ayame spoke, "Jibanyan really is Junior's dad, and he's dating someone, who happens to be Junior's mother! We just want to know who she is."

Fubuki shook her head in disbelief and replied, "That's all? I was planning on telling you guys the truth sooner or later, but I guess I'll have to."

"Please don't!" Whisper grabbed Fubuki by the hand.

"Whisper...we need to." Fubuki looked at him with worry.

Natsume spoke up, "I feel like we should've never taken on this case."

"What are you talking about?! We're making a discovery here!" Akinori stated.

Touma was concerned, "Natsume might have a point, maybe it would've been best if we canceled this case."

"But guys..." Akinori mumbled.

Fubuki interrupted, "The case is still on. You all deserve to know the truth and Jibanyan needs to set it right..."

"But what?!" Keisuke didn't like the suspense.

Whisper cleared his throat, "What we're trying to say is...even though Jibanyan wants to tell you guys...I think it'll be harder for her to tell the truth than us telling you."

"Did you just say...her?" Touma questioned.

"Whisper's being stupid again." Akinori whispered to Touma.

Fubuki disagreed, "No, he's telling the truth about Jibanyan, like we both should've done a long time ago."

"You see...almost everything we told you was the truth, except for a few details." Whisper said.

"A few details...? Like what?" Akinori asked, nervously.

Whisper sighed in defeat, "...Remember how Yo-kai got their wishes granted, but it resulted in them having Lightside and Shadowside forms?"

"Oh yeah, my grandmother mentioned that." Akinori stated.

Fubuki spoke, "Their wishes was for them to be the person they wanted to be, and this includes gender change, get what I'm saying. But it also resulted in forms they didn't want..."

"I think I know what you're saying. Jibanyan used to be a male, but now...she's a woman... Even the appearance and voice remind herself too much of a male, so she pretended to be a guy, correct?" Touma made an explanation.

Everyone looked at him in awe, wondering about what he said that could've been quite revealing, and Whisper and Fubuki were surprised that he was spot on.

" did you know?" Fubuki asked in shock.

"It might've been my fault too. I accidentally said Jibanyan was female...I blame myself..." Whisper said, shamefully.

" scare me." Keisuke was frightened by Touma's presence.

Natsume responded, " could you know all of this?"

"Remember when we stayed over at Junior's sleepover? When I was looking through the rooms...well..."Touma hesitated.

"What...?" Akinori asked in a low tone.

Touma looked at everyone, "I wasn't going to say anything, but...before I left the room that Junior was sleeping with Jibanyan and USApyon in... well...are you sure you want to know?"

"Please, we want to know!" Akinori demanded.

Touma regretted his statement, "I looked through the door inside the room one last time and... I saw Jibanyan and USApyon...kissing."

Everyone gasped, while Keisuke covered his ears.

"No! I don't want to hear this!" Keisuke screamed.

Touma groaned, "Anyways...I was assuming that Jibanyan was into guys as well, but...that wasn't the case, but I do have another point. You want to hear it?"

"If you get it right, I'll lose it." Whisper face palmed.

Touma said, "Since Jibanyan is female and has been close to USApyon for thirty years, I'm assuming that they had sex??"

"Yes...I'm going to lose it...!" Whisper couldn't believe that Touma was still right.

Natsume asked in an awkward tone, "So... Junior's parents are...Jibanyan and USApyon?"

"That means...Jibanyan really is Junior's mother?!" Ayame got excited.

Fubuki stated, "Yes."

"Oh no! I didn't want to hear that! That's so weird!" Keisuke complained.

Natsume looked at him angrily, "Shut up! You've seen much stranger things."

Whisper carried on, "So in conclusion, Jibanyan had Junior, but...she was, you know..."

"Pregnant." Akinori chuckled.

"Yeah...she and USApyon got carried away..." Whisper sighed in disbelief.

"They banged." Akinori teased.

Keisuke yelled, "Ew! Stop that!"

"Akinori...please stop..." Natsume groaned in disgust.

"Sorry, but someone had to say it." Akinori shrugged.

Whisper and Fubuki explained the rest to the agency, they all knew it was glad to have the case solved but were also confused at the result they still had to get used to; the changes that were about to come, but at the same time, maybe everything would turn out great in the long run. They were still was worried about how Jibanyan would react, as a loud bang on the door was heard.

Whisper carefully opened it and saw Jibanyan, with her fists clinched.

"Hi... you come to see your dear old parents...?" Whisper asked, scared for his life.

"Shut it, dad! You know why I'm here!" Jibanyan growled.

She shoved Whisper out of the way and entered the house.

"Ok, we told them, but-" Whisper got cut off by Jibanyan, who grabbed him by his collar, "You did what?!"

"We had to! We knew you couldn't tell them! We're sorry!" Whisper apologized.

Jibanyan released Whisper from her grip and started to breath hard. He took Jibanyan to see everyone, who noticed her, and was silent, apart from Jibanyan's intense breathing.

Fubuki tried to comfort her, "Honey, are you ok?"

"I... wanted to tell the truth but..." Jibanyan choked up and shifted her voice, "...I wasn't ready..."

Whisper tried to reassure her, "It's ok, at least everyone knows now."

Jibanyan cried out, in her real Lightside voice, "I'm...a freak! I can never pass for a woman like this! Why am I even trying?! Go ahead and tell me that I'm disgusting! I don't care!"

She fell on her knees and broke. Fubuki and Whisper went by her side, trying to calm her down. The others were astounded by the completely different voice that came from her. They were definitely convinced that she was indeed a female. And if she didn't have that voice, they would've still been felt bad as they watched the family of Yo-kai, in the middle of their crisis, alone. By then, it was evening and the agency took their stuff, and apologized for the trouble they caused. Whisper and Fubuki agreed to get Jibanyan to speak to them the next day, since she refused to talk during the earlier session. On their way back, they all wondered if Jibanyan will ever be the same and if she'll forgive them.

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