battle on the bridge

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Author Notes: Do you guys think that Haku and Zabuza should live? Shall they move and become a part of the leaf village? Your answer will help me with the next chapter. Thanks

Chapter Eleven: battle on the bridge

A week had passed by in a blink of an eye as the bridge was nearly completed. At first Inari was skeptical about Team Seven being able to stop and defeat Gato. That the shrewd business man took all of their hope away from them when he killed Kiza. That the ninja had no clue what it was like to live in fear and starvation. This caused Naruto to erupt as he slammed his hands down onto the table.

"Don't assume things that you don't know. So Gato and his goons killed someone who you looked up to as a hero. That doesn't mean you can't stand up and fight for your home. You can't wallow in tears waiting for someone to come around and fight your battles for you. Sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands!" growled Naruot before he stormed out of the house. Sasuke gave chase seeing how he could feel his mates every emotion.

After Sasuke and Naruto had left Tazuna's home, both Kakashi and Itachi apologized for Naruto's harsh words. They both explained that back in the village that Naruto doesn't have it easy as he was not only an orphan but an omega. It also doesn't help that he strongly resembles the creature that nearly destroyed their village as many had lost their lives. Also Naruto's birthday fell on the same day.

"Many see him as the creature that attacked the leaf. Only a few see him for who he truly is. Because of this, Naruto doesn't live a very easy life. He had been beaten, nearly killed, homeless, starved, and hated by almost every human in our village. That was until my brother and I found him."

"With Sasuke being his mate and the two Uchiha's giving him a far better life than what he is used to living, Naruto has come out of his shell. He is determined to become a Hokage even though no omega has ever achieved such a goal. But I believe that Naruto will be the first to shatter the boundaries." added Kakashi.

Team Seven went to the bridge to find a lot of the construction workers out cold. Both Kakashi and Itachi knew that it was Zabuza's handy work as the mist began to roll in. But the two jonin had worked with the three genin in special training preparing them for this. Itachi stood with Sakura as they protected Tazuna, Kakashi would deal with Zabuza, while Naruto and Sasuke dealt with whatever help Zabuza brings. Sasuke, Itachi, and Kakashi all had their Sharingan's active. Kakashi didn't want Sasuke or Naruto to reveal that they were demons as Zabuza already knew about Itachi being a demon. A slight chill crept across the bridge. Itachi had a bad feeling as he could hear Kakashi and Zabuza's blades clashing. Itachi unfurled his wings beating them blowing away the mist to find that both Naruto and Sasuke were trapped in a dome of ice that looked like mirrors.

"Your genin don't stand a chance against Haku's kekki genkai." stated Zabuza as he wounded Kakashi with his sword before the thick mist rolled back in.

Meanwhile within Haku's Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals...... The masked ninja had used his senbons to pin holes into both Naruto and Sasuke. Sasuke's true demonic form unleashed as he tried to use his wings to protect both him and Naruto. Neither Sasuke's fire nor Naruto's Kitsune flames seemed to make a dent in Haku's ice mirrors.

"I think that play time is over....... Certain Kill Ice Spears! Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death!" snapped Haku as the masked ninja unleashed two jutsu's back to back. Sasuke moved quickly as his wings wrapped around Naruto protecting him from the two attacks. This caused Naruto to roar out Sasuke's name as he caught the Tengu in his arms before he could fall to the ground. Naruto carefully laid Sasuke down as Kurama's chakra ripped through his body becoming visible to Haku as the jutsu that hid his demonic form came undone. Because of Naurto's rage towards Haku caused a third tail to emerge from out of his back.

"You killed my mate there for........ I'm going to kill you!" snarled Naruto.

Kurama could feel Naruto's rage like it was his own. He could still feel and sense the link with Sasuke but, when he tried to call out to Naruto to stop him, Kurama couldn't reach him. Never before has Naruto ever tapped into the foxes power by force. Naruto unleashed a Sonic Roar which Kurama knew everyone was going to hear. Hopefully Itachi could pull out the needles that riddled Sasuke's body, waking the Tengu up as he would be the only one to reach Naruto was he was in this rage state. Haku could sense how dangerous Naruto was as the three tailed Kitsune charged towards the mirror that Haku was in. Haku reacted by throwing a barrage of senbons at Naruto only to have the Kitsune blast them away with a Sonic Roar.

'He's dangerous and could pose a threat to Zabuza. I have to end him quickly.' Haku thought to himself as he armed himself with a kunai. The ice mirrors began to glow hoping to distract Naruto from his attack. As Haku went to attack Naruto from behind, the enraged Kitsune caught his hand as he turned to face the masked ninja. Chakra and fire surrounded Naruto's fist before he punched Haku in the face. The mask that Haku wore on his face cracked under the force of the punch as Naruto's supercharged punch sent Haku flying through his ice mirrors causing the kekki genkai to break.

Meanwhile...... Everyone who was on the bridge heard Naruto's Sonic Roar as they could feel Kurama's chakra. This caused Kakashi and Itachi to be concerned with what happened in the ice dome. When Zabuza heard Naruto's roar and felt Kurama's malice chakra, it distracted him enough to have Kakashi trap him using his ninja hounds. The mist finally cleared away thanks to another Sonic Roar released by Naruto. When they noticed Haku's kekki genkai shatter, Itachi created a Shadow Clone to stay with Sakura and Tazuna while he rushed over to where Sasuke laid. To even someone who is connected mentally with Sasuke, it felt like the young Tengu was dead but, Itachi knew that some of the needles had penetrated certain chakra points giving the death-like state. Itachi worked quickly pulling the needles out of his brother as he knew that only Sasuke would be able to calm Naruto down. Naruto had pinned Haku down as the ice ninja looked at his father figure with concern in his eyes when he saw lightning surround Kakashi's hand. The two rogue ninja's knew that they were going to die at the hands of the two ninja's that had them pinned.

As soon as Itachi took out the needles from Sasuke, he could feel the link and see his younger brother coming too.

*Sasuke....... I know that you are sore but, you are the only one whose voice can reach Naruto and break him out of his rage.* Itachi told the younger Tengu as he helped him sit up. Sasuke's eyes strained to see Naruto had the ice ninja pinned down underneath his sharp claws. Naruto's fangs looked ready to rip the ninja's throat out. Kakashi had lightning surrounding his hand ready to pierce Zabuza's chest. Sasuke could feel Naruto's rage and anger like they were his own. Sasuke could also hear and feel Kurama trying to calm Naruto down mentally but, the great demon couldn't reach his human half.

"Naruto......... Stop!" Sasuke shouted out stopping the Kitsune from ripping out the ice ninja's throat. Kakashi also stopped his attack when the sound of clapping echoed across the bridge. A short man dressed in an expensive business suit stood before a group of what looked like thugs. "Oh how the mighty demon of the mist has fallen and to actual demon no less. Please do kill them as you will do me the favor and saving some money." stated the short business man.

"Gato...... What the hell?! I thought that we had an agreement!" shouted out Zabuza.

"Sorry but you had more than enough time to take care of this problem. Plus you are costing me too much money so, my boys are going to take care of all of you!" stated Gato.

Kakashi and Zabuza looked at each other unsure of what's going on but it seemed that the greedy little shrew business man was double crossing the rogue ninja.

"Hey Kakashi...... Why don't you free me and I will help you take care of this lot!"

"Afterwards, we will settle things once we take care of Gato and his men." replied Kakashi as his dispelled the ninja hounds that he had summoned to trap Zabuza. Itachi helped Sasuke up to his feet as he stood before his brother whom was still recovering. Since demons heal quickly, Itachi knew that in a few seconds he will be up to fighting strength. Naruto got up off of Haku as the two stood ready to attack the thugs.

"Well...... What are you waiting for? Kill them!" yelled out Gato commanding his men to attack the ninja's and demons. The group of armed thugs didn't stand a chance against three jonin level ninja, one chunin level ninja, and two demon genin. Only a small handful of thugs remained along with Gato.

"Guess I will have to handle this more personally." Gato stated as he snapped his fingers causing over a hundred more thugs to appear. "Next I will tear apart that village and make an example out of anyone who tries to defy me!" Before Gato could command his thugs to attack, a large harpoon came sailing landing before Gato and his men.

"We won't let you destroy our village and to hurt those we care about!" shouted out Inari as the villagers from the wave stood behind him cheering in agreement. Kakashi, Itachi, and Naruto created several Shadow Clones multiplying their number as they out numbered Gato and his forces.

"I didn't want to resort to this but......." Gato stated as he took out a device that looked like some kind of detonator. Before Gato could even press the button, black flames erupted engulfing Gato in the flameds killing the business man instantly.

"Anyone else want to try their luck?" snarled Itachi whose eyes had changed becoming the Mangekyou Sharingan. Blood dripped down from Itachi's eyes giving him a far more demonic look then usual. This caused the thugs to run off as they knew that they didn't stand a chance against an army of villagers, ninja, and demons. Seeing the thugs leave and Gato suffer a quick and painful death caused the villagers from the wave cheer out.

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