demon of the mist

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Chapter ten: demon of the mist

Team seven along with Tazuna continued on their way to the wave village.  Through his telepathic link, Sasuke had told Itachi to let the Hokage know the situation that arose because of their mission.  Sasuke also alerted them to where they could find the two rogue ninja's.  Team seven would receive the bounty for their capture.  But the team agreed to put it towards Tazuna's bill.  This would help the wave village out a bit until they got back onto their feet to pay off the difference.  Tazuna agreed to the proposal.


"What is it Sasuke?" asked Kakashi.  

"Itachi had informed the Hokage about the situation as the Hokage wants to know if we need back up."  Tazuna looked at Sasuke wondering how he was able to communicate with someone without a device.  He then figured out that it may have something to do with his demonic powers.

"I know that Itachi would be able to reach us quickly.  So have the Hokage send him.  I know that he can easily sense  and track your presence. " replied Kakashi.  Sasuke nodded his head as he told Itachi the decision.  

"Who is this Itachi person?" asked Tazuna.

"Itachi is Sasuke's older brother." answered Naruto.

The group arrived at the port between the land of fire and the land of waves.  There was a medium sized fishing boat waiting for them.  

"It's about time Tazuna.  I was getting worried that Gato somehow gotten to you." stated the man in the boat.

"Nope......  I'm still in one piece.  I actually got some excellent ninja watching over me." laughed Tazuna.  The group piled into the boat as the fisherman carefully brought them across not using the motor that was attached.

"Let's hope these ninja are up to the task as it seems that Gato has stepped up patrols of the harbor.  I think we are lucky so far because of the fog." stated the fisherman.  Through the fog team seven was in awe at the sight of Tazuna's bridge.  They could tell that he was indeed a master bridge builder.

"There it is, the pride and joy of the wave village.  Once it's completed, Gat's reign of terror will finally come to an end." stated Tazuna as the fisherman pulled the boat up to the dock.

"Good luck Tazuna." stated the fisherman as he started up the motor before disappearing back into the fog once everyone got off of the boat.

"Alright Team Seven.......  Please see me home safely." stated Tazuna.  Team seven went back into the formation for what they used when leaving the village.  Both Naruto and Sasuke kept their senses on alert knowing that they weren't safe yet until they entered the wave village.  Even then they had no clue what Gato would do while they tired to finish with the bridge.  Naruto's nose twitched when he picked up the unfamiliar scent that smelled like winter.  Sasuke's eyes caught something moving in the bushes as he threw one of his shuriken to cause a white rabbit to dart out.  Naruto's keen ears then managed to hear something large whipping through the air.  

"Get down!" Naruto shouted out as everyone dove for the ground.  A large broad sword swinged through the air embedding itself into a nearby tree where the group was.  A bandaged up man wearing no shirt, a pair of grey pants with cow print arm and leg bands stood on the hilt of the sword.

"Zabuza Momochi......" Kakashi stated when he saw the man.

"Kakashi Hatake of the Sharingan eye." replied the man.  "Hand over the bridge builder and I will let you and your team live."

"You know that I can't do that.  It's our job to see to our client's safety." replied Kakashi as he pulled up his leaf headband to reveal a eye that was very similar to Sasuke's own.

"Then I guess that you all must die in order to complete my goal." stated Zabuza as he made a single hand sign causing the mist to roll in.

"Team Seven......  Manji formation.  Keep your senses alert.  Zabuza is know as the demon of the mist as he is skilled in the silent kill technique." stated Kakashi.  Naruto and Sasuke flared out their demonic powers keeping all of their senses alert.  Both demons could sense Zabuza's killer intent right behind them.  Both moved quickly getting both Tazuna and Sakura out of harms way as Kakashi meet Zabuza's blade with his kunai.  The three genin scurried out of the way as the two jonin fought.  Kakashi stabbed Zabuza only to find out that it was a water clone.  When Zabuza tried to cut down Kakashi, he found out that it too was a water clone.

"So you managed to copy my jutsu despite the fog.  Your team is quite skilled as I never had someone be able to dodge my silent kill attack." stated Zabuza as he turned quickly killing Kakashi in the gut which sent him flying over and into a nearby pond.  When Kakashi surfaced he thought it was odd that the water seemed thick.  "Water Prison Justu!" snapped out Zabuza as he caught Kakashi in a water orb and held him hostage.  "Now let's take care of your genin!"

"Guys get out of here and take Tazuna with you!" Kakashi shouted out as Zabuza created a water clone to deal with the three genin.

"Oh.....  Don't worry Hatake.  They shall join you soon!" stated Zabuza with an evil grin stretched across his face that could be seen underneath his bandages.

Sasuke could sense that his brother was close by.  Both demons could free Kakashi buying enough time for Itachi to help them out.  

*We have to break the jutsu that Kakashi-sensei is trapped in.* Sasuke told Naruto mentally as the two instantly came up with a plan.  Nodding his head Naruto created several shadow clones to help protect both Tazuna and Sakura.  Naruto then dropped down to his hands nodding at Sasuke.  Seeing the two male team members not backing down, caused Zabuza to raise his brow in question.  

'What are they up to?' Zabuza asked in question.  Zabuza didn't notice the whisker marks on Naruto's cheeks becoming much boarder as his fangs and claws clearly also grew longer.

"Let's go Naruto!" stated Sasuke as he leapt into the air armed with ten shurikens.  "Demon Wind Shuriken!" stated Sasuke as he threw the shuriken that was laced with his demonic power.  Naruto bolted running on all fours towards Zabuza and Kakashi.

"You won't beat me with cheep tricks!" snarled Zabuza.

"Unfortunately for you.....  This is no cheep trick." replied Sasuke as he held up a single finger.  The ten shuriken instantly became one hundred.

Zabuza's eyes widened as he couldn't tell if they were all real or not.  As Zabuza shielded himself with his sword, the shurikens began to buzz as they all whizzed past him.  Zabuza's water clone was destroyed instantly because of Sasuke's jutsu.  Zabuza didn't notice Naruto until he was up close to his face as dark fire lined his hands.

"Kitsune Hellfire Claw!" growled Naruto as he went to strike at Zabuza.  Zabuza had to let go of the water prison jutsu to avoid Naruto's attack.  Naruto's fire-laced claws managed to graze Zabuza's arm causing the rogue ninja to scream out in pain.  Zabuza turned to attack both Kakashi and Naruto, but his blade was stopped by Itachi's sword.  Seeing the Tengu demon who possessed the same eyes as Kakashi forced Zabuza to retreat.  He knew that even with his backup hiding out of sight, they wouldn't be able to fight off two jonin level ninja especially one being a true demon.

Both Kakashi and Naruto swam for the shore as Zabuza retreated holding the arm that Naruto injured.

"Is everyone all right?" asked Itachi as he flew over to where Sakura, Sasuke, and the client were at.  Naruto's clones disappeared in a puff of smoke.  Itachi landed next to the group as Kakashi climbed out of the water placing his headband back over his Sharingan eye.  Naruto climbed out next as he shook the water off of him much like a dog would.

"We are fine Itachi.  Thank you for coming so swiftly.  Naruto.....  Sasuke......  Excellent job you two.  But I have a feeling that we have not seen the last of Zabuza Momochi." stated Kakashi.

"Then let's continue on as once we arrive in the wave village.  Once there we can go over some plans on how to deal with Zabuza if and when he returns." added Itachi as he proceeded to perform a jutsu to make himself look human.  Team seven continued on with hardly any more problems as they arrived at Tazuna's home meeting his daughter Tsunami and his grandson Inari.  The team introduced themselves as the three demons let down the jutsu returning back to normal before the group went over the game plan on how to deal with Zabuza and Gato.

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