the bridge builder

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Author Notes:  just a quick FYI, that the demons will have natural abilities that suit the kind of creature they are. For example: Kitsune fire, Tengu wind, Ookami earth, Oni metal, Tanuki wood, Hakutaku wisdom, Kirin water, Onikuma rock, Satori plants, Tsuchigumo webs, and Komainu strength. They will also have all of the abilities and powers given to the characters from the series with s few changes in the usual characters (you will notice it when you see it).  Also some characters will have a few OC attacks. 

Chapter Nine: the bridge builder

The weeks seemed to fly by quickly since team seven had come together as full fledge ninja of the leaf.  Since their talk with Sakura, the pink haired konuchi had changed greatly.  She no longer fangirled over or around Sasuke.  She was much nicer towards and around Naruto.  And she didn't scream as much knowing how sensitive Naruto's hearing was.  Kakashi was happy that she was taking her job as a ninja more seriously.  That he often only showed up an hour late when the team had to gather for missions and/or training.  What surprised the group the most  is when Sakura asked Naruto why everyone besides some demons hated him (mostly the humans).  

"I have noticed that they don't do that or act that way around or towards the other demons.  Only towards or around Naruto."  Naruto knew that there were only a few beings whom knew the truth about what Naruto held within him.

*You should tell her.  Its better that she learns on down the road.* stated Kurama mentally.  Naruto looked at Kakashi nodding his head.

"Sakura......  What Naruto is about to tell you is a S class secret.  You're not allowed to let anyone know the secret that he is about to tell you." Kakashi stated as she nodded her head that she understood.  

"What do you know about of the night the nine tails attacked the village?" asked Naruto.  Sakura told them what most in the village knew.   That twelve years ago on Octobe tenth, the nine tailed fox known as Kyuubi attacked the village and that the fourth hokage fought and killed the beast.  "The truth is that the Kyuubi wasn't killed but instead sealed away.  The nine tails was forced to attack the village.  The fourth managed to fight and seal the beast away but something went wrong during the sealing process transforming the child who was going to be the beasts jailor into a Kitsune." replied Naruto.  Sakura gasped out in shock.  Kakashi explained how Naruto's parents where human as his mother was the nine tails Jinchuriki or host until the night that she gave birth to Naruto.  That's when everything happened and a strange man attacked the village using the nine tails.  Kakashi also told Sakura that the fourth hokage was also Naruto's father.  Sakura was shocked as she had no clue that Naruto had such a heavy burden.  But, now it made sense why everyone seemed to hate and despise him.

"God......  I'm so sorry Naruto.  I had no idea."

"It's alright.  Just most humans see me as Kurama rather than his holder."

"Kurama?" she asked in confusion.

"That's the nine tails true name." answered Sasuke.  "He believes that we should trust you since both Kakashi and I already know the truth about everything." 

Team Seven completed several missions together since Sakura learned the truth about Naruto.  The team became one of the strongest teams as most of the D rank missions they were given were completed with relative ease.  They even set the record for catching the supposed demon cat Tora.  Naruto talked with the damiyo's wife instructing her on the proper way to  handle and take care of the cat this way he wouldn't escape or flee so often.  As thanks they got paid double.

"Alright team seven your next mission is going to be a C rank seeing how we are short handed of capable ninja to complete this mission.  Plus you also have easily completed every D rank mission that we give you."  stated Sarutobi as Iruka pulled out a mission scroll handing it to Kakashi before he went to get the client.  

"Our mission is to escort the client back to the wave village and help guard him while he and his crew finish the bridge." stated Kakashi as Iruka entered with a older looking man who reeked of booze.  Naruto's nose crumpled at the smell.

"Team seven this is Tazuna, the bridge builder." Iruka introduced the client.

"I am the captain Kakashi Hatake.  May I introduce Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and Naruto Uzumaki." stated Kakashi as he shook Tazuna's hand.  Tazuna looked at the genin shocked to see two demons.  He had heard that demons were stronger than most humans.

"I will be in your care." Tazuna stated bowing his head to the group.  

"All right team seven head home and pack for a week and meet me at the main gate within two hours." stated Kakashi.  Team seven nodded their heads and set off to complete the task assigned to them.   

Two hours passed as team seven gathered at the main gate waiting for Kakashi and Tazuna.  The two men approached with their gear.  

"Sasuke.....  Naruto......  I am going to have to ask for you both to perform a henge hiding your demonic forms." stated Kakashi.  The two demons nodded their heads as they performed the hand sign to make themselves look human.  "Naruto will take point.  Sakura you're next to me and Tazuna.  Sasuke you take the rear."   The team got into formation as they set out leaving the leaf village.  As the group walked, Sakura asked Tazuna why there weren't any ninja villages within the wave that he could requite.

"It's because the wave village hasn't had ninja since the whirlpool village had been destroyed and its people wiped out.  Come to think of it, I knew that the Uzumaki clan used to live within the whirlpool village.  Are you related to them Naruto?" asked Tazuna.  Naruto nodded his head.  The group walked passed the puddle as Naruto could smell that it wasn't water and Sasuke's eyes could sense the charka coming from the puddle.  Both demons slowly reached for their weapons not drawing attention, but Kakashi noticed as he smiled.  The group walked passed the puddle not seeing the puddle shapeshift into two people as they moved to attack Kakashi.  But they were instantly intercepted by Naruto and Sasuke.  

"Sakura.......  stay back and help me protect Tazuna.  Naruto......  Sasuke.......  Can you handle this?" asked Kakashi as the two demons nodded their heads as they moved to attack the two rogue ninja.  

*Be careful, their weapons are coated with poison.* stated Kurama mentally.  Hearing the foxes warning, Naruto used his natural demonic powers as a Kitsune to create small fireballs.  The fireballs hit the 'demon brothers'  causing their weapons to become red hot as the weapons began to  melt on their hands.  The demon brothers managed to free themselves of their weapons only to have Sasuke use his natural demonic powers of wind to allow his ninja wire to wrap around the rogue ninja.  Then using his Sharingan, he hypnotize the two ninja causing them both to fall asleep.  Once the two rogue ninja were passed out, Kaksahi helped Sasuke make sure the ninja wire was nice and tight so the two ninja couldn't escape.  Naruto took all of their weapons destroying them by using his fox fire.  After the rogue ninja was taken care of, Kakashi turned towards Tazuna.  

"Care to explain to me why two rogue Chunin level ninja are after you?" 

Tazuna sighed as he had no choice but to come clean.  He told the group about how the wave village was wildly known as the port city as they deal with a lot of trade that was until Gato from Gato Shipping Company came in and took over the port.  He taxed the wave village and took over their trade.  The only hope was the bridge that Tazuna was building.

"Without me, Gato will rule over the wave village.  As it stands right now the wave village couldn't raise enough money for anything higher that a C rank mission.  I thought that with two demons on your team, I would be well protected because demons are much stronger than most humans." Tazuna stated.

"Well this is well beyond a genin ranked mission as it became a B ranked mission."

"Kakashi-sensei that shouldn't matter as we can't hold it against them if they couldn't afford a higher ranked mission." stated Sakura.

"We can't ignore their cries for help as we should continue on with the mission." added Sasuke.

"Once we complete the bridge and defeat Gato, the wave village can pay us for the difference in the mission price." continued Naruto.  Kakashi smiled at his team before looking at Tazuna.

"Since my genin have all agreed.  We will continue on with this mission.  You all will have to be on guard as no doubt there will possibly be more rogue ninja coming after Tazuna." stated Kaksahi.

"Hai!" the three shouted out in unison.  

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