birth of a Kitsune

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Chapter One: birth of a Kitsune

In the land of fire in the village of the leaf otherwise known as Konohagakure or Konoha for short live two races in harmony.  Most are human by nature while the others are demons known to exist in legends and myths.  Long ago when the nations were young, two demons came together as they wanted to create a place where both humans and demons could live together.  This gave birth to Konoha.  Factions within the races where formed because of this union.  It had to do with the three main factions that featured Alpha/Beta/Omega divisions of pack hierarchies.  Alpha's were the strongest and most powerful out of the humans or demons.  They ruled their clans and held positions of power within the village.  Beta usually are the everyday workers as most were human there were a few demons as they weren't as strong as the alpha's.  The last were the Omega's.  They  were the mothers, child bearers, care givers, and the mates to the alpha's as well as beta's.  Most omega's were female but if a male demon omega did turn up, only male demon alpha's could impregnate them as human alpha's didn't possess the power or the ability to impregnate male demon omegas.  It was rare to find human male alphas and even rarer to find male demon omegas.

For many years the leaf village as many often called it rather than by its proper name prospered and  became well known throughout the land.  A leader known as the Hokage (fire shadow) ruled over and commanded the village.  Each elemental nation had their own ruler and leader.  The land of wind, the sand village known as Sunagakure or Suna for short had the Kazekage (wind shadow).  The land of water, the mist village known as Kirigakure or Kiri for short had the Mizukage (water shadow).  The land lightning, the cloud village known as Kumogakure or Kumo for short had the Raikage (lightning shadow).  And the land of earth, the rock village known as Iwagakure or Iwa for short had the Tsuchikage (earth shadow).  These were the major villages as they were the home for ninja's.  Even though the demons and humans lived within Konoha, the village was also a ninja village.  Some of the demons within the village joined a ninja team as their powers were stronger than most humans but their powers and abilities were very similar to the power the humans possess known as chakra.  It was hard at first for Konoha to form relations within the elemental nations but after a great deliberation and during one of the many ninja wars that effected the land, peace seemed to bring the elemental nations together.

Then one day within the leaf village, that peace was shattered one night.  Unknown to most in the village except for those whom held a seat of power, mainly the hokage and the council.  That within the bodies of two of their villagers exist powerful demons known as Biju that were created by the sage of six paths, Hagoromo Otsutsuki, one of the founding fathers of the ninja world used his powers to separate the ten tails known as Juubi into nine Biju as these demons were ten times stronger than the normal demons that existed within the village.  The ones that existed within the leaf were the one tailed sand spirit in the form of a Tanuki.  The creature was believed to be blood thirsty and would give its hosts problems when they tried to sleep as it would use that opportunity to take over its host.  The second was a nine tailed fox.  This demon was perhaps the strongest out of all the Biju.  On the night of October tenth, the woman whom held the nine tailed fox within her was giving birth to a child.  It was during this time when the seal was the weakest allowing a chance for the beast to escape.  The current hokage which was the fourth one for the leaf village and was about the only human alpha to ever hold the position known as the Yellow Flash but his true name was Minato Namikaze.  It was his wife Kushina Uzumaki whom happened to be the beasts current jailor whom was giving birth to a child.  They were away from the village in a place where it would be safe for Kushina to give birth and keep the beast from attacking the village if it escaped.

"I can see the head Lady Kushina......  Keep pushing!" exclaimed the nurse.  Minato stood by his wife's side keeping the beast contained with his abilities.  Minato was a seal master as he was determined to see his wife through the birthing of their child.  Kushina grunted pushing hard until loud cries of a baby broke out into the night.  "Congradulations.......  It's a boy!" stated the nurse.  Kushina breathed out a sigh of relief.  Keeping the beast from getting loose and giving birth to her son took a lot out of her.  The nurse handed Minato his son as he smiled softly at his newborn son.  His attention then turned to his wife as he could sense the nine tails trying to break free.  Minato handed his son back to the nurse.

"I know that you are tired and worn out Kushina.  But let's try to make the seal stronger to keep the nine tails contained." stated  Minato as Kushina nodded her head.  Minato wove his hands through the signs necessary to seal the beast away.  Minato was almost done when he heard his son cry out suddenly .

"Lord Namikaze step away from the Jinchuriki." stated a dark voice.  Minato turned his head to see a man in a strange mask holding his son with a kunai hovering over the baby.

"Minato.......  save Naruto......" Kushina whispered to her husband.  Minato nodded his head that he understood.

Minato threw one of this special kunai at the masked man as it went through the man.  Using the special kunai, Minato teleported catching Naruto before he fell to the floor.  But the masked stranger had placed paper bombs on the babies blanket.  Minato ripped the blanket away from Naruto before it exploded.  Minato used the Flying Thunder God to teleport over to his sensei Jiraiya and the third hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi.  The onikuma looked surprised to see Minato.

"Minato......  What's going on?" asked the old bear demon.  Onikuma's looked like giant bears wearing human clothing but their eyes where human.  Their faces could show a verity of human emotions.  Minato didn't get to answer the question as a mighty roar broke out.  The two men and one bear turned to see the nine tailed fox attacking the village.  Minato handed Jiraiya his son.  Minato knew that there was a slight chance that Kushina was possibly still alive. 

"Someone released the nine tails.  My guess the being is attacking the village using the fox.  Jiraiya.....  I need for you to look after Naruto.  Lord Sarutobi.....  Can you buy me some time?" asked Minato.

"I will try my best.  Anbu set out and alert any and all capable ninja that we are under attack.  I need civilians lead to safety while we fight the nine tails." stated the bear demon.  Several humans whom all wore white with red marks animal masks over their faces descended in the room kneeling before both Sarutobi and Namikaze.

"Go!" stated Namikaze.  The Anbu set out doing as the two Hokage's commanded.  "Jiraiya......  Bring Naruto to the sealing sight.  He maybe the only one who can hold the nine tails if Kushina is all ready......."

"Minato  don't think like that.  We have barely scratched the surface of what the Uzumaki are capable of.  Just find her......"

The village went up fighting the nine tails as Minato found his wife still clinging to life.  Minato teleported her to the sight where the sealing was to take place.

"Sensei stay with them.  I am going to break this person's control over the nine tails and then lead the fox to this sight.  I am going to seal the fox into my own son." Minato stated.

"Minato.....  No......  Seal the fox back into me.  Then the fox will die with me." Kushina stated weakly.

"Kushina...... I understand your concern but, there is a chance you won't remain alive long enough for that.  The only logical choice is Naruto." Minato stated as he kissed his wife and son before teleporting back to the village as he performed a summoning jutsu calling forth the king toad, Gamabunta.  

"What the hell is the nine tails doing loose Minato?" asked Gamabunta.

"That man whom is riding him let it escape.  I need to break his contact over the beast.  Can you help me out?"

"Guess you aren't giving me much choice.  Go stop the masked man." stated the giant toad.

Minato teleported over to the nine tails after making sure that the creature's Biju Bomb didn't hit the village.  Minato managed to grab a hold of the masked man teleporting him away from the demon fox.  The two men fought as Minato learned that the masked man refereed to himself as "Madara Uchiha".

'That doesn't make sense as the Uchiha's are demons.  Tengu in fact.  This person doesn't have wings as Tengu can't hide their wings.' Minato thought to himself as he slammed his trademark Rasengan into the man's back.  This cut the masked man's link with Kyuubi.  For added measure, Mianto placed a seal on the man making sure he couldn't control the demon again.  Minato then teleported over to the sealing sight.  Gamabunta was doing his best to push Kyuubi over to the sight.  Suddenly chains made out of chakra wrapped around the nine tails. 

"Hurry Minato......  I can only keep it captive for so long." Kushina growled out.  Minato couldn't help but to smile at his wife's strength and determination.  Minato dismissed the summons to focus all of his power and skills in sealing the nine tails into Naruto.  The Kyuubi fought to prevent from being sealed again.

'If I kill the brat and the parents......  Then they won't be able to seal me away!' the demon thought as it moved it's claw to strike at Naruto. 

Both Minato and Kushina leapt protecting Naruto.  The newborn giggled as he reached up touching the great demon's claw.  The demon foxes eyes went wide at the baby's gesture.  Naruto smiled at both his parent sand the nine tails as his parents gave Naruto their last words.  Just as the great demon was being sealed away, "Madara" attacked trying to prevent the nine tails from being sealed.  Suddenly a loud explosion rocked the sealing sight.  When Minato regained partial consciousness, Kushina was dead.  "Madara" was no where to be seen.  Minato crawled over to where Naruto laid crying his eyes out.  The fourth hokage gasped in shock as he could see fox-like appendages now on his son.  Fox ears came out of his head through Naruto's blonde locks and a long bushy fox tail came out of his back.

"Oh my god.......  Naruto!  I am so sorry.  This was not supposed to happen like this." Minato cried as tears streamed down the fourth's face.  His once human son was now a newborn demon..... a kitsune.

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