the bird and the fox

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Chapter Two: the bird and the fox

After the nine tails had been sealed away, both Jiraiya and Sarutobi came to the sealing sight to find Mianto barely clinging to life. Next to him laid his son Naruto whom had been transformed into a Kitsune.

"Minato..... What happened?!" Jiraiya asked as he picked up Naruto.

"I messed up sensei. Lord Sarutobi, I know that I'm not going to make it so, can you make sure that Naruto is protected. I don't want people to know that because of the seal, he and the fox are now one." stated Minato. Sarutobi took the small Kitsune from Jiraiya as he bowed his head to Minato. "Make sure Naruto knows that both Kushina and I love him. Don't give Naruto my last name but, rather Kushina's as I have a lot of enemies out there."

"Fear not Minato..... I will make sure that Naruto is well protected." stated Sarutobi with a soft smile on his muzzle. Minato smiled at the bear demon before he closed his eyes for the last time.

Four years has passed since the night Kyuubi attacked. Many villagers both humans and demons had lost their lives to the beast. The demons held no grudge to the Kitsune. The masked man tried to strike again when the Jinchuriki whom held the one tailed demon Shukaku was giving birth. Much like with what happened with the Kyuubi, the demon Shukaku was partially released but do to some quick thinking, the demon was sealed into the newborn child of the previous holder. Because of the demon being halfway released before it was sealed away caused the child to transform much like Naruto did. This child had the raccoon-like features creating the first ever Tanuki. Because of the screwed up sealing of Shukaku and the Kyuubi, the masked man had to retreat to the shadows. With these two children becoming one with the Biju's put a halt on their plans. With both Naruto being a Kitsune and Gaara being a Tanuki, they were the first demons of their kinds and the first male demon omega's that the leaf village had ever seen.

When both Naruto and Gaara were two years old, Sarutobi placed them both in the orphanage with other children. He hoped that placing them with kids their own age, they wouldn't be seen as monsters. It was harder for Naruto than anyone else as the older humans alienated Naruto because something about the Kitsune reminded them of the Kyuubi. And since the kids saw the adults hate and despise Naruto, they did the same thing. Gaara was Naruto's only friend within the orphanage until they were three years old as Gaara was adopted by Yashamaru who had two other kids close to Gaara's age. In truth the children belonged to his sister whom was previous Shukaku holder. The kids took a real shine to Gaara as now Gaara had an older brother named Kankuro and an older sister named Temari. Naruto couldn't be happier for the Tanuki. After Gaara was adopted, things at the orphanage became much rougher for Naruto. The adults would beat him and encouraged the kids to do the same. There were times when Naruto would go without food and he was given only rags to wear, slept on a old dirty and soiled matress, and was tossed in a cold dark basement with no blankets. It grew even worse on his birthday as all the humans in the village took it upon themselves to hunt and kill the fox. To finish what the fourth couldn't.

This is when Naruto first heard another voice from deep inside of him when the villagers tried to kill him.

*Idiots..... It's not like I asked to attack the village in the first place. How dare they blame an innocent for what happened that night.* growled out a dark voice as Naruto laid bleeding in an alley. The human villagers did a number on Naruto as he had several broken bones, deep lacerations, and numerous bruises. An Anbu whom was on duty had found Naruto as he clung to life. The Anbu carefully picked up the Kitsune carrying him to the hospital in order to get the young cub treated before he reported to the hokage.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked in a soft whisper. The voice didn't reply as Naruto closed his eyes expecting to be engulfed in darkness. But rather Naruto found himself in what looked to be a sewer system. Naruto was confused about how or even why he was there. Naruto found himself walking through the sewer until he came upon two large gates. Naruto could sense that something laid behind the gate.

"So it seems that my host has graced me with his presence." growled out the dark voice. The creature flared up its chakra to reveal the nine tailed fox. "So have you come to hate and spit at my existence? I'm the reason why you are hated and feared." snarled the fox. Naruto's fox ears pressed against his head as he looked sadly at the fox. Naruto walked up to the gates placing his hands on the bars as a frown stretched across his face.

"It must be tough being trapped in there without being able to move freely and be alone here without anyone to keep you company. How do I go about freeing you?" Naruto asked. The Kyuubi looked at the small Kitsune in shock.

"Don't you hate me or fear me?" asked the nine tails. Naruto shook his head as he smiled at the fox.

"No...... You and I are the same." Naruto replied. Kyuubi looked at Naruto in shock. For someone as young as Naruto, he seemed to know that he and the nine tails was the same thanks to what happened when Kyuubi was sealed. "Come here Kit and get some rest. I am going to take care of your wounds." Naruto easily slipped through the bars going up to the larger fox. Naruto laid on one of Kyuubi's many tails curling up into a small ball.

"What's your name? Mine is Naruto." asked the smaller Kitsune with a sleepy yawn. This caused the Kyuubi to smile as no one ever asked his name before. He could feel an odd attachment towards Naruto.

"Kurama. It's nice to finally meet you Naruto." replied the larger Kitsune.

A year had passed since Naruto had befriended Kurama. The older fox taught the young Kitsune how to communicate with him telepathically and how to alter his mindscape. Kurama told Naruto about his parents and what truly happened the night he was sealed into Naruto. Kurama came to care for Naruto like he was his own cub. Just before Naruto turned four years old, the orphanage kicked him out forcing Naruto to live on the streets. It was the day of the annual Kyuubi festival as Kurama told Naruto to be extra careful today.

*Do you really think that the villagers would really attack me during the day?* Naruto asked as he quietly stole an apple to eat since he was starving.

*I do Kit. Remember today was the day that you were born and the day I was sealed within you. Because of the human's blind hatred, they will see you as me.* Kurama explained mentally. No matter how hard Naruto tried, he couldn't hate or be angry at the human villagers. Naruto's fox ears twitched wildly when he heard someone approaching where he was hiding.

"Damn fucking fox! I will kill you!" roared out a villager.

*Naruto....... Run!* Kurama roared out. Naruto quickly scampered out of his hiding place running as quickly as he could. His ears twitched wildly as he could hear a mob of villagers begin to chase him. *Head for the forest Naru.....* Kurama told him as the great nine tailed fox felt hopeless that he couldn't help Naruto. Naruto quickly darted through the village as he could feel stones and kunai pelt his body. Suddenly, he could feel something wrap around his ankle tripping him up. A chain wrapped around his ankle as several more shot out to prevent Naruto from escaping. Naruto's fox ears pressed against his head as his tails wrapped close to his body. Soft whimpers escaped from his lips.

"Please...... Don't!" Naruto whimpered in fear. But his pleas fell on deaf ears.

At that same moment, the two remaining Tengu, Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha were out doing some shopping. Their large black wings were folded against their backs. Tengu looked almost human except they had slightly pointed human ears. Their nails were actually talons as they were black in color and retractable much like their fangs. Both Sasuke and Itachi were the only two Tengu left as most of their family was killed off during the night that the Kyuubi attacked.

"I have one more store to go to Sasuke." Itachi told his younger brother whom was carrying some of the bags. Sasuke was five years old while Itachi was sixteen years old.

"It's fine Itachi......." Sasuke stated before he stopped suddenly. Itachi noticed that Sasuke's eyes went lifeless as his ears twitched lightly as if he was hearing something that Itachi wasn't. Without warning, Sasuke dropped the bags as his wings opened wide. Sasuke's three foot wing span took him off the ground like a bolt.

"Sasuke!" Itachi yelled out. When the older Tengu tried to reach out mentally for his brother, he heard soft pleas and whimpers that didn't belong to Sasuke. Something told him that he needed follow his brother.

Sasuke flew to where he could feel and hear his mates distress. He could see with his keen eye sight a Kitsune whom was getting beaten up by humans. Sasuke could see blood and clearly heard the small Kitsune's pleas but the humans didn't seem to care. Sasuke gathered up all of his powers as he swooped down unleashing a mighty gust of wind from his wings. The small Tengu stood in front of Naruto with his wings fully stretched out. His eyes changed from their normal black color to blood red. This was a powerful dojutsu kekki genkai known as the Sharingan. All Uchiha's had this ability. Sasuke's wing blast had managed to get the humans off and away from Naruto.

"Leave him alone!" snarled out Sasuke as his talons grew longer. The young Tengu was ready to fight to protect his omega.

"Step away Uchiha. We have to finish what the fourth hokage couldn't. The Kitsune has to pay for the lives it took." stated a random villager. Sasuke shook his head no. To him it didn't make any sense why the villagers were so angry with the Kitsune behind him. But he wasn't going to step aside. Every instinct was screaming at him to protect Naruto. To protect his mate. Itachi whom was up in the air had heard and seen everything. Quickly he summoned some crows to gather some Anbu and to send a message to the hokage about the situation. Itachi couldn't help but to notice Sasuke's stance as it clearly displayed an alpha protecting its mate. From what Itachi knew being a part of the Anbu, that the Kitsune Naruto and the Tanuki Gaara were a very rare omega. Of course Itachi knew what happened the night that Kyuubi was sealed away and when he asked Sasuke his view about it the young Tengu didn't hate the fox as most of the Tengu were killed trying to protect their home and the village from destruction.

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