moving in with the Uchiha

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Chapter Three: moving in with the Uchiha

Sasuke Uchiha didn't move as he made no indication of moving away from Naruto.  He hated that the villagers blind anger for what happened during the Kyuubi attack was making them take it out on a small innocent Kitsune.  Who probably had nothing to do with what happened that night.  

"I guess that you leave us with no choice Uchiha.  We will force you to move." snapped a villager.  Suddenly a larger gust of wind blew the villagers back away from Sasuke and Naruto.  The Anbu wearing a bear mask (Yamato) and an Anbu wearing a dog mask (Kakashi) stood behind the group of villagers.

"Wood Release: Four Pillar Prison!"

"Earth Release: Multiple Earth Style Wall!" stated the two Anbu as their jutsu's prevented any one from leaving.  Another Anbu wearing a cat mask (Yugao Uzuki) came in the alley as the three Anbu proceeded to tie up the rest of the villagers.  Sasuke let out a soft sigh in relief as he allowed his wings to fold against his back, his talons to revert back to normal, and for his regular Tengu self, he turned to the Kitsune whom whimpered behind him.

"It's all right now.  You are safe." Sasuke spoke softly to the fox.  Naruto whimpered and shuttered in fear.  Sasuke knelt down next to the Kitsune as he began to chirp softly as his wings wrapped around Naruto.  Slowly but surely Sasuke could feel Naruto relax.

"You don't understand......  He has to pay for what he did!" yelled out a villager.  Naruto pressed his hands against his fox ears to prevent from hearing the their hate filled voices.

*Don't listen to them Naruto.  They only see you as me.  Your father wanted for you to be seen as a hero for holding me within you.  What he didn't plan was for something to screw up the seal transforming you into a Kitsune.* Kurama stated mentally.  Naruto could feel the young Tengu chirp softly as he ran his hand through Naruto's blond locks which was actually fur and not hair.  Soft purrs rose up from Naruto as he felt safe in Sasuke's arms.  Naruto soon found himself falling asleep.

Itachi walked over to his little brother to find that Naruto had fallen asleep within Sasuke's arms.  Itachi couldn't help but to notice that Naruto was wearing ragged clothing that looked far too small on him.  He noticed how skinny and dirty Naruto was.  Naruto's wounds was slowly beginning to heal thanks to the nine tails power.  Sasuke allowed his wings to unfurl from around Naruto.

"Sasuke.......  We are going to bring Naruto to the hospital.  Lord Hokage is going to meet us there." Itachi stated as he bent down to pick up the Kitsune.  Sasuke watched Itachi carefully with his mate.  The omega whimpered a bit in his sleep when he was picked up by Itachi.

The two of them then open up their wings as they flew to the hospital.  Itachi couldn't help but to notice how incredibly light and bony Naruto was.  Itachi grew concerned as he had seen it in the way Sasuke looked at Naruto, his body language, and gestures that the young Kitsune was Sasuke's potential mate.  Itachi had heard how possessive alpha's become because of their omega mates and how mates could have telepathic and empathic connections.

'That's probably how Sasuke knew that Naruto was in trouble.  And how Sasuke was able to calm Naruto down.  I knew that the villagers hate and despise the nine tails.  But to take it out on a young child whom is holding the fox at bay.  It's almost like they see Naruto as the fox rather than the fox being a part of him.' Itachi thought to himself.  The two Tengu landed at the hospital as they carried Naruto inside.  What surprised Itachi even more was when some of the hospital staff refused to even treat Naruto telling the two Tengu that Naruto's kind was not welcomed there.

  Before Itachi could say anything, Sarutobi growled at the staff.

"Why aren't you treating that Kitsune boy?" growled the onikuma.  The staff jumped as they directed Itachi to a room where he could place Naruto down.  Itachi could see that Sasuke had activated his Sharingan as he stared at the nurses and doctors making sure that they treated his omega.  Once Naruto wounds were treated, the nurses and doctors left the room.  Sasuke turned off his Sharingan as he pulled a chair up next to Naruto's bed.  He took a seat next to Naruto as he took a hold of Naruto's hand.  Sarutobi looked at Itachi in confusion as the older Tengu whispered the word mate.  This caused the old bear demon to sigh softly.

"Please tell me what happened to Naruto." Sarutobi stated.  Itachi proceeded to tell the Hokage what he had witnessed today and some of the other days when he encountered Naruto while under his Anbu guise of Raven (yes I know that Itachi is the weasel Anbu but I am making him the raven).

"I believe that Naruto is still being abused by everyone around him.  Mostly human." Itachi stated causing Sasuke to perk up from his chair.

"Why would they abuse him?  Is this because he is a Kitsune like the nine tails that attacked on October tenth?" snarled Sasuke as he bolted out of his chair.

Before Sarutobi could answer a soft moan escaped from Naruto.  The small Kitsune let out a low yawn as he rubbed his eyes sleepily.  Naruto slowly sat up as he opened his eyes to see two Tengu and an onikuma in the room.  Naruto could sense that one of the three alpha's were angry.  Naruto's fox ears pressed against his head as he extended out his neck in a sign of submission.  Sasuke's anger quickly dissipated as he didn't like feeling his mates sadness and distress.  Sarutobi walked up to Naruto placing a hand onto his shoulder.

"Relax Naruto.  No one here is mad at you." stated the bear demon.  Naruto's tail moved from out of the blanket and into his lap as he began to brush his tail.  

"The villagers are......." he stated in a soft whimper.

"Naruto why aren't you at the orphanage?" asked Sarutobi.  Tears began to shimmer in Naruto's eyes as he shook his head wildly.  Whimpers arose from Naruto.  Fear caused his body to shutter.  Panic set in as he couldn't bring himself to explain it to the three alpha's in the room.  He didn't know if they even knew about Kurama.

*Naruto.......  Come here Kit and calm down.  I will take over and explain everything for you.* Kurama stated in a gentle voice.  Naruto didn't reply as he did as Kurama instructed allowing the nine tails control.  As Kurama began to take control, he could hear the younger Tengu's chirps and soft voice trying to ease Naruto's panic and fear.  'Never thought that I would see the day that a Uchiha would become Naruto's destined mate.  Maybe not all Uchiha are as bad as I thought.' Kurama thought to himself.  As Kurama began to break through, Sasuke suddenly stopped chirping.

"Sasuke......?  What's wrong?" Itachi asked when he noticed his little brother's change.

"He can sense the difference between Naruto and me." Kurama stated.  All eyes turned towards Naruto to see a pair of blood red eyes.  The whisker marks on Naruto's cheeks grew bolder.

"Kyuubi......  What have you done to Naruto?" snarled Sarutobi.

"I would no sooner hurt my Kit than I would myself.  It's hard for him to deal with the question you asked because of how human's see him.  The reason why he's not at the orphanage is because last year they kicked him out." answered the fox.  Sarutobi gasped out this fact.  He felt terrible as he heard reports about what was happening to Naruto through Gaara but when he sent someone to investigate the Tanuki's claims.  No evidence of foul play could be found.  "I know what possibly some of your Anbu told you.  But most of them didn't lift a finger to help him.  Sometimes they even helped in torturing Naruto." snapped the fox.  Kurama could feel someone place a gentle hand on top of Naruto's as he turned towards Sasuke to see tears line his eyes.  Kurama could feel the empathic bond with the young Tengu had with his host which calmed the mighty Biju down.  This caused Kurama to unleash a long soft sigh.

"I know what humans say about me and what they believe.  But I never wanted to attack the village, I was forced to by someone who claimed to be Madara Uchiha." 

"But Madara is dead." stated Itachi. 

"Look all I know is that he had the same vibe that all of you Uchiha have but he didn't have his wings." Kurama explained before he gave Naurto back control.  *Feeling any better Kit?*

*Yes thank you Kurama.* replied the small Kitsune as the blood red eyes were replaced by sky blue.

"Naruto...... I'm so sorry about everything that has happened to you.  Perhaps I should arrange another place for you to stay......." stated Sarutobi.

"He can stay with us!" exclaimed Sasuke.  The hokage looked at the young Tengu in shock.  The onikuma turned towards Itachi as the older Tengu nodded his head that it was alright for Naruto to come live with them.    Itachi knew that if he tried to separate the two, that Sasuke would never forgive him.

"Of course Naruto could come and live with us.  But, I will be laying down some ground rules for you two." stated Itachi.

"No problem Itachi." Sasuke replied with a wide smile on his face.  "Isn't this good news Naruto?  You will be living with us from now on.  Itachi and I will protect you." stated Sasuke.  Naruot smiled softly at the two Tengu as he bowed his head.

"Then I guess that I will be within your care." 

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