Kurama's human form

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Chapter Four: Kurama's human form

After the arrangement was made for Naruto to live with the two remaining Uchiha, Itachi proceeded to take the young Kitsune shopping for clothes. Naruto kept his head down, fox ears pressed against his head, and his tail close to his body. Itachi noticed the hate filled stares and whispers directed towards Naruto.

'Poor guy has had it tough. It seems that no one cares about the fourth's will. Naruto needs to break free of his omega habits. Hopefully Sasuke, the nine tails, and I can help him.' Several shops tried to turn the three away and even attempt to charge Itachi double for items that were meant for Naruto. But for a powerful clan like the Uchiha, the humans had no choice but to obey the two alpha males whom threatened to go to the hokage with their refusal to help a member of their village. Once the shopping was completed, the two Tengu took Naruto home to their estates. Since the clan's sacrifice, Itachi decided to remodel the Uchiha estates. Itachi kept the main house where he and Sasuke grew up as their own and demolished the rest of the estates. They remodel their home to fit their needs. Itachi took his parents room while Sasuke took Itachi's old room.

"Sasuke....... Why don't you show Naruto to his room and around the house. I will start on dinner." Itachi stated. Sasuke nodded his head as he took Naruto by the hand as the young Tengu dragged the Kitsune with him. Itachi laughed lightly at Sasuke's enthusiasm. He knew that with Sasuke being close to Naruto, they will break him out of his sad and shy omega shell.

Sasuke pulled Naruto by the hand leading the omega through the house pointing out several rooms. The living room, diming room, Itachi's room, Sasuke's room, and the bathroom.

"And this one will be your room. It used to be my room so I think that some of my scent may still linger a bit. We can remodel the room to suit your needs." Sasuke stated as he placed the clothes they bought for Naruto down next to the dresser. Naruto wondered around the room taking in everything. Tears began to line Naruto's eyes.

"I don't deserve any or all of this. I am a monster...... A demon......"

"It's true that you are a demon just like Itachi and me but, in no way are you a monster." Sasuke stated as he walked over towards Naruto. Sasuke gently brushed away the Kitsune's tears. "No matter what humans may say you are you Naruto and not the nine tails. Even though you will gain nine tails when you get older. There is a difference between you and him." Sasuke stated.

*You should listen to him Naruto. As your mate, Sasuke can never lie to you as you can tell that he is telling you the truth.* Kurama stated. Naruto just found himself nodding his head.

"Sasuke....... Naruto...... Dinner!" called out Itachi.

During dinner, Itachi explained the rules to the two.

"If and when Naruto goes into heat, you will not be allowed to mate with him until you are both old enough. Basically when you are sixteen or eighteen years old. Naruto, I trust that the nine tails can help control your heat and pheromones when you go into heat." stated Itachi.

*It's due able.* Kurama replied as Naruto nodded his head.

"Sasuke and I will help you develop some confidence. Even if you are an omega, you should have pride in yourself no matter what anyone says. We will also work with you to help with training to become a ninja. If you need anything you can come to either Sasuke or myself as we will always listen and help you out no matter what." Naruto felt touched by Itachi's words as tears shimmered in Naruto's eyes.

*Kit....... I want to talk to them can you give me control?* Kurama asked as he could feel Naruto step aside giving the fox control. Both Itachi and Sasuke noticed the change in Naruto as the nine tails came forth.

"Nine tails." Itachi stated.

"Kurama....... That's my true name. I feel that Naruto is in good hands as your words ring true. This is why I am trusting you both with my true name." Kurama stated towards the two Tengu. Both Itachi and Sasuke nodded their heads that they understood. "I know that the Uchiha clan are famous for their Sharingan as it could easily control me but, it doesn't feel to me like you two would do that to either Naruto or myself without just cause."
"Of course we wouldn't do that to Naruto. Why would I want to control my own mate?" Sasuke asked angrily.

"Perhaps you two are different from your ancestors who tried to use me as a weapon of war. But that's beside the point. I need your help Itachi as I know that you have the Mangekyou Sharingan. I can help stabilize your eyes so it won't cause you to go blind and cure your sickness."

Itachi's eyes widened considerably as he knew that the Biju was a very powerful entity. It's power made it the king of all monsters alike. The Kyuubi no Yohko was known as the alpha of alpha's. For the king of the Biju's to be asking Itachi for help must mean that even the great beast couldn't do somethings alone.

"What do you need Kurama?" asked Itachi.

"I need for you to help Naruto alter his mindscape. I also need some help achieving a human form." replied Kurama.

"Of course I will be glad to help you out Kurama." replied Itachi as he activated his Sharingan and was pulled into Naruto's mindscape. Itachi found himself in front of Kurama's cage as Naruto stood before the large gate.

"Itachi?!" Naruto asked in shock wondering why the older Tengu was there.

"He's here to help you with remodeling the mindscape. Since I can't be truly free from you without killing us both." stated Kurama. Naruto silently nodded his head in understanding.

"Naruto since this place is within you, you hold most of the power to alter it just not the knowledge to do so. I want you to close your eyes." Itachi stated as he placed a hand onto Naruto's shoulder. "I want for you to picture a lush forest with a nearby river or pond. A large cave that Kurama can make into a den. Wildlife that he could hunt for food or to keep him company. A large field where Kurama can stretch his legs and where you can train with him." Itachi stated. When he could feel that Naruto had the picture in his mind, Itachi flared his chakra into Naruto. "Now visualize the mindscape as you know it and seen it and begin to change it into the image that you had pictured."

The mindscape began to change as the sewer water dried up leaving lush grass in its place. The pipes broke apart becoming trees. The gate became a large cave covered in moss as the seal transformed becoming a dog collar around Kurama's neck. The sewer water was replaced with fresh clean water as the sound of birds, crickets, and frogs filled the area. The once lifeless and dim looking sewer become a lush and vibrant forest. Naruto opened his eyes as he nearly collapsed but Itachi helped keep him steady.

"You did a good job Kit. Rest for a while as Itachi and I will finish up." Kurama stated. Itachi helped Naruto over to a nearby log where he could watch and rest up. "Allow me to heal you first Itachi before we do this." Kurama stated as he fully stretched out his height. Kurama stretched out to his limbs before he sat down before Itachi. Itachi walked up towards Kurama as the nine tails extended his paw towards the Tengu. A nail touched Itachi's forehead as the great beast pumped a bit of his chakra into Itachi. Itachi bit his lip to prevent from crying out in pain as Kurama pulled away his claw.

Itachi closed his eyes as he felt Kurama's power cure the Tengu's blindness and sickness. Once Itachi felt all of the pain wash through his body before he reopened his eyes again. Itachi could no longer feel the sickness that was slowly killing him nor could he see the spots in his vision. Everything was now clear to Itachi.

"Thank you Kurama. Now let's work on your human form. I assume that you already have an image in mind that you want to transform into." Kurama nodded his head yes. Itachi activated his Sharingan as he placed a hand onto Kurama's muzzle pumping chakra into the nine tailed fox. Kurama's form began to flux and shrink as the nine tail fox became human. He had short reddish-orange hair that fell a bit past his neck in length. Kurama still had all nine of his tails with white tips at the end of them. He had his fox ears on tip of his head just like Naruto but had black tips. Kurama was wearing red oriental robes with black kimono pants. Kurama wore no shoes on his feet as all of his nails where black. Itachi released his Sharingan as he stepped back swaying a bit. Naruto leapt off the log as he went over to help Itachi sit down before he passed out. Kurama ruffled Naruto's locks as he helped the older Tengu to the log. Kurama then picked up Naurto giving the young Kitsune a hug. Naruto giggled at the affection as Itachi smiled watching the two of them as it reminded him so much of himself and Sasuke.

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