ninja academy

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Chapter five: ninja academy

Two years had passed since Naruto had moved in with the Uchiha brothers. Naruto had broken out of his shy omega shell as he took pride in himself and who he was. He disliked when someone spoke poorly about him and/or Kurama. No one besides the Hokage and the Uchiha brothers knew the truth about the nine tails. Naruto wanted for everyone to see him and not the nine tailed fox that he held with inside of him. So, Naruto had a goal one that no omega had ever attempted before. He wanted to become a Hokage like his father. He knew that the odds were against him, but he would make it a reality. Naruto was able to see his friend Gaara again as he learned that the Tanuki and his family would be moving to the sand village. Yashamaru had found out that Gaara's father was the Kazekage of the sand and that Rasa had changed some of the policies in order to have his children especially Gaara whom was stuck in a demon form accepted within the sand.  To thank the leaf for looking after and taking good care of his children despite the mishap with the sealing of the one tails, an alliance was formed between the leaf and the sand. Naruto was sad to see Gaara leave but they knew that they would see each other again when they become ninja and during the chunin exams.

It was the first day of spring as the children from the age of six would be going to the ninja academy to learn to learn to defend their village and learn about the elemental nations. Naruto looked forward to hopefully make some friends his own age as Itachi told him that there were other demon children attending from the various clans that existed within the leaf. Naruto was hoping that not everyone would see him as a monster. Unmated omega's wore a black plain collar around their necks to prevent alpha's from marking them. Naruto's had the Uchiha's clan symbol on it which would tell any and all alpha's that even though he hasn't been marked yet, he was already spoken for and had a mate. Itachi walked with the two towards the school. Naruto walked with his head held high as he ignored the people staring and whispering about him. He would prove to them all just how strong he could be and that he and the nine tails weren't a threat.

"All right you two. Remember to try your best as I want for you guys to become proud shinobi no matter what people say." Itachi stated as he ruffled both Sasuke's and Naruto's locks. 

"Hai Itachi. We will see you after school!" Sasuke replied as he took Naruto by the hand leading the Kitsune inside of the school.

When Naruto and Sasuke entered the class room, they could see various demons and humans all the same room.

"It seems like all of the heads of their clans are here." Sasuke stated while he and Naruto went to find some seats.  All of the human girls flocked over towards Sasuke crowding the young Tengu pushing Naruot out of their way.  

"Idiots.......  Can't they see that he has all ready found his mate?" asked a boy whom looked a lot like Naruto except for he had wolf ears and a wolf tail.  "Don't worry.......  Your mate is loyal to you as he won't give those girls a chance.  Hi......  I'm Kiba Inuzuka, an Ookami, a wolf demon." 

"Naruto Uzumaki, a Kitsune, a fox demon." Naruto replied as he shook hands with Kiba.  Kiba smiled as his fangs could be clearly seen.

"Since foxes and wolves are all a part of the same canine family, I have a feeling that we will become good friends." stated Kiba.  This caused Naruto to smile.

"You better not be trying to pick up my mate Inuzuka." growled Sasuke.  Kiba held his hands up in surrender.

"Hey....... I know better than to try that Uchiha.  I was just introducing myself." replied Kiba as Naruto nodded his head agreeing with the wolf demon.

"All right........  Everyone take your seats and we will begin!" stated the teacher as he entered the room.  The teacher wrote his name down onto the board large enough so everyone could see.  "My name is Iruka Umino and I will be your sensei until you all graduate and become genin.  As I call out your name please stand up and tell us a bit about yourselves.  If you are a demon your clan and race. "   Naruto got to see a lot of various demons as no two where alike as they came from the various clans like:  Choji Akamichi, an oni from the Akamichi clan that specialized in expansion jutsu.  Oni's where a bulky build, lightly tanned skin with a pair of small horn coming out of their foreheads.  Shikimaru Nara, a Hakutaku from the Nara clan that specialized with the shadow imitation jutsu and were known to be the smartest demons in the world.  Hakutaku had yellow corena's with red-orange eyes, long horns coming out of their heads and shoulder blades.  They had pointed human ears much like Sasuke. a long goat-like tail with a fur tuff at the end, and goat-like legs in place for their feet. as they had a third eye in the middle of their forehead.  Ino Yamanaka, a Satori from the Yamanaka clan that specialized in the mind transfer jutsu.  Satori much like the Onikuma took on a complete animal form as Ino looked like a money dressed like a human (early Planet of the Apes style).  Shino Aburame, a Tsuchigumo, a spider demon from the Aburame clan a clan that specialized in using insects.  Tsuchigumo were humans with two extra arms and two extra legs.  They had spider-like fangs at the end of their jaws and four eyes which was hidden behind sunglasses.  And last was Hinta Hyuga, a Kirin from the Hyuga clan.  Much like the Uchiha clan they had a bloodline doujutsu known as the Byakuyan.  The Kirin's had a single deer-like horn in the middle of their forehead, fish scales under their eyes going across and down their cheeks, a long dragon tail with a fur tuff at the end, ox-like legs in place for their feet, and pointed human ears similar to Sasuke.

When Sasuke introduced himself all the human girls had hearts in their eyes.  Naruto couldn't help but to let out a low growl.  He didn't like how they were going goo-goo eye over his mate.

"Naruto Uzumaki?!" called out Iruka.  Naruto stood up as he could feel all the human girls give him hate filled glares at how close he  was to Sasuke.  All of the humans gave him the "I want to kill you" look.  Naruto and Sasuke gave them a dark look back.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki, an omega Kitsune and mate to Sasuke Uchiha."  Naruto stated proudly showing off his neck collar.  "I know what you all think of me but, I am goin to prove to you all that I am not the nine tail fox that attacked the village six years ago.  As I will do what no omega has ever done, I will become Hokage in order for people to acknowledge me for myself and not what they see me as!" Naruto stated.  The class broke out in laughter at Naruto's proclamation.  A much louder growl arose coming from Sasuke as his eyes activated to the Sharingan.

"Don't you dare laugh at my mate or his dream.  For I know that he will achieve it cause I will help him!" snarled Sasuke.  This shut everyone up as Naruto sat down.  The Kitsune had a large smile stretched across his face.

*I'm proud of you Kit.  As I feeling that you will show this village just how strong your will of fire is.* Kurama stated mentally.  Naruto's grin grew as he knew that the nine tailed fox would also help him achieve his dream. 

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