family reunion

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WARNINGS: the Kitsune's featured for the summoning contract come from various anime, manga, and/or game series. I do not own these characters as all rights belong to the series they come from and their creators.

Chapter Eighteen: family reunion

Four days had passed since Naruto began his training with the toad sage Jiraiya. The sannin took training Naruto very seriously because he didn't want the nine tailed fox that was sealed within Naruto to actually do as he threatened. Naruto much like his father, learned quickly as he perfected the Rasengan within two days. The other two was spent training and adding a chakra element to the Rasengan. Jiraiya wanted Naruto to sign the toad contract but, Naruto had to turn him down.

"I am sorry Ero-sannin. I already have a summoning contract with Kurama.  The first ever fox contract." replied Naruto. Jiraiya frowned at this news but it couldn't be helped. During their training Jiraiya would tell Naruto all about his parents and what kind of people they were.

"I think that they would be proud of how far you have come. I know that you haven't had the easiest life because of what you have sealed within you. But I have feeling that you will prove to everyone just how strong you are and that you and the nine tails are two separate beings." stated Jiraiya. Naruto was in tears hearing this come from his godfather, a man who he viewed as apart of his growing family.

Jiraiya gave Naruto on the fifth day a gift that belonged to his parents. The first was his father's hokage robes and a triple prong kunai that was used for his teleportation jutsu. The triple prong kunai included a sealed scroll that could only be opened by Naruto which gave instructions on how to perform the Flying Thunder God jutsu. From his mom, Naruto got a sealing scroll and how to perform certain seals along a katana. Both of his parents left him an incomplete photo album filled with pictures up until the day that Naruto was born.

"I know that they were excited and couldn't wait until you were born. No one, not even your parents could have imagine what would happen that night." Jiraiya stated. Naruto clutched his gifts as he was in tears.

"Thank you Ero-sannin." Naruto whimpered. Jiraiya pulled the blonde Kitsune into his arms hugging the three tailed fox ninja.

"Just do me proud in the finals of the chunin exams." stated Jiraiya. Naruto pulled away drying his tears before he gave Jiraiya his signature smile.

"You better believe it. I am going to give it my all!"

With two days to rest up before the finals, Naruto felt like it was a good time to summon Kurama and his family. Naruto went to the forest this way he had a place to summon the Kitsune's without drawing a lot of attention. Naruto found a large clearing as he bit into his fingertips drawing blood before running his hand through the hand signs to perform the summoning jutsu.

"Summoning Jutsu!" called out Naruto as he slammed his hand down on the ground. A summoning circle appeared underneath Naruto's hand as a large plum of smoke erupted. When the smoke cleared Kurama stood in his human from along with eleven Kitsune's as they where mostly teens and adults in age.

"Dad..... Grandpa......!" several of them shouted as they tackled Kurama to the ground. Kurama laughed as the eleven Kitsune hugged him laughing along with Kurama.

"Alright Kits...... I am to see you all again but I want to introduce you to my host." Kurama stated causing the Kitsune's to get off of him. The eleven Kitsune turned looking at Naruto with confusion in their eyes. Kurama went up to Naruto placing his hand on the teen's shoulder. "I know that he may not look like it but this is my current host Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki. The reason why he looks like us is because of an unseen event that happened during the sealing ceremony. I want you all to treat him with the same respect that you all give to me." stated Kurama. All eleven Kitsune's nodded their heads as one at a time each of them stepped forth introducing themselves to Naruto.

The first was an adult male with long white hair and silver eyes.

"Hello Naruto it's nice to meet you. My name is Tomoe (Kamisama Kiss)." The next to come up was a young teen with long brown hair tied up in a ponytail. He had pointed human eyes instead of fox ears. Fox paws for feet and three tails much like Naruto.

"Hey there...... I'm Shippo (Inuyasha)!" he stated with an ecstatic grin on his face as his green eyes shined in delight. Before Shippo could reach to shake Naruto's hand, an adult male with short white hair and nine tails pulled Shippo away. Naruto noticed that this one had two different color eyes. The right was blue while the left was gold.

"Don't mind Shippo as he excites easily." he stated earning a pout from Shippo. "My name is Soushi Miketsukami (Inu x Boku SS)." Soushi stepped aside allowing another adult male to step forth as he had long white hair and golden eyes.

"I am Yoko Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho). But most just call me Kurama instead of Yoko." This time a young female stepped forth as she wore clothing similar to a ninja's. Her long blonde hair was tied up into a pony tail as she had green eyes.

"I am Yukikaze Panettone (Dog Days). But you can call me Yuki for short. I have a feeling that we are going to be good friends." Yuki stepped aside allowing an adult male with short white hair and nine tails step forth. He had brilliant sky blue eyes.

"Hello Naruto. My name is Ginji (Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast For Spirits)." Next to step forth was a young female teen with long blonde hair and blue-green eyes.

"My name is Kuugen Tenko (Our Fox Deity) but everyone calls me Kuu for short." Kuu stepped to the side as another young female stepped forth. She had long pink hair which she wore in pigtails and hazel eyes. Brown fox ears and tails.

"Hello Naruto...... I am Tamamo no Mae (Fate/Grand Order). Just Tamamo is fine." Another young female stepped forth as she had long blonde hair with the ends of it black. He ears matched her hair as she had orange eyes.

"They call me Xiaomu (Namco x Capcom)!" she stated holding up two of her fingers in a peace sign.

"Xiaomu is just as cheerful as Shippo so I would watch out." stated an older adult female. She had long white hair which was tied up into a bun as she had golden yellow eyes. Xiaomu stuck her tongue out at the older woman.

"But she means well. My name is Kongiku (Muramasa: the demon blade). Its an honor to meet you." Finally another adult female stepped forth as she had black hair, hazel yellow eyes, and nine white tails.

"And I am Ahri (League of Legends)."

Naruto bowed his head towards the eleven Kitsune.

"It's nice to meet all of you as I hope that we can all get along as you work with me to protect the people that I care for and the place that I call home." Naruto stated.

"Of course we will Naruto. You are a part of our family now, even if dad wasn't sealed within you." stated Tomoe bluntly causing Yoko Kurama to slap him in the back of the head.

"What my rather impulsive brother says is true.  You are family now Naruto and we are going to stick with you through thick and thin." added Yoko Kurama. Yoko's words caused Naruto to break down in tears. The eleven Kitsune gathered around Naruto hugging the youngest member of their family as he cried. Kurama smiled softly as he watched his children and grandchildren comfort Naruto.

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