training with Jiraiya

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Chapter seventeen: training with Jiraiya

After the last match was decided, Sarutobi proceeded to congratulate the winners before he had them pick numbers to find out whom they will face against in the final rounds.  Before Sarutobi could announce the results, the cat Anbu appeared behind the Onikuma as she whispered something into the old bear demon's ear.  The hokage nodded his head as he told the Anbu something before she vanished as quickly as she appeared.  

"You will all have a week to train before the final rounds begin.  So, I want you all to be at you best.  Now onto the match ups.  Naruto Uzumaki vs Neji Hyuga, Kankuro vs Shino Aburame, Temari vs Shikamaru Nara, and Gaara vs Sasuke Uchiha.  The winners from those matches will move on to face one another until we are down to the final two contestants.  I want to wish you all good luch as I will see you all within one week." stated Sarutobi as he dismissed everyone.  Before he left the arena, the Onikuma went up towards Naruto and Gaara.  "I want for you both to come to the hokage tower as I have the people whom will be training you both there.  I am very proud of how far you both have come regardless of your status." he stated before leaving.  Neji approached Gaara bowing his head in shame for his earlier behavior.  While Gaara and Neji talked, Naruto went over towards Sasuke whom was taking with Kakashi.  When Naruto approached, Sasuke quickly turned hugging his mate.

"I am so happy that you made it.  Not that I had any doubt mind you.  So, do you have any clue whom will be training you?" asked Sasuke.

"No.......  I am going to meet them at the hokage tower.  How about you?"

"Itachi and Kakashi will be working with me during this week.  So, I guess that I will see you at home later on." replied Sasuke as he quickly kissed Naruto on the cheek. 

Both Naruto and Gaara headed towards the tower wondering whom Sarutobi arranged to train them during this week.  Whomever Sarutobi arranged to train them must be very strong as it seemed that the hokage had faith that these people could make both Gaara and Naruto strong enough within a weeks time.  The two demons knocked on the door once they arrived at the hokage tower.  

"Enter!" called out Sarutobi.  Both Naruto and Gaara entered the office to find a human with long spikey white hair whom smelled like frogs.  While the other was the very first ever chimera as she was a cross between a Kirin and a Tengu.  Something about this chimera seemed familiar to Gaara.  "Thank you both for coming.  Allow me to introduce you to the ones whom will be training you.  Gaara, you may not recognize her in true form but this is Angel Hyuchi."  Gaara's eyes widened considerably.  

"Hello Gaara." stated Angel.

"But I thought that you were human.  And why are you wearing a leaf headband?" asked Gaara in shock.

"It is because I am originally from the leaf village.  I had used a genjutsu to hide my true appearance because most humans and even demons frown on mixed races.  And being from two very powerful clans with all of their abilities didn't help things." replied Angel.

"Angel was born from a union of a Hyuga and Uchiha as she is what most would call a chimera." stated Sarutobi.

"But I prefer to be called a Winged Kirin." added Angel.

"Anyways.....  Gaara you will be working with Angel while Naruto you will be working with......."

"The world famous Toad Sannin.......  Jiraiya the great!" stated the spikey haired human.

*That's the human who trained your father as he is also your godfather.* Kurama told Naruto mentally.  When Naruto heard this fact, he didn't know whether to be happy to meet his godfather or upset that his godfather chose now to show himself.  But a deep low growl told Jiraiya that Naruto wasn't thrilled by the toad sage's antics.

"I suppose that the nine tails told who I was." stated Jiraiya as the smile disappeared from his face.  "No words can express how sorry I am Naruto.  But I want to make it up to you by training you for the finals.  I can also tell you about your parents and what they were like."  Naruto sighed softly as he always wondered what kind of people his parents were as Kurama was only able to show Naruto fragments from his memory.  And who better than the man whom trained his father before he became hokage and a legend in the leaf village.  

"I guess that I can forgive you." Naruto stated causing Jiraiya to smile as the toad sage scooped Naruto up into his arms hugging the Kitsune.

"You won't regret this Kit!" laughed Jiraiya.  Naruto could mentally see Kurama face palm at Jiraiya's words.

*Why is it that I  have a very bad feeling about this?* Kurama asked mentally.  Which caused Naruto to panic with worry if Kurama had a bad feeling about the toad sage training him.

After meeting the people whom will train them, both Naruto and Gaara were told where to meet up with their trainers tomorrow to begin their training.  Both demons left the tower wishing the other good luck at the final rounds.  Naruto quickly headed home to the Uchiha compound.  There where still a lot of humans who sneered at him.  But usually he was always with someone to prevent the humans from trying to attack him.  Even though Naruto knew how to defend himself, he didn't want to hurt or attack the villagers just because they are blinded by their hate.  Naruto hoped that by becoming a chunin and helping defend the village would cause the human villagers to see him in a different light.  Naruto also wanted to try out the summoning jutsu that Kurama taught him.  He wanted to meet Kurama's children.  Naruto wondered what they would be like.  Would they like him even though their dad was sealed within him?

*Easy Kit as there is no rush.  Besides it possibly best that you don't summon me right away.* Kurama stated mentally.  

*Why?!  I think you would be thrilled to see your family and to stretch out in the real world.* Naruto stated mentally.

*It's not that Naruto.  The reason why I don't want you to summon me is because I am not certain how Itachi will react when he sees me.* replied Kurama.  This caused Naruto to be confused.  It wasn't like the older Tengu would attack the nine tailed fox.  Itachi seemed fine last time when Kurama pulled the Tengu into Naruto's mind scape.  Kurama sighed as he could feel Naruto's confusion.  *To put it bluntly, he is my mate.* Kurama stated.  This caused Naruto to stop in his tracks.  

*How is that possible?  You are both Alpha's!* 

*It's not unheard of in some demon cultures for two Alpha's to be drawn to each other.  Just one of them would be dominant while the other would be submissive.  I could easily be the submissive and bear Itachi cubs if he wished.*

*Do you think Itachi knows?*

*I don't think so.  He will realize it once I materialize in your world.  The problem is that since he and I have both gone for so long without a mate, it may end up triggering us to go into a rut.  This could also affect both you and Sasuke.* explained Kurama.  Naruto nodded his head understanding the problem as no doubt the nine tailed fox wanted to set up precautions incase that happened.  Naruto continued on his way home as he began to wonder what sort of training Jiraiya was going to give him.

The next morning, Naruto set out to meet up with the toad sage as the sannin as he stood in front of the hot baths.  Jiraiya wanted to set a good example by not peaking into the women's side for his "research" as he had no idea what the nine tailed fox told Naurto besides that the sage was his godfather and that he trained his father.  He could see the sun kissed blonde Kitsune come running up.  

"Morning Ero-sannin!" Naruto stated with a fanged smile.  Jiraiya sweat dropped at the name.

"May I ask why you call me that Naruto?" asked Jiraiya.

"Cause Kurama says you are a big pervert.  He also says you better take training me seriously or he will castrate you." Naruto replied.  Jiraiya couldn't help but to shutter at those words.  He figured that the nine tailed fox would find away to actually carry out his threat.  Jiraiya was told by Sarutobi the nine tailed fox true name.  Plus the fact that Naruto was mated to the Tengu Sasuke Uchiha.

"All right then let's go in so we can begin." replied Jiriaya which caused the Kitsune to look confused.

Jiraiya had Naruto strip down to his boxers as his first task was to teach the Kitsune how to walk on water.  Seeing how he had already mastered the tree climbing exercise, with water walking it would give Naruto more control over his chakra which would be useful for the jutsu that Jiraiya wanted to teach the Kitsune.  It was one of the jutsu's that his father actually created as Naruto would be the only being whom could perfect it and build upon it.  Naruto did as instructed.

"I trust that your sensei went over how to use chakra to climb trees.  We are going to do the same thing only with water.  This requires a constant stream of chakra to allow you to walk on water."  Naruto nodded his head that he understood as he made the hand sign allowing his chakra to pump through his body.  The seal that held Kurama in place became visible as it looked more like a tattoo than a seal.  Once Naruot had enough chakra, he shakily stepped out onto the hot water.  Naruto held onto a pole before he let go and made it several feet before falling in.  Naruto let out a loud yelp as he fell into the water causing Jiraiya to laugh.  Naruto got back at the toad sage when he shook himself dry next to the sannin.  By midnoon, Naruto finally got a handle of water walking.  Jiraiya had to give the Kitsune credit as he seemed to learn and adapt quickly.   'No doubt that he will be able to learn his father's jutsu in a couple of days.  He definitely takes after Minato in looks besides having Kitsune features.  Naruto has Kushina's temperament and his father's quick wit.  "Say Naruto......  What is your goal?" asked Jiraiya.

"Promise not to laugh." stated Naruto.  The toad sage nodded his head yes.  "I want to become the first ever omega hokage.  I want to prove everyone that their impression of Kurama is wrong.  He was forced to attack the village." replied Naruto.  Jiraiya couldn't help but to smile at Naruto's goal as he ruffled the blonde Kitsune's locks.

"I have a very strong feeling that you may actually achieve that dream Kit.  Let's get out of here as I need to pick up a few supplies for the next part of your training."

"What sort of training am I going to work on next?" asked Naruto as his tails wagged in excitement.

"I am going to teach you a jutsu that your father actually created.  The Rasengan." Jiraiya stated as he showed Naruto the jutsu.  Naruto's tails wagged faster as he couldn't wait to begin learning a jutsu created by his father. 

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