Juubi and the great hokages

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Chapter Thirty-One: Juubi and the great hokages

As the three Jinchuriki rushed onto the main battlefield to find that the Juubi had been resurrected even though it wasn't fully complete.

"Obito.....  Why have you joined Madara?  This isn't the future that you have envisioned." stated Kakashi as the one who had been masked all this time face had been finally revealed as Kakashi's old teammate whom everyone thought was dead.

"You had failed to keep Rin safe like you had promised.  Now I have a new dream and to achieve it, I will destroy this one." replied Obito.

*How is it that the Juubi has been revived?* Kurama asked mentally.

*The masked man came and offered up the Gedo statue the Biju along with a small fraction of your three's chakra that had been sealed away into various objects.* answered Itachi.

*Can we stop them and it?* asked Sasuke.

*We won't know unless we try.* answered Naruto.

Meanwhile......  Karin Uzumaki had arrived at what used to be the Uzumaki shrine as she retrieved the shiningami mask.  She then went to meet up with Suigetsu Hozuki, Juugo, and Orochimaru to resurrect the great hokages of the leaf.  These four will help turn the tide of the war.  

"Perfect timing Karin.  Juugo place the four in the summoning circles and we can begin." Orochimaru stated.  A large built man with orange hair placed down the four unconscious Zetsu's as one was still being restrained by Suigetsu.  Karin gave Orochimaru the shinigami mask as the snake-like man placed it on to have the transparent form of the grim reaper appear behind him.  Orochimaru took control of the ghost forcing it to slice open its belly to pull out four souls from the shinigami's stomach.  Orochimaru then quickly used his body replacement technique to take control over the Zetzu that Suigetsu was holding.  Once the four souls entered the Zetzu's their bodies began to change revealing the four hokage of the leaf.  Two of them had faced Madara in the past and knew what he is capable of, while on of them had fought the masked man.  Even though their bodies where thanks to the Edo Tensei, their souls were their own.  Orochimaru bowed his head in respects to the four.

"I take it that things have gotten that bad." stated Sarutobi.

"Yes.  Madara has been resurrected as well as the ten tails.  The ninja need back up especially the two that are the only hope of stopping Madara, the masked man, and the ten tails." Orochimaru stated.  Minato Namikaze, the fourth hokage could feel the nine tails chakra flare up.

"Naruto?" he questioned softly.  All the other hokage's whom where demons looked at the one human.

"I always knew that your son was special even if the sealing technique to place the nine tails in him screwed up because of that masked man." stated the bear demon.

"Can someone please explain what is going on?" asked the first hokage.  The third and fourth hokage explained what had happened concerning the one tails and nine tails sealing and the attacks on the leaf by an organization known as the Akatsuki.  Orochimaru explained that these Akatsuki had started the fourth shinobi war and plan to use the ten tails to kill off all the shinobi and remake the world as they seem fit.

"According to the great anime sages the only hope to stop what is happening lays within two young mates blessed with the original sage's power, a bird and a fox." stated Orochimaru.  This caused Sarutobi's eyes to widen.

"Then you mean that both Naruto and Sasuke are the only hopes to completely end this war and to stop the ten tails." stated the bear demon as the snake-like man nodded his head.

"Then we don't have much time to waste.  Let's hurry onto the battlefield!" stated the second hokage.

Meanwhile out on the battlefield, all of the shinobi forces had shown up to back up Naruto and Sasuke.  Naruto had infused his allies with Kurama's chakra protecting them from the combination of Madara's, Obito's, and the Juubi's attacks.  Naruto managed to doge out of the way when Obito tried to attack Naruto through his Kamui.  

"Naruto....  You're only defending if you continue to protect everyone.  Do you think that this will help?"  Naruto didn't answer but Sasuke did trying to attack Obito whom phased through his attack.

*Be careful Kit.  It looks like the Juubi is storing up chakra.* Kurama warned mentally.

"Since you like being alone, you probably can't understand.  Having everyone close to me really makes me happy!  That's enough to give me power!"  The Juubi roared out causing massive tornadoes to form as lighting struck at the ground.  The earth shook causing dirt and debris to fly everywhere.  Madara had protected both Obito and himself using the Susanoo.

"That should have cleared out some of them." Madara stated.  When the dust and storm cleared, both men were shocked to see the opposing ninja still standing.  The nine tails chakra protected Naruto's allies while both Sasuke and Itachi protected Naruto with their Susanoo.

The Juubi got angry when it sensed all of the Biju's chakra within Naruto along with the sage's power that it transformed allowing a Biju bomb to emerge.  The Kyuubi's charka dissipated along with the two Tengu's Susanoo.  Even with Naruto and Sasuke using all of their strength and power, they were weakened cause they weren't used to using this much power.  Sakura and other healers stood behind the two healing their wounds and helping them recover their chakra.  The rest of the allies formed a line before the two.  Shikamaru had come up with a plan to hopefully protect their forces from the Biju Bomb.  He asked Ino to mind link him with some people whom could help out with this plan of his.

*Kitsuchi-san.....  teach me the seals for a simple jutsu like the wall barrier technique.  Something that every shinobi who aren't from the rock village can preform.*

*A wall barrier anyone can do isn't going to help.* replied Kitsuchi.

*No it's important that anyone can do it.  We have to fight quality with quality.  Even if it gets destroyed, we will keep building new ones to work as barriers.  Instead of blocking it with a strong wall, we will slow it down with a lot of weak ones.  Of course it will be helpful if the shinobi from the rock village can build some stronger ones.* replied Shikamaru.

*I see.  All right then......  I will teach you the seals.* stated Kitsuchi.

*Bee-san.....  Do you think that you can shift the Biju Bomb upwards by throwing another Biju Bomb at it?* Shikamaru asked mentally to the eight tails Jinchuriki.

*Just leave it to me!* replied Killer Bee.

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