sealing the ten tails

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Author Notes: I noticed with the last chapter that I had reanimated the third when I didn't list him as dead. So for story purposes I wanted to clarify that he died of old age before the war began and after Shikamaru, Sasuke, and Naruto were premoted to chunin. Now on with the story.......

Chapter Thirty-Two: sealing the ten tails

The shinobi forces unleashed and brought up the Wall Barriers just as the Juubi unleashed the Biju Bomb.  The Wall Barrier did very little to stop or even slow down the Biju Bomb as the shinobi forces worked to rebuild new ones.  Both Killer Bee and Nagato stepped forth in hopes to derail the Biju Bomb from hitting their forces when it seemed to suddenly vanish from sight only to have the fourth hokage appear suddenly vanish from sight only to have the fourth hokage appeared before then in a flash.

"Get ready for the blast cause I sent the Biju Bomb out to the sea." stated Minato as a blast shock rattled the shinobi forces.  "Sorry if I was late." Mianto stated as he turned to see his son whom was smiling.  His nine tails twitched happily at the sight of the man who he admired the most growing up before learning that the fourth was his father.

"No......  You're right on time dad." Naruto replied.

"You knew that he was coming?" Sakura asked Naruto.

"I felt his chakra when I was in Kyuubi form as there are others coming." Naruto replied.  As the three other Hokages appeared before the group.

"You're fast as always Minato." stated Sarutobi.

"Damn Fourth.......  Your Shunshin is better than mine!" stated Tobirama Senju.

"Since we are all here.....  Shall we begin?" asked Hashirama Senju.

"Hashirama......!  I have been waiting for you!" shouted out Madara.

"I will take care of you later!" replied the first pointing at Madara causing the Tengu to falter.  "First.....  We are going to take care of the Juubi." 

"Naruto.....  Rest for a while we will handle this." Minato replied as he flared up the nine tails chakra that he had sealed within him as the coat covered his body.

*So even Minato achieved it.  I am not surprised seeing how he is the one who sealed me in the first place.* laughed Kurama.  Naruto seemed to be beaming with pride.

"Let's go Hokages!" stated the first.

"Second......  Third......  Come before me." stated Minato.

"Did you already do the markings?" asked Sarutobi.

"But of course." replied the human.

"You are a quick one to act." stated Tobirama causing the fourth to smile at the praise.

In a flash the four hokages seemed to spread out to perform a special jutsu that only they could perform.

"Formation of the Four Red Suns......  Ten Seals!"  called out Hashirama they four hokages ran their hands through a series of hand signs.  A red barrier surrounded the Juubi as all ten of its tails where held down by shrine gates causing the Juubi to roar out.

"It won't be able to move much now as it is a far stronger seal than the Shighienjin Barrier as this is the barrier that only ninja of the hokage level can preform." stated Orochimaru as he and his ninja appeared before the group.  

"Traitor!" snarled out Obito.

"I was never truly on your side to begin with.  And don't bother trying to reanimate the corpses.  The ninja whom was casting it has been taken care of as these Edo Tensei are far different than the ones that you were using before." replied Orochimaru.  "Karin please help speed up the healing of the Kitsune and the younger Tengu." stated the snake sanin.  The Juubi tried to unleash another Biju Bomb only to have the barrier blow up like a balloon as the remnants of the attack blasted out from the top of the barrier.  The first hokage created some Wood Clones to open up a door in the barrier for the shinobi forces along with Naruto and Sasuke to enter as one of his Wood Clones kept Madara and Obito busy.  Hashirama created another shrine gate to keep the Juubi from releasing another Biju Bomb.  To keep Naruto and Sasuke from reaching the main body, the Juubi created several clones from its body.  The first hokage opened up the barrier to allow the shinobi forces in to deal with the Juubi spawn.

Karin healed her cousin as Naruto got up to his feet.

"Thanks.  I will take care of the Juubi.  Sasuke..... rest up a bit more as I got this taken care of."  Naruto stated as he vanished from sight using the teleportation void.  Naruto appeared before the Juubi as the ten tails roared out glaring at Naruto only to have the Juubi meet his newly acquired kekki genkai.  Then ten tails stopped moving as Naruto placed his hand the main body of the Juubi causing all of the clones it spawned to collapse.  This allowed the shinobi forces to turn their attention on Madara, Obito, and Zetsu.  Naruto managed to connect mentally with the ten tails pulling out and connecting with all of the Biju and their Jinchuriki that were sealed within it.  All of the other Jinchuriki except for Yagura looked at the nine tailed Kitsune Jinchuriki in shock as Naruto pulled himself along neutral mindscape.  "I know that I may not look like it but, I am a Jinchuriki much like you all as my Biju is the nine tails." stated Naruto as Kurama appeared behind his host.

"It is true.  Our creator, our father even gave him his power as he is the one that he told us about when we were first created." added Kurama.  Naruto walked up to the Juubi whom was in its complete form.  The ten tails was too scared or afraid to do anything as Naruto's Tensei Rinne Sharingan had it hypnotized keeping it calm.  

"I know that you didn't ask to be revived or used as a tool for war.  But I can't allow you to run on a rampage, destroying the world and killing innocent people.  You are not a tool Juubi.......  None of us are.  We all became ninja to make this world a better place.  All of us made friends with our Biju's determined to have people not see us as monsters.  Before I seal the ten tails away freeing everyone's spirit and their beasts, I wish to receive a bit of all of the Biju's chakra in order to put an end to this war." Naruto stated.  All of the Jinchuriki looked at their Biju's nodding their heads.  Each of the Biju put their paws out on top of one another as Naruto went over to bump fists with them receiving their chakra.  The bodies of each of the Jinchuriki faded becoming dust in the wind as all of the nine Biju along with the ten tails became housed within Naruto.

"Kurama.....  I hope that you don't mind their company for a while as I have got to pull their chakra out of the Juubi before I can reanimate their souls." 

"You know that's a risky move Naruto.  Not even Hagoromo could before the jutsu without some repercussions." 

"You forget Kurama.....  That the sage gave me his power and knowledge I know how to perform the jutsu without any repercussions." Naruto told his Biju partner before turning towards walking up to the great beast.  "You were once the god tree before Kagura ate your forbidden fruit giving the world chakra and creating you.  Her sons stopped both you and her rampage by sealing you both away.  You were split becoming the nine Biju and the Gedo Statue was the husk  of your body.  Kagura was sealed away onto the moon never to walk the earth again.  You are the key to free her as I know now who is the master mind behind this all.  I feel that you could have turned out much different if you had a kinder host and wasn't used as a tool."  The Juubi couldn't help but to recall the words that Hagoromo Otsutsuki spoke to it as it sounded familiar to the words that Naruto spoke.

"I can see why he trusted you with his power.  You are much like him as I had forgotten myself and allowed myself to be used as a tool and a weapon for war." the Juubi spoke before extending its arm out.  Naruto smiled at the gesture as the nine tailed Kitsune Jinchurki bumped fists with the great beast.  "Hopefully if I remain with you, I can see what this world is capable off once peace is accomplished.  Maybe somewhere down the line, you can find me a suitable host."

All nine of the Biju looked at the ten tails in shock as Naruto simply smiled at it.

"From now on your name shall be Shinboku (Japanese for God Tree)." Naruto stated causing the Juubi to smile.  Meanwhile outside of Naruto's mindscape the Juubi transformed becoming the Gedo Statue once again as it now became unmoving as all nine of its eyes became closed.  "Ultimate Sealing Technique: Adamantine Sealing Beast Chains!" Naruto called out as chains made of chakra erupted out from Naruto's body going into the Gedo Statue.  Naruto pulled out all of the Biju's chakra sealing them into himself as suddenly the Gedo Statue erupted in black flames caused by Sasuke.

"NO!" shouted out Zetsu.  Naruto acted quickly as he used his truth seeking orbs to create charka rods which pinned down the plant looking shinobi.

"Catastrophic Planetary Construction!" called out Sasuke as the earth rose up wrapping around Zetsu.  Once fully formed Sasuke thrusted his hands upwards.  "Almighty Push!" yelled out Sasuke causing the small planetoid to shoot up into space.

"What have you two done?!" yelled out both Madara and Obito.


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