end to the war

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Chapter Thirty-Three: end to the war

Both Naruto and Sasuke turned their complete attention towards Obito and Madara. Their forces laid injured as what medics there were left on the field were working to heal them.

"What have you two done?" questioned both Madara and Obito again.

"We took care of the true mastermind who is clearly using you, or at least one of you." stated Naruto as the truth seeking orbs circled his body. Extending his arm out one of them transformed into a rod. The rod landed in Naruto's hand as he threw it at Madara while Sasuke trapped Obito in a genjutsu. The chakra rod landed in Madara's chest where he had transplanted some of Hashirama's cells onto his body. Madara found himself unable to move. "Sorry but, I can't you to continue to run rampid any more or threaten this world any more. I can't allow you to bend other's to your sick ideals in order to rule this world. It is time for peace to reign." Naruto stated as he walked up to Madara. *Kurama...... Do you want to do the pleasures?*

*With honor.* replied Kurama as Naruto's eyes transformed into the nine tailed foxes. "This is for everything that you had put me through." Kurama stated with a fanged smile as the Biju Bomb formed at the end of Naruto's finger tips. "Biju Bomb!" snarled Kurama as he allowed the bomb to obliterate Madara completely.   

*Thanks Naruto.* Kurama stated as he gave his host back control. Naruto walked over towards Sasuke who kept Obito trapped with his genjutsu.

"What are we going to do with him?" Sasuke asked.

"Break him free of Madara's mind washing." answered Naruto as he placed his hand onto Obito's shoulder.

"Do you think that you can save him Naruto?" asked Kakashi.

"I will try my best." replied Naruto before he closed his eyes. Naruto focused tracing back to the exact moment that Madara had brainwashed and placed a multiple genjutsu on Obito. Once it was found, Naruto used his powers to shatter it. Obito found himself staring at naruto in question. Something about the Kitsune reminded him of Minato. "Madara was using you since the very beginning when he rescued you. He had brainwashed you to thinking your former teammate and friend Kakashi Hatake killed Rin in cold blood. That's not the truth. She asked him to kill her in oreder to protect the village from the Biju that the mist ninja had placed within her. They planned to use her to destroy the village." Tears lined Obito's eyes.

"I should have reacted quicker to get back to them. I could have saved her."

"Obito..... You were still in healing after loosing a part of your body due to that boulder falling on you. Even though Zetsu gave you half of his body to help you get to Rin and Kakashi. He helped in the casting of the genjutsu and brainwashing you. But don't worry...... I freed you from their control giving you a second chance but, you have a lot to make up for even if you were brainwashed into doing it."

Obito bowed his head in thanks to Naruto as he pulled himself and Obito out of the genjutsu that Sasuke casted.

"Obito?" questioned Minato and Kakashi. The former Tengu bowed his head in shame.

"I am so sorry for everything that I have done and put you through." stated Obito.

"Obito it wasn't your fault. You were being used." Naruto stated.

"What Naruto says is true. But we will have to take you in custody for you to answer for your crimes." stated Minato. Obito nodded his head that he understood.

"I will be with you every step of the way Obito." stated Kakashi.

"Thank you Kakashi. You changed a lot since we were younger."

"Let's just say that I took a page out of your book as I remember the words that changed how I saw things."

"I hate to break up the happy reunion but, I have to end the Edo Tensei to return the souls back to where they rest. So say your good byes now while you can." stated Orochimaru.

Tsunade hugged her grandfather as he told her that he was proud that she had become hokage and knows that the village is in safe hands. Naruto went up to his father hugging the former fourth hokage.

"If your mother could see you now. I know that she would be so proud of you. I know that I am."

"Thanks dad. There is so much I want to say but, know that Kurama and I don't blame you for what happened that day. You did what you had to do in order to protect the village."

"I am just glad that even though the seal had messed up, the Kyuubi....."

"Kurama." Naruto corrected.

"Kurama. I am just glad he was there for you had no one. I also heard that you have a mate." Naruto nodded his head as Sasuke came over holding Naruto's hand in his.

"It's an honor to meet you Lord Fourth. I am Sasuke Uchiha...... I am Naruto's mate." Sasuke stated as he shook hands with Minato.

"You better take care of my baby boy and make an honest man or shall I say demon out of him."

"Don't worry sir. I plan on it." Sasuke replied pulling Naruto close to his side planting a small kiss onto his whisker marked cheeks causing Naruto to blush.

"Oh god's they are so cute together!" Karin gushed. Naruto blushed even more causing his family both human and demon alike to laugh.

"I truly wish I could stay longer to see you get married and have cubs of your own. Know that even though your mother and I can't be there for you. Know that we will be with you." Minato stated as he pointed to Naruto's heart. Naruto was trying his best not to break down in tears.

"I know dad. If you do see mom again..... please give her my love." Naruto stated causing Mianto to nodd his head as he hugged his son one last time.

"Sorry but it's time." Orochimaru stated. Minato nodded his head that he understood as he went to stand with the other former hokage. Nagato and Karin came over to help comfort Naruto along with Sasuke and the young Kitsune needed his family and mate there by his side as he bid farewell to the father that he only just meet and got to finally talk to. Naruto watched as his father and the other hokage returned back to ashes as Orochimaru ended the jutsu. Minato smiled one last time at his son proud to see how far and how much he had grown up even though he wasn't there for him. Minato was glad that there were others who filled Naruto's heart with love and kindness.

"I am so proud of you Naruto as you have done what no other ninja has ever done. You ended the countless shinobi wars that have broken out and brought everyone together in peace in order to fight a greater evil. I don't think that anyone could be prouder of that fact." Minato stated before he transformed into ash. Naruto broke down in tears in the arms of his family and mate while all of the other ninja bowed their heads in respect. The sun finally began to rise bringing light to a new day and a new beginning for most, a world with peace.

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