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Chapter Thirty-Four: wedding

A year had passed since the fourth shinobi war.  Those who had fallen in battle were remembered with a heavy heart.  But after the war was over with, peace reigned between all of the villages thanks in part because of Naruto and Sasuke.  Obito who was now completely human thanks in part because of Naruto healing him and sealing off his powers as he couldn't use jutsu of any type.  Obito begun to work off his debts repairing the damages that he had caused during the war.   It was a bit hard to adjust to a world where everyone hates and despises you.  But Naruto spoke on Obito's behalf explaining that he was being controlled and used not only by Madara but also Zetsu who hoped that one of them could free his mother, Kagura.  Kakashi stayed true to his word as he stayed with Obito during his services as he worked to pay back society.

Once things returned back to normal, Tsunade made an announcement calling for everyone to gather around the hokage tower.  It was concerning who she choses as the next hokage.  She knew that her choice was a logical choice as right now he perhaps the strongest shinobi in the whole village.  Everyone gathered around the hokage tower buzzing with excitement at who will become their next hokage.  Tsunade stepped out onto the roof of the hokage tower holding up her hand to silence everyone.  

"Thank you all for coming.  I know that you are all eager to hear whom will become the next hokage.   After very careful deliberation went into this discision.  This person has risen through many challenges to prove that he is not only a very capable shinobi but someone who proved that no matter what society labels you as, that he will prove all of the stereo types about him were wrong.  I am talking about none other our own residential Jinchuriki, Naruto Uzumaki."  Tsunade stated pointing at the spot where Naruto stood with Sasuke, his family, and Itachi.  Naruto stood there in complete shock as soon the whole entire village roared out, cheering for the Kitsune.    Naruto waved his hand shyly as Tsunade coughed loudly to get everyone's attention.   "I would like to ask Naruto to come up here at this time."  Naruto disappeared from where he was standing to suddenly appear next to Tsunade.  Cheers and chants of Naruto's name rose up as he waved his hand to get them to quiet down allowing Tsunade to speak.  "I watched you grow up since you were a tiny cub as you weren't supposed to be a demon but because of the seal that caused for the nine tails to be sealed within you got screwed up, causing you to be transformed into a demon by accident.  Despite being an omega and a newly transformed Kitsune, you were determined to have everyone see you for you and not for what you held within you.  I watched you as you became a genin, to chunin, and then acquiring sage level.  Never would anyone picture you to become the new and reincarnated sage of six paths and to become one of the beings whom will save this world from total and complete destruction.  Its because of your character and determination along with your power that made you the most logical choice to become the next hokage." 

*I knew that you could do it Kit!* stated Kurama bringing a smile to Naruto's face.

Sasuke took the chance to fly up next to his mate as the Tengu went down onto one knee before his mate pulling out a small box from his ninja gear.  Everyone went silent with soft gasps coming out of them.

"Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki.......  It seems so long ago when I first heard your whimpers for help and felt your presence.  I knew from the first moment that I truly laid eyes on you that you were destined to become my mate.  Even though we are mated and married in the terms of the demon society, I want to marry you in the terms of the human society.  So will you Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki become my husband, mate, and significate other?"  Sasuke asked as he opened up the box to reveal a gold and silver twisted ring.  Tears began to line Naruto's eyes.

"Yes...... and a hundred more times yes!" Naruto replied as he pulled Sasuke up to his feet kissing his mate aggressively.  Cheers, hoots, yells, and thunderous applause broke out throughout the village.

The next couple of weeks were hectic for Naurto and Sasuke.  Naruto was learning about the policies and how to run the village and everything that he needed to know to become hokage.  All the while he was also preparing for his and Sasuke's wedding.  Shikamaru decided to become Naruto's advisor and stagiest since there was no one better for the job than him.  Sasuke was working with Itachi, Kakashi, and the other Anbu to become Naruto's bodyguard and personal Anbu.  Then the day came for the first ever demon wedding being tied together in human terms.  Sasuke stood with his brother at the alter with Tsunade as the priest.  Soon the music began to play as Naruto walked down the isle wearing an ornage kimono as he was lead by Nagato.  Karin followed behind holding the rings.  Pictures of both Naruto's parents and Sasuke's parents sat in the front row.    Sasuke wore a traditional black kimono as he watched Naruto walk towards him.  Cherry blossoms rained down as Naruto was a vision to behold.  Sasuke couldn't stop smiling as the Kitsune let go of his uncle's arm to take Sasuke's hand.  Naruto's had summoned Kurama's family as well as Kurama to witness the event as well as the toad summons.  Naruto wanted everyone who helped him grow and become a better person as they helped him out during the war.  He viewed the summons as a part of his growing family.  Once the music stopped......  Tsunade spoke.

"We are all gathered together to join these two demons together in holy matrimony.  Even though these two are already mated and marked in the terms are already mated and marked in the terms of demon law, wedded.  They chose to be bonded together also by human laws.  Before we begin, who gives away Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki to be married by Sasuke Uchiha?" 

"On the behalf of his family......  I his uncle Nagato Uzuamki give my nephew away to be married." answered Nagato as he stood off to the side with Karin who was gushing at how cute Sasuke and her nephew looked.

"Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki, your life hasn't been easy to begin with but ever since the day that you were found and saved by Sasuke Uchiha, your life has changed as you over came the troubles you faced for not only being an omega but also as the host for the nine tailed fox.  Sasuke Uchiha you too some hard suits putting up with fangirls fawning over and being one of the few Uchiha's left alive.  Most alpha's don't ever have a chance to find an omega or even their true mate.  But you were both lucky to find each other as you are both opposites in every way possible."  The two demons couldn't help but to laugh as what Tsunade said was true.

"Do you Sasuke Uchiha take Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki to be your lawfully wedded husband.  To honor and to love, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, to death do you a part?" Tsunade asked.

"I do." answered Sasuke.

"Do you Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki take Sasuke Uchiha to be your lawfully wedded husband.  To honor and to love, in sickeness and in health, for richer or for poorer, to death do you a part?" asked Tsunade.

"I do." Naruto replied with a smile stretched across his face.

"Is there anyone here who objects to this marriage and views that these two shall not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace."  stated Tsunade.  No one spoke not even Sasuke's fan girls as they received death stares from Itachi, Nagato, and Kurama.  "By the power vested by me as hokage, I now pronounce you as husband and husband.  You may now kiss your mate."  Sasuke pulled Naruto close planting an aggressive kiss onto Naruto's lips.  Loud hoots, hollars, cheers, whistles, and applause rang out.  "I am proud to pronounce Sasuke and Naruto Uzuchiha." 

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