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"well jeongguk, i should get going.", taehyung sighed happily after releasing a ball of laughter, drinking his glass of ice water. "thank you for inviting me to stay at least a little longer."

a small smile came across the younger's lips, resting his chin in his hands while swirling his straw within his shining pink lemonade. his eyes softened at the elder male though his grin faltering slightly when hearing his proclaim.

"do you really have to go?", he muttered quietly attempting not to make his childish question noticeable, nonetheless, taehyung was able to hear it.

the softness of taehyung's deep chuckle gave the singer minimal amounts of reassurance. "don't worry, you've got my number and i've got yours. i just hope you aren't too busy with your career to not talk to me.", he kept his voice low to make sure not to attract any attention. obviously, during one of their cheerful conversations, taehyung forcefully made himself admit that he already knew jeongguk was a singer so as a result, he just wanted to be kind enough for him so he could earn his trust. there was no reason why, on the other hand, he actually was a bit of a fan of his singing.

surprisingly, a light laugh sounded from the younger's lips, staring down at his plate that had a half-eaten crust just laying there.

"trust me, tae ⎯ i never forget my friends.", he claimed proudly, showing a small bit of his bunny smile. "if you ever need me, just give me a call; i'll be around."

taehyung's heart fluttered at his words as his expression soon became blank or rather frozen. he didn't really have friends ⎯ no, he never had friends. he felt as if being alone was better than having company that was meaningless at all. although, hearing those supporting words made him feel warmer.

tae kept the silence to himself, taking the chance to speak up about his own truth.

"jungkook, i'm glad you're my first friend."

Jeon_Jeonggukie • 11 mins ago

I made a new friend <3 Thank you for paying for the food, Tae

☆1K ,, ↺ 78 ,, • • •

Bunny-fever11 mins ago
Is there anyway I can be him?

Jeongle_Book 8 mins ago
I'm not even jealous, I'm happy for the both of you! :)

Dreamteamwork 8 mins ago
F i e s t y

lillyluvduv ● 6 mins ago
I feel happy for him so much <3

taehyung beamed at the sudden post that notified his phone. no matter how much he tried to wipe that grin off his face as he made his way through those doors, it was just continue to stay there.

"well, well, you sure do seem happy.", a female said softly.

"yeah, i just had a lot of good. . experiences today."

taehyung's eyes lingered around the abandoned, crooked home as little drips of water fell down from corners of the ceiling. it was an odd place to schedule a confidential meeting, but then again, the meeting was a surprise to both of them.

"well, sorry to put this meeting out there especially in a worn out home like this, but, i thought this would be the most private yet useless place to talk.", she said, a soft chuckle chiming in while undoing the buttons on her coat to pull out a small folder from her coat pocket. "lee byol wanted me to tell you this personally."

the man's smile began to falter slightly at the woman's words, however the grin still held it's ground. his large hands took hold of the folder, opening it up to reveal a small packet that had about three or four pages in all. just by his eyes scanning over the few sentences and images printed on the paper, his brows furrowed.

"wait a second, this is yoongi's mission. minsoo, why are you giving this to me?"

"apparently, yoongi's target has a protector and i must say he is quite a threat to our organization as well as yoongi's mission. lee byol also has a strong personal grudge against him and he has hired you to take him out.", she explains, her deeply fixated eyes moving to taehyung then back to the folder. "all of his information is in there."

already, the agent's smile had disappeared as it soon enough was replaced by disbelief and sorrow. his lips began to quiver with each word he read for even the thought made his heart shake.

jeon jungkook has unknown yet beneficial relationships when it comes to support. he has full capabilities in general combat, mental stability and performance and emotional intelligence. working alongside jung hoseok, he finds a way to manage his singing career and taking time to breech online resources to find whatever he pleases. currently, he is cooperating with jung hoseok to virtually infiltrate the KHA's organization to rob information and communication only to expose it in the near future.

"he wants me to kill him?"

minsoo nodded her head slowly, brushing some of her shortly cut bangs to the side, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "um, is that not obvious?"

taehyung took his time to speak. he had just met jeongguk for he was also his first friend. he only had time with him for half an hour, they had just became friends. this wasn't fair, not one bit and he wasn't going to allow himself to be pulled in such a situation. with a prideful shake of his head, he declined. "i'm sorry but, i can't afford to do this mission. i refuse."

minsoo frowned immediately, strongly disapproving of the refusal by taehyung or any agent for that matter. "this mission was signed specifically for you, also, like i said: this mission was forcefully given to you ⎯ you don't have any choice in the matter."

the male felt himself becoming increasingly desperate in order to fully protect his newfound friend, after all, tae admitted he never friends ⎯ friends that were alive at least. he didn't want to lose anymore more people, it just wasn't worth it.

"well, why can't i have a choice?! that's all i've ever wanted, that's all everyone's ever wanted ⎯ a choice!"

minsoo had not respond at first seeing as her eyes turned colder, showing no more patience or kindness towards the other's pleading, her tone and attitude turning stone.

"it doesn't matter anymore. your actions and words do not have any effect on the situation at hand. you will do this mission for you have no option, but to do so. i'm sorry, if it were in my hands, i would let you walk away freely."

taehyung's eyes lowered in submission to the sudden change in authority, closing the once open folder. the folder was eventually placed back in the original coat pocket it came from only to once again be shut off from the outside world. silence rained out among the two in addition to the soft winds being blown against the abandoned home. minsoo could only gaze at how saddened taehyung had become right then. she hadn't had any right idea on how or why the man had gotten so sensitive to things like this. without another word or a second thought, she turned her back to him to leave him alone to cope.

"good luck, agent v."

okay so this ain't edited and my hands hurt lol

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