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Cole's POV chapter 23

After Julia heads to her room I look around the table at her family and friend.

Why isn't anyone going after her?

I'm about to stand when Veronica looks at me and says. "When she gets like that, she wants to be alone. There's a lot of things I've learnt over the years living with her and one thing is that when she wants to be alone she wants to be alone without any interruptions. She'll cool down by morning."

Liam stands up and he grabs Veronica's hand. "Let's go upstairs. I want to have some fun with you."

Veronica giggles. "Okay," she lets him lead her to the bedroom.

Mrs. Harris looks at Antwon and I. "You two can do the dishes." She stands up and kisses Antwon's head and then mine. "Thanks, kids. I'm going to have a drink and then read a book."

Mr. Harris doesn't say anything to us as he leaves the room. He closes the door that leads into the living room and he says. "How can you treat our daughter like hell and then treat that boy like he's your own blood."

"That boy, needs a family. He lost his own one and I want to show him what it's like to have a proper family. We've all heard the stories about his parents."

She doesn't know anything about my family and I don't want her to talk about it with her husband of all people.

Antwon places his hand on my shoulder. "Mom's not going to reveal a lot to Dad. He needs to know why she's taken you under her wings. Come on let's do the dishes and then we'll play C.O.D."

"Okay," I grab some plates from the table and walk into the kitchen. I wash the dishes and put them in the dish rack.

Antwon dries and puts the dishes away. We wipe down the table before walking to his bedroom.

I look at the door across from his and see Julia's light is off.

Is she asleep?

For the rest of the night we play C.O.D. I start to feel tired and look at Antwon. "I'm going to go home."

He shakes his head. "Stay the night. I'll see if Veronica is going to use the spare room."

Antwon walks out of the room and he knocks on Liam's door. "Is Veronica using the spare room tonight?"

I don't hear a response from Liam.

Antwon walks into the room and climbs back onto the bed. "The rooms all yours."

"Thanks," I stand up and walk down the hall to the spare room.

Closing the door I climb into bed and fall asleep.

In the middle of the night I am woken by someone gasping for air and coughing. I stand up and walk to the door. Opening the door I walk down the hall and hear the tap turn on Julia's room.

Is she alright?

I slightly open the door and see her walk back into the room.

She grabs a pair of jeans and shirt from the draw.

I step away from the door and hide behind mine as she steps into the hall.

She walks down the stairs and grabs a set of keys before she walks out of the house.

I walk over to the window and watch her climb into the BMW. She pulls the car out of the driveway.

A door down the hall opens and I see Mr. Harris step out of the room. He looks at me. "Follow her and make sure she's alright. Come back before she does. I don't want my little girl to know I've sent you to follow her."

"Yes, Sir." I walk down the stairs and step outside the house. Climbing into the car I follow her.

I keep my distance from her as I drive through the city. I see her park at the beach.

She climbs out of the car and walks along the boardwalk.

A guy is sleeping on the bench with a jacket covering his body.

There's a cafe at the end of the boardwalk that's open 24 hrs. I see her enter the building.

Just before sunrise she steps out of the building and I walk to my car. I jump in it and then drive away.

When I get to the house I see Mrs. Harris in the kitchen, standing over the stove. She turns towards me with a smile on her face. "Good morning, sweetie. How did you sleep?"

"Good," Looking into the pan I say. "Is that pancakes?"

"Yes, it is. I'm going to make some for my husband before he leaves for work. Sit at the table and keep my company until he gets here.

It doesn't take long before Mr. Harris walks into the kitchen and he looks at me. "Where is she?"

"She went to the beach. I followed her to a 24 hr cafe where she spent the entire time. I left when I saw her leave the cafe at sunrise."

He places a hand on shoulder. "Thanks, for keeping an eye on my girl. "You're welcome, Sir." He takes his seat at the head of the table.

Mrs. Harris places the pancakes in front of her husband and she kisses him. She pulls away from him with a smile on her face. "Good morning, honey."

He starts eating his breakfast. While putting a piece of pancake in his mouth he says. "Julia took off in my car this morning. I'll have to send her message and see how far away she is. I don't want to be late for work."

Mrs. Harris turns from the pan and says. "Do you know why she took off?"

"She probably couldn't sleep. From what she told you." Mr. Harris pulls his phone out of his pocket and texts his daughter.

Liam and Antwon walk into the kitchen and they take a seat at the table. "Hey, Dad." Liam says.

"Morning," he mumbles looking back at his phone. When he finishes breakfast he stands up and takes the plate to the kitchen. "I'm going to brush my teeth." He walks up the stairs.

Ten minutes later, Mrs. Harris places the stack of pancakes onto the table and we start putting some on our plates. I pour maple syrup on mine.

Veronica walks into the kitchen with her hair tied back and a smile on her face. "Good morning," she says, taking a seat next to Liam. She places pancakes onto her plate and starts talking to everyone.

We're all laughing and joking around as Mr. Harris descends the stairs. He looks into the room and I'll see you all later. He walks out the front door and waits for Julia to return from the beach. 

During eating breakfast I feel maple syrup fall down my face and I try to lock it off my face.

Mrs. Harris leans across the table with a napkin in her hand and wipes my face.

I haven't had anyone care about me this much.

A smile spreads across my face. "Thanks, Mom."

Shit! I didn't mean to call her that. It just slipped out.

Mrs. Harris smiles at me. Before saying. "Has anyone seen, Julia? You're father said she took off early this morning in his car."

"No, but since Dad isn't here anymore I'd say she's back. She's probably in her room." Liam says. "After breakfast I'm going to check on her." Liam grabs his glass of orange juice and drinks it. He stands up and heads to the stairs.

Veronica grabs her plate and Liam's. "I'll start the dishes now. Can someone bring the rest over once they've been cleared?"

"Sure, Veronica." I say. I finish off my breakfast and then bring in the empty dishes I place it on the table for her.

Liam walks into the kitchen and kisses Veronica. He whispers. "Julia's leaving the house. You should talk to her."

"Okay," she looks at him. "Where is she?"


I look out the window and see her standing by the side of the road with her suitcases.

Where's she going?

Veronica walks out the door and they start talking.

Liam moves next to me. "Since Julia's been back we haven't been that much of a family to her and she deserves better."

Looking at him I say. "If I wasn't here things would have been better for your family, but I made things worse."

He shakes his head. "No, you haven't. Having you in our lives has made things easier since Julia left us all. Now, she's back we're trying to push her away again. It's something I don't want to do. I need my sister in my life."

A smile spreads across my face. "It's good to hear, but the one person you need to talk to is your Mom. She hasn't been nice to Julia since she's been back. She pushed Julia for information that we shouldn't have known. It was up to her when she would have wanted to reveal it to us. She left last night after having a nightmare. I heard her make noises, but I didn't walk into her room because I was afraid she'd tell me off. It wouldn't be like I didn't deserve it."

I see Julia hug Veronica. That's when I decide it's time for me to talk to her.

Hopefully she'll listen to me.

I open the door just as Veronica approaches it. I see Julia sitting on the side of the road and I join her. Pulling the reunion pamphlet out of my pocket I say. "I got this delivered recently. I was wondering if you'd go with me." I give her the envelope and she opens it.

She looks at me. "I'm not going, Cole. Ten years ago I vowed never to return to the place that caused me so much problems. Why on earth would you ask me to go with you? Especially, when all your disciples follow you around like you're their master. Thanks, but no thanks." She give me back the envelope.

At least I tried.

The Uber pulls in front of us and Julia grabs her suitcases and puts them into the trunk. She looks at me after opening the car door. "I hope you have fun with your adopted mother. Tell her if she wants to talk to me that the only way for her to do so is through, Veronica." She climbs into the car. Slamming the door shut.

The car pulls away from the curb.

I watch the car as it rounds the corner.

A hand touches my shoulder and I see its Antwon. "She'll be back."

I shake my head. "Not to this house of someone doesn't talk to your mother."

He holds his hands up. "I can't be the one to talk to that woman. Besides, Mom never listens to any of us."

"Well she better. If she doesn't want to lose her daughter for a second time." I lead the way back to the house and find Mrs. Harris sitting on the couch.

She looks at us as we enter the room. "What's going on boys?" She asks, looking between, Antwon, Liam and I.

"We need to talk." Liam says, taking a seat across from his Mom.

She puts down her sewing needle and looks at us. "Have I done something to one of you?"

Antwon sits next to his Mom and places his hand on her shoulder. "Not to us. But, to Julia you did. You've been mean to her since she came home and now she's decided to stay at a hotel away from you."

"So," She looks all of us in the eyes as she says. "Good riddance."

Liam stands up and his hands form fists. "What's wrong with you?"

She throws her head back and laughs. "Nothing, I'm perfectly fiiiine. Now, we've gotten rid of the trouble we can be a proper family again."

Mrs. Harris never acts like this. There's something wrong with her.

Looking at the door I see Veronica and she doesn't look too happy with what she's heard from Julia's mother.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket I text Mr. Harris.

Me: I think there's something wrong with your wife.

Mr. Harris: Why would you say that?

Me: She's not acting like herself.

Mr. Harris: What's she done to raise your concerns?

Me: She said 'Good riddance' after we told her Julia left.

Mr. Harris: That doesn't sound like my wife. I'll be home soon to take her to the Doctors.

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