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I am woken by the door opening to my hotel room.

There's only one person that should be able to come into the room and she's not with me. I left her with my brother because I thought she deserves to be happy.

Looking up I see the bedroom door open and Veronica walks in. She climbs onto the bed next to me. "What are you doing here, Veronica?"

A smile spreads across her face. "Did you really think I'd leave best friend alone in a hotel?" She shakes her head. "No, I wouldn't. I came here to be with you. Meeting your brother is a bonus."

Pulling my phone off the nightstand I say. "Last night I got a message about a job at a local school and I'm going to go for an interview for the position."

She hugs me. "That's great. I also got a job here. My boss from New York wants me to manage the office located here. I don't have to leave your brother and you. But, I do have to go back to New York to break the lease and then move my stuff here."

"Let's look for a place together?" I say.

"Okay," She looks at me. "Something that affordable with our pay checks."

"I'll look for that while you take care of everything in New York for us. When are you leaving?"

"I still have a week and half off with my visit with you. So, after that I'll return home and deal with everything. The boss is giving me a relocation payment as well. He thinks I'm worth the move."

I laugh. "Of course you are." Looking out the window I say. "Did something happen after I left?"

"Yeah," She looks everywhere, but at me. "Your brothers and Cole spoke to your mother about you leaving the house."

I frown. "Okay, what was said that you left the house?"

"She said 'Good riddance.' After that you're brothers walked out of the room and started packing their bags. They're staying at Cole's place. They don't want to go back until she fixes things with you."

"I don't see that happening anytime soon. She's changed since I've been back. She used to be a loving woman. Now, she's mean and pushing me to tell her things."

"Before I left the house I heard Cole say something about your Mom being sick. He's worried about her."

"Of course he is. She's his adoptive Mom now." I look at the time and see its 10:30. "I have to call the school to set up and interview time." I climb out of bed and walk into the living room. I type the number into my phone and call Kylie.

The phone rings a couple of time before she picks up.

Kylie: Hello, this is Kylie.

Me: Hey, Kylie. Its Julia Harris I'm calling you about the job you emailed me about.

Kylie: Great, can you come in tomorrow for the interview? I need someone to start on Monday.

Me: I'll be there. What time?

Kylie: 9am. I'll show you around the school and to your classroom once we've finished the interview.

Me: Thanks, Kylie. I'll see you tomorrow.

Kylie: Bye.

Me: Bye.

I hang up the phone and turn towards my best friend who's leaning against the wall with her arms folded. "Do you want to come shopping?"

"Yes, I was hoping you would say that, Julia." She grabs her purse that's sitting on the table. "How are we going to get there since we don't have a car?"

That's right we don't have a car. I might have to buy one since I'm home again.

"Call Liam and see if he can give us a lift to the mall and then I'll look around for a car in the upcoming days." We walk out of the hotel room and down to the parking lot.

I see a car with my brother leaning against it.

He doesn't own that car.

Liam walks over to me and holds the keys out. "Dad bought this for you. He's at the doctor surgery with Mom. He said this car is to make up for all the birthdays he's missed out on during the last ten years."

"It's beautiful." I open the door and jump behind the wheel. Looking at Veronica I say. "Get in the car of I'm leaving you behind."

She laughs lightly. "You wouldn't do that to your shopping, buddy." She pulls Liam to the car. "You need to give him a lift to Cole's."

Looking in the rear view mirror at my brother I say. "Are you really living with Cole?"

"Yes," he pulls Veronica close to him and kisses the top of her head. "After the way Mom acted after you left I thought it was best that she sees how it would feel without having her kids living in the same house as her."

I pull the car out of the parking spot and say. "Antwon and you are older than me. I thought the two of you would have moved out of the house before I got back home."

"Antwon and I have it easy living at home and we thought it would be better to take advantage of Mom and her cooking for as long as we could. We were waiting for the right woman to come into our lives before moving out."

My brother now has the girl. All he has to do is look for a house and then everything can unfold the way it should when you're in love.

I know it's only the beginning of their relationship, but I can see that it's going to last.

"Julia, after we're done shopping can we go to Cole's place?"

"Sure, I can drop you off. Liam would you be able to drive her back to the hotel?"

Liam looks at me through the mirror. "We want you to stay for the movie too, Julia.  We're going to order a pizza and drink beer."

"We had pizza last night. I'll cook up a pasta dish for dinner. You'll love it."

"Okay, just remember Cole, Antwon and I love eating a lot of food."

They can eat a lot, but it never shows on them as love to workout.

On the island my workout was to walk everywhere and chase after the kids.

The rules are different to the ones here and it's something that I'll need to get used to when I teach here.

I'm sure Kylie will run through everything with me when I see her tomorrow.

I pull the car in front of Cole's house and Liam climbs out.

He holds his hand to Veronica and she takes it. He kisses her before opening the door and she climbs into the front seat.

I wait for Veronica to put the seatbelt on before pulling away from the gutter. I beep the horn as I drive away.

Veronica turns towards me. "You didn't look too happy when we told you to watch a movie with us at Cole's."

I sigh. "I wish you would all stop with trying to push Cole and I together. If we're supposed to be together it will happen gradually. Not it being forced upon us. I'll keep on fighting it until there's nothing more I can do."

Veronica laughs. "If Cole wasn't an asshole. Would you date him?"

"In a heartbeat. He was an asshole and I can see that he's making a change. That's a good thing, but it's not enough to make me want to date him." I pull the car into the parking lot of the mall and we step out of the BMW my father bought me.

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