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Unknown POV

"Sir, I have some news on Kevin Harris." One of the guards says, entering my office.

Looking at him I say. "What is it?"

He looks around the room trying not to make eye contact with me. "He's been talking to one of the prisoners and they are trying to figure a way to escape."

Rubbing a hand across my face I say. "Keep an eye on them. I can't have them escaping on my watch. Besides, the boss won't be happy to know that he's trying to escape under our watch. Do you know who he would go to if he did get out?"

"No, I heard his entire family disowned him after he stole from them."

Good. We have him where we need him.

"Thanks, for letting me know." I look at my phone as it starts to ring. Picking it up I say. "Hello, Twin Towers Correctional Facilitates, this is Collins."

Voice: Hey, I would like to see a prisoner tomorrow.

Me: Can I have the name of the prisoner?

Female voice: Sure, it's Kevin Harris.

Me: What's your name and I'll put it on the books.

Female voice: Thanks, my name is Julia Harris.

Me: The doors are open for visitors between 10 and 3. Please, come during those times.

Julia: I will. Thanks.

She hangs up the phone.

Boss is going to have a field day when he learns that she's going to be at the prison tomorrow. Shit is going to hit the fan with her visit.

Pulling out my phone I call the boss.

Boss: Hello, Collins. What do you want?

Me: You told me to give you a call if Kevin has any visitors. Well he's going to have on tomorrow.

Boss: Who's the visitor?

Me: Julia Harris.

Boss: Fuck, he's quiet for a moment. Collins, I'm going to send people over tomorrow. Call me when she gets there.

Me: Yes, boss.

Boss: And make sure no one reveals their true identity to her.

Me: Yes, Boss.

Boss: If Kevin steps out of line I want you to punish him. He can't reveal too much of what's going on. If he does we have to kill Julia too and that will be a shame.

He hangs up the phone.

Boss didn't seem too impressed that Julia's going to show up tomorrow. Maybe, I should find a way to put her in harm's way so she will stay away from Bosses business from now on.

I press the button on the walkie talkie and communicate with two of my best men. "Rogers and Simpson. I need to see you in my office now." I let go of the button.

"Yes, Sir." Rogers says.

Then Simpson says. "I'm on my way, Sir."

A couple minutes later, they walk into my office and I look at them. "Tomorrow Kevin's going to have his first visitor. I have a plan to keep her away from bosses business."

Rogers smiles. "What are we going to do to scare her?"

"I think it would be best if we get one of the prisoners to start a fight with the guards and he steals the keys from one you. A riot starts while she's there and maybe have a prisoner hurt her."

Simpson looks bored. "I know the right prisoner for the job. He's been itching to get out of here for a while."

"Great, talk to the prisoner and get this plan underway. I will let you know tomorrow what time she comes in."

"Yes, Sir."

"You're dismissed." I watch my trusted men walk out of the room. I finish up some paperwork before I make my rounds.

Walking around the prison I make sure that everything is locked behind me and the prisoner are in their cells.

When I get to Kevin's cell he looks at me. "Collins."

A smile spreads across my face. "Well if it isn't my favorite prisoner. I have some news for you."

He sits up on the bed and looks directly at me. "I'm not interested in what a corrupt prisoner official like yourself has to say."

I throw my head back and laugh. "You'll care about this one. Because it involves someone you care about deeply."

He stands up and walks over to the bars. He places an arm on the bars. "I don't care about anyone. After everyone turned their back on me I have no one. So, whatever you say doesn't matter."

"Yeah," I pull my baton off my pants and tap the bars. "Julia Harris, is coming to visit you tomorrow."

A vein appears in the side of neck and he puts his hands through the cell and grabs my throat. "Tell me you're fucking joking?"

"No, she'll be visiting you. If you tell that girl anything boss will kill her."

He shakes his head. "No, no, no. She can't be coming tomorrow. She's supposed to be on Nova Island. Safe from everything that's happening in Los Angeles." Kevin lets go of me and walks back to the bed.

"She's back and ready to see you." I walk away from his cell and check on the other prisoners.

Kevin's one of the easiest prisoner to get revved up.

"You bastard." Kevin yells. "If you hurt her I'm going to make you regret it."

I'm not going to regret doing anything. When the boss finds out of my plan it will be too late for him to stop me. I don't care if he gets pissed at me for doing something on my own.

As I continue to walk around I see one of my favorite prisoners.

Johnson looks at me as I approach his cell. He stands up. "Hey, Collins."

Leaning against the cell I say. "I need your help with something."

"I'm your man."

"Good," Looking down the hall I say. "I need you to get into a fight with Harris. Give him some bruises. He has a visitor tomorrow and I want her to see him at his worst."

He laughs. "I can do that. He's on dinner duty tonight so it'll be easy to get him."

I don't say anything and continue walking around.

The cells open and the prisoners form a line and make their way to the cafeteria.

I stand at the gate and watch as everyone enters the room.

Kevin walks over to the food and starts serving his fellow inmates. He pours food onto Johnson's plate.

Johnson says something before walking over to Harris and throws a right hook. It connects with his face.

Pressing the button on the walkie talkie I say. "Please, don't interfere. They need to work this out themselves."

Harris throws a right hook and it hits Johnson's temple.

Both men keep throwing punches.

Harris has the upper hand and he throws another punch at Johnson knocking him out. He stands up and spits blood on the floor. Looking at me he says. "I know you planned this Collins. Someday you're going to end up in here and I'm going to have a field day when it comes to killing you." He is dragged out of the room by a few guards.

I'm never going to end up in a place like this.

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