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Cole pulls the car into the parking lot of the look out. He finds a spot close the stairs and pulls the car into the spot. He steps out of the car and walks over to my side of the car and opens the door for me. "Are you ready for a short walk?"

I step out if the car. "I'm ready. I hope you can keep up." I close the door and run up the stairs that leads the way to the lookout.

During the run I hear Cole catch up to me. He over takes me and stops at the top. He raises his hands in the air and starts punching.

When I reach the top I say. "What are you? Rocky?"

He laughs. "I knew you watched that movie."

"Who hasn't? A young Sylvester Stallone is hot. Plus rocky is a classic fighting movie. I'm looking forward to seeing him in Creed II."

"I'll come with you, Julia. It will be our first date."

"Is that the way you ask a girl out?" Tapping his shoulder I say. "You won't get a date like that." I look at the Hollywood sign.

I love this place. It would be the perfect spot to watch the sunset and sunrise from this spot.

A group of people walk up and look at the sign. They start taking pictures.

Turning around I look for Cole and see his on one knee.

Someone yells. "He's going to propose."

"Aw," someone says.

"Julia," Cole begins. "Will you pretty please, let me take you on a date?" He looks around the group of people. "With all these people as my witnesses I promise that I will be a gentleman. One that you can trust, laugh with and love eventually. Every day I will send you a gift showing you how much I care for you. You don't have to say "yes" today."

"Say yes." A male yells. "Let the kid off the hook."

How can I turn that down? He's changed and I do need to let someone in.

"Yes, Cole. I will go on that date with you."

He stands up and spins us around. "You've made me the happiest man on earth, Julia." He puts me down.

Looking at him I say. "We're not getting married, Cole. I don't know how you can be the happiest man on earth."

"It's just a saying, love." He grabs my hand and pulls me over to where the Hollywood sign is. "Excuse me, miss. Can you take a photo of us?"

"Sure," she takes the phone from Cole. "Say cheese."

"Cheese," Cole and I say together and the photo is taken.

She gives the phone back to Cole and he looks at it.

He shows me the picture. "What do you think, Julia?"

"It's perfect." I watch as Cole sets it as the screensaver. "Let's get dinner before you have to drop me off at the private airfield."

"Okay," he holds my hand as we walk down stairs towards the car.

At the car Cole opens the door for me and he waits for me to buckle in before closing the door. He rounds the car and climbs into the driver's seat.

His phone starts to ring. "Can you answer it? It's probably Bo."

Looking at the screen I see 'Bo' flash across his. Answering the call I say. "Hello, Cole's phone."

Bo: Hey, it's Bo. Is Cole there?

Me: Yes, he is. Let me put you on loudspeaker.

Bo: Sure.

Cole: Hey, Bo.

Bo: Was that girl you were telling me about?

He's been talking about me?

Cole: Yes, That was Julia. You know she can hear you right?

Bo: I figured. My wife told me that she wants you two to come for dinner on Friday night.

Me: We'll be there, Bo. Tell her that Cole and I aren't together. We're just friends.

Bo: Someone's been friend zoned.

Cole: Shut up. I don't need you to egg her on.

I laugh.

Bo: Are you heading to the airfield now?

Cole: Julia and I are heading to McDonald's first and then we'll be there.

Bo: Which McDonald's? My wife wants that for dinner too.

Cole tells him which one we're heading to and Bo tells us that he'll see us there.

Cole pulls into the parking lot of McDonald's. He looks at the spot next to us as a black SUV pulls to a stop next to us. "Stay in the car. I'll let you know when it's safe to get out." He steps out of the car and waits at the front.

The driver's side door opens and I see a male with black hair and blue eyes step out of the car. He shakes Cole's hand.

Cole walks to my side of car and opens the door. He looks at me. "It's safe to come out. I had to make sure that it was Bo. The last time I saw a SUV it brought trouble and I don't want you in danger."

Stepping out of the car I look at Cole. "Thank you, Cole."

He takes my hand and we walk towards the door.

A woman with brown hair and brown eyes looks at me. She's heavily pregnant and holding Bo's hand. "Hey, I'm Braelynn."

I smile at her. "I'm Julia. It's nice to meet you."

"You too." I enter the building and walk over to the counter. I place my order and so does Cole.

He puts the money on the counter before I can. "You were too slow, Julia." I give him the money and he says. "I'm not taking your money. Put it away."

I put the money back in my bag and we wait for the order to be made.

It doesn't take long before the food is placed on a tray. Cole picks it up and tells Bo that we're going to find a table.

Looking around I see a table being vacated and move quickly over to it.

Cole walks over and places the tray on the table. He gives me my meal and I wait until Braelynn and Bo join us before I start eating.

Over dinner I talk to Braelynn and she tells me that a babysitter is looking after the kids while she takes her husband to the airfield. She says. "Next time you go away you're taking me, Bo. I don't want to be left alone with the kids."

He kisses her cheek. "Deal. How about we go to London in a couple of months, and take the kids?"

"Sure, while we're there I want you to spend the entire day with the kids while I get some rest. After all that do deserve a break. You work all the time and I'm left at home to look after them."

"I told you, you can work, but you choose to stay at home with them."

"I don't want to miss out on them growing up. Work takes up too much time and I want to be there for our kids. Unlike my parents. They chose work over my sister and I. Now, they're dead I can't imagine doing that to my own kids."

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