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Cole's POV

Half an hour later we're pulling in front of an Italian restaurant. The drivers steps out of the car and he opens the door for us. Riley is the first one out of the car and she heads straight to the door of the restaurant.

I step out next and then wait for Eliana to step out of the car. "Can I hide behind you when we get in there? I really don't want to face our Uncle's."

She laughs. "That's not going to work, Cole. They found out you were here when they got back from their trip to Italy."

"So, they went home?"

"Yes, they needed to find a way to get you back into the fold of the family." She grabs my arm and leads me to the restaurant. She opens the door and we enter.

Looking around the room I see hanging lights that doesn't make the room so bright. Candles on tables. Couples are holding hands and whispering things to each other. There's some rose petals on the table as well.

This would be a great place to take Julia when I bring her to New York with me to visit my family.

My five Uncle's stand up when they see us approaching the table. Mario the eldest of my Uncle's steps forward and holds his hand out to me. "Hey, Cole. It's good to see you again."

I shake his hand. "Same back at you, Uncle Mario. Why didn't you stay in touch after Dad passed away?"

He looks away from me as he says. "We don't associate with family that turn their back on the family. Do you remember what happened to Uncle Giuseppe?"

Shaking my head I say. "No, I've never been told the story."

He throws his head back and laughs. "Damn, my brother didn't want you to know anything that happened in the family." He points at the chair opposite him. "You should sit down while I tell you the story of how Amalia's family came to power."

A waitress with black hair and brown hair looks at us and says. "Can I take your orders?"

Mario smiles at her and says. "Can you come back in ten minutes?" looking at us he adds. "Do you want anything to drink?"

We place our drink orders and then I wait for my uncle to start the story.

Riker is sitting at the head of the table. He leans forward, "Mario. We've heard this story too many times. Maybe, it's a good thing that Cole doesn't know about it."

Mario ignores him and says, "You're great grandfather Alessandro was the head of this family, but he had an affair with the Nanny. When the Nanny found out she was pregnant, your grandfather left the family. He made sure that one of his brothers took over. Leaving his wife and kids to fend for themselves. He started his own family and became a Marino. That name meant more than the Mesi's. After Alessandro had another son he found out that due to complications during the pregnancy she might not be able to have any more kids. Alessandro went back to his ex-wife and had sex with her. He wanted more kids and then during a holiday he took with his new wife she got pregnant again and then he made sure that he wouldn't be in touch with his old family again. When his eldest son was older he took over the family and got married to a woman who was connected to the Moretti mafia family that's located in..."

I cut him off by saying. "Los Angeles. That's how Amalia became the head of the family. That family isn't as huge as ours is it?"

He shakes his head. "It's smaller, but it like they're falling apart because a woman is in charge of the family. I doubt her husband will be able to make the Marino family great again. I'm starting to think they've seen their final days."

I don't think Amalia is ready to be defeated. Which is why she comes to Los Angeles to practice with her favorite cousin.

Picking up my menu I look through it before going with a pizza for dinner.

The waitress returns with our drinks and she places it in front of us. "Can I take your order now?"

We place our orders and she walks away.

Antonio clears his throat and says. "Now, that we've got you here, Cole. We want you to join the family again. We're not doing that well without the correct heir at the head of the family."

Looking at riker I say. "Riker's doing a terrific job. Why are you all trying to get him pushed aside?"

Mario hits the table and says. "You're father let his twin take over and it made us lose money. Riker is doing a better job than his father, but he's not a businessman. That's you, Cole."

"No, that's my final decision. I'm not going to jump because that's what you want me to do. My father wanted me to be raised having a normal childhood and that's what I got until my cousin found me and trained me to be who I am. If it wasn't for riker I wouldn't know how to fight and use a gun." Standing up I look all my uncles in the eyes and say. "Riker's keeping the job. If you go against him and cause problems I will come back and kill you all."

A smile spreads across Riker's face. He looks at me. "You still have my back after all these years."

"I'll always have your six, cousin. If you need me I'll come. I'm not going to let people run you out of something you're made for."

The waitress returns a couple minutes later and she places the food in front of us. We thank her as we get our meal. She walks away from the table and talks to another waitress who looks in our direction and giggles.

Angelo, our third uncle smiles at me. "I'm glad that you're sticking to decision that was made for you by my brother. He was smart to get his family away from this. Sometimes, I wish it was me that got away and that my family was alive right now."

I never knew he had a family. I really don't know much about my family at all and that's because Dad didn't want me to know too much.

"I'm sorry."

He reaches for his glass of water and takes a lengthy drink. "Don't be. It was my fault I left my family at home without any security. Another family broke into my house and wiped out my family. After that day I couldn't imagine being with anyone else and I became a killing machine. I took out every member of that family and it still doesn't make me feel any better."

"Losing your family isn't easy. I miss my parents every day, but if it wasn't for Julia's family I wouldn't be strong enough to decline being part of this family again."

Angelo nods. "I want to meet the girl that's made my nephew so happy."

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