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The door to my room opens and I begin to scream.

Who's in my room?

When I look around I see that it's not my room.

The light turns on and I see Lauren. She runs over to me. "Its okay, Julia. I'm not going to hurt you." She pulls me into her arms.

Tears begin to fall down my face. "I'm so sorry, Lauren. I've been through a lot and I wasn't expecting someone to come into my room."

"I'll knock next time and let you know it's me. Would that be alright?"

"That's fine."

There's a knock on the door and Lauren says. "It's Knox is everything okay?"

"Its fine, honey. I just scared Julia while she was still sleeping. We'll be right down for dinner."


Looking at the time I see that it's 7pm.

I can't believe I slept that long.

Climbing out of bed I look at Lauren and say. "Do I have time for a quick shower?"

"Sure, we won't start eating until you come down."

"Thanks," I grab some clothes from my overnight bag and step into the bathroom.

Looking around the room I see fresh towels hanging up. Placing my clothes on the rack I strip out of the ones I'm wearing.

I turn the shower on and set it to the temperature I like. Stepping into the shower I let the water run over my body. I cup some water in my hand and splash my face. I wash my body with soap and then step back under the water.

After a couple of minutes in the shower I step out and dry my body. Quickly changing into my clothes I head out to my room.

Lauren is waiting for me by the door. She looks at me and says. "I didn't want you getting lost looking for the kitchen so I waited for you."

"Thanks, Lauren."

She leads the way to the dining room and there's a group of men sitting around the table with guns next to their plates.

Do they eat all their meals like this?

Lauren sees all the weapons on the table and she says. "Seriously, guys? We have a guest and we don't need to scare her off with all that out."

A guy with grey hair says. "She needs to get used to this if she's going to be Cole's girlfriend."

She shakes her head. "He's out. Cole's not going to come back to this life. He told Knox that this isn't the life he wants to share with Julia, but he's showing her what it would be like if things get worst for his family."

"Oh, sweetheart. He's meeting up with some people from his family. His great uncle is going to get him to join the family again." He looks at me and says. "I'm Vance."

"Julia," I offer. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, but I'm not going to answer it of it something I'm not comfortable with."

"That's fine. How do you know that Cole is going to let the family talk him into coming back? From what I've seen he wants nothing to do it with. He just wanted help from his cousin who owes him."

A smile spreads across his face. "You're a smart girl, but the family has ways of bringing people back into the fold and Cole won't be able to deny the family for long. I tried it once too. It never worked out for me because I kept asking for favors and never returned it back to them. So, they told me that as long as I'm connected to the family I won't be able to leave them. That's the way it's going to be for Cole."

Knox clears his throat and gains the attention of everyone at the dinner table. "We're not going to discuss what's happening with another family while we eat. This discussion can wait until after we've eaten. Is that understood?"

The men around the table say. "Yes, Sir."

He sits back at the head of the table and dinner is brought out and placed in front of us.

Looking at the woman that placed the food in front of me I say. "Thanks."

She smiles and says. "You're welcome."

During dinner my phone goes off and everyone siting around the table checks their phone: to make sure that it wasn't there's.

Looking at it I see that's it's from Cole. Opening the message icon I read the text.

Cole: When you're alone can you text me. There's something I need to tell you.

Me: Okay, right now I'm having dinner with Knox's family.

Cole: That's good. Now put your phone down and enjoy the meal.

I put my phone on silent and apologies to everyone at the table for leaving it on.

Knox nods. "That's fine. In future keep your phone on silent. We normally don't answer our phones at the table, unless it's important."

"Okay," I pick up my fork and twirl the spaghetti onto my fork.

After dinner Lauren follows me to my room. "Knox, wants you to report to him what you find out about Cole rejoining his family in New York."

Shaking my head I say. "Knox will have to talk to Cole himself. I'm not going to get myself involved in things like this." I hear the click of heels on the tiled floor. Pulling Lauren aside I whisper. "I think that's Amalia."

She walks around the corner with her phone up to her ear. "Cole, everything she said is true. Liam and Antwon are the ones running midnight express, but there's something else you need to know."

Uncle Kevin wasn't lying about my brothers running that company. What else have my brothers been lying about?

Amalia rounds the corner close to the stairs Lauren and I are standing. "There's a woman pulling their strings. It's like the boys are puppets to this woman. I don't know what she looks like, but I could tell by the voice and clicking of heels that were on the concrete floors of the warehouse. Also, it looks like the oldest brother is sleeping with her too." She's silent for a moment. "I saw him kiss her and it looked steamy the way they were moving."

Damn it. Why would my brother sleep with my best friend when he had someone all along? Was he using her to get to me?

Lauren places her hand on my arm. "We should go. We're not supposed to listen to private conversations."

Looking at her I say. "She's talking about my brothers. What am I supposed to do? Not eavesdrop on the truth about my brothers who hate me."

She sighs. "I don't know what you're supposed to do, Julia. I've never been in your situation. I don't have any siblings to worry about."

Amalia stops walking and her eyes land on mine. "Cole, she knows the truth now." She walks over to me. "He wants to talk to you." She gives me the phone.

Me: Hey, Cole.

Cole: I thought I told you to give me a call when you got to your room?

Me: I was heading there, when Amalia walked in. Is it true about my brothers?

Cole: Go to your room and give me a call. I don't want to discuss this on someone else's phone.

Me: Okay.

I hang up the phone and give it to Amalia. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Yes, you will." Amalia looks at Lauren and says. "Is there any food left?"

"It's in the kitchen. Knox told the staff to keep it warm for you."

"Great," Amalia walks away from us.

"I better get to my room and call Cole. He's not a patient man." I head in the direction of my room and lock the door.

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