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Cole pulls the car in front of Rivera. He turns the ignition off and then looks at the building. Sighing he turns towards me. "Before, Veronica gets here I want you to know about this restaurant."

What would I need to know about it?

It's a popular Italian restaurant that's been around for a long time and it run by an Italian family that moved here for a better life. I've never stepped foot in there, but I did some research on it for when I did have time to go there.

Looking him in the eye I say, "What is it?"

Cole pulls his seatbelt and moves closer to me. "You know how I have heaps of connections in the mafia?"


"Well the Rivera Family are a part of it. There are a number of Mafia Families in Los Angeles, but they don't know each other. The Rivera Family have done a number of things for the community and I met them that way. They invited me to the restaurant a couple months ago, but I had other plans and told them that I would come another time. What better time to come then now. I think it would be good if they met Veronica and you."

A smile spreads across my face. "You want them to see they recognise her as being a bad person because of what I've said to you."

He nods. "The Rivera's have a face recognition program for all the people that enter their establishment. Since, she wants to go out with you tomorrow I thought it would be safer to get her here."

"Thanks," I whisper. Climbing out of the car I close the door behind me and open the back door to grab my bag from the backseat. Looking around the parking lot I see Veronica pull up.

Cole locks up his car and then he walks over to me. Leaning against the car he says. "She's on the phone to someone. Do you think she's moved her plans forward?"

"I don't know, Cole. It looks like we have to see how the night pans out. Did you bring your gun?"

He lifts his shirt up showing me his gun. "I don't leave the house without it. When we enter the restaurant I'm going to be searched. When they take me to the back room I want you to keep Veronica distracted for me. Can you do that?"

"Yes, I can." I take his hand and we walk to the main door of the restaurant.

Cole holds the door open for Veronica and I. He waits for us to enter before he follows.

I take in the room that has a romantic setting to it for tonight. The lights are dimmed and there's flower petals on the table.

A beautiful blonde walks out of a door and she welcomes us to Rivera. Looking at Cole she says. "Those men would like a word with you, Sir."

There are four men wearing Italian suits and have guns attached to them. They don't pay attention to us and they lead Cole to a separate room.

The door closes and my attention is brought back to the waitress. Looking at the name tag I see Skyler written on it.

She smiles. "Can I get you ladies anything to drink?"

"The finest white wine you have."

"Sure, I'll bring the bottle right out to you." She walks away from the table and goes behind the bar. She grabs the bottle and an ice bucket and fills it up.

Veronica leans back in her seat. "This place is a bit too fancy for my liking. Does Cole take you here regularly?"

Shaking my head I say, "This is the first time I've ever been here. It has been on a list of places I want to visit when I moved back here and now I can cross it off my list."

She looks at her phone and then starts typing away on it.

Skyler returns a couple minutes later with the bottle of wine and she places it in the middle of the table. "When Cole returns I'll take your order." She excuses herself and attends to a group of men that just walked into the restaurant."

Veronica's shoulders stiffen as she looks at one of the men. "Shit," she stands up. "I'm going to use the restroom. I'll be right back." She quickly escapes the room.

Come on Cole. You don't have to spend all night in the room with those men.

Skyler walks over to me and she whispers. "Your friend seems a bit sketchy tonight. I'd keep an eye on her if I were."

She's right I should.

Looking in the direction she left I say, "I will."

Skyler pulls a seat out across from me and she sits. "Do you mind if I keep you company until those guys order?"

"Sure," I lean forward. "How do you know Cole?"

A smile spreads across her face. "I met him when he first came here for a meeting with Luca at this restaurant. He came in with a group of men and they had their guns drawn at each other. They had a stare down until they gave in and had some drinks. After that they became friends. It's been a year since I've seen Cole." She touches my hand. "It's because of you that he's here now. If you told him something recently it scared him and he came here for help."


"Yes, the last time something happened it was with his parents and he asked Luca for help to track down the people responsible for murdering them. He could have gone to his cousin, but he didn't want to involve them in something that he could handle on his own. Cole likes to do things his own way and his family would have made him do things the way they see it."

A guy sitting at the head of the table across from me yells. "Waitress, we'd like to order now."

Skyler stands up and she pulls the notepad out of her apron. She walks over to them. "What would you like?" She writes down their order and then walks to the kitchen to place their order.

One of the men looks at me. "Are you all alone tonight, Miss?"

Shaking my head I say, "I'm waiting for my date. He just went to the bathroom."

He smirks. "He's been in the bathroom for too long. Why don't you join us? We'll show you a better time than that loser you came in with.

Cole's not a loser. I can't wait to their face when they see Cole walk out of the office.

Suddenly the room is in darkness and I yell out for Cole. "COLE," I fell something being shoved over my head and I start struggling.

Someone lifts me up and carries me out the door of the restaurant. I feel a light breeze on my arms and start to shiver.

A car door opens in the distance and I hear a female say. "Didn't you knock her out?"

"No," A male voice says.

Something hits the back of my head and I black out.

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