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Cole's POV

I enter Rivera holding Julia's hand and a smile spreads across my face when I see the waitress, Skyler. Skyler is Luca's wife and when he asked her to give up working at the restaurant she gave him hell until he told her that she can keep working there. Whenever she's at the restaurant Luca is in the office keeping an eye on the everyday running of his restaurant. He told me a couple weeks ago that he's doing less work for his family because he needs to keep an eye on Skyler.

Skyler's father owed a lot of people money and he even sold her off to another family. Luca's done everything in his power to make sure that the other family doesn't enter his restaurant and take her from him.

I'm about to take a seat when Skyler says, "Hey Cole. Those men would like a word with you, Sir."

Four men are standing close by and I can see they're nine millimetre guns sticking out of their holsters.

A smile spreads across my face as I remember the first time I encountered these men and Luca. Walking over to them I say "Do you remember the first time we met?"

Dwayne the main security guy laughs. "Of course I do. You were such a cocky little shit. You had longer hair than you do and you always had your hand on your gun. I'm pretty sure you were trigger fingered." I laugh. "You also had your cousin and his right hand man Jai with you. Whatever happened to that guy?"

A smile spreads across my face. "He's living in Los Angeles, running a seclusive bar for the rich people of LA. Not everyone knows about the club and the ones that do pay a fortune for alcohol and entertainment at the club. He recently got married to a beautiful woman. Things worked out well for him."

He looks past me and in the direction of Julia. "It looks like you're a lucky guy too. Are there wedding bells in your future?"

I place my hand on his shoulder. "Not yet. I'm working on getting her to completely forgive me for the shit I did to her growing up. It was because of me she left home and didn't return until now. She's going through a hard time and the people she thought she could trust are the ones that are truly her enemy." Looking back at the girls I add. "The woman with my girl is supposed to be her best friend, but today she overheard a conversation about having me distracted. I have a feeling it involves her removing Julia from my side. I need Luca to use his magic and tell me everything I need to know about that girl."

A guy walks through the door and he's built like a tank with tattoos showing under the collar of his button up shirt. He looks at me. "You must be the guy that Boss hasn't stopped talking about since this morning."

I'm surprised he told his men about me. Especially, one that I haven't met before.

I look at the table where Julia's sitting with her friend. "Can you keep an eye on my girl?" He nods. "And I need someone to be on her friends at all times. If she goes to the toilet someone needs to be standing outside it. There's something going on with that girl and I can't put my finger on it."

"Will do." He tells me. He talks through a microphone relating, the message to someone. "There's a group of men out back as well. So, there's enough eyes on your girl."

"Thank you."

Dwayne leads me to a door and types a code into the keypad. Looking at it I ask. "Is that connected to the electricity?"

It better not be. If it is and something happens while we're here I won't be able to get to Julia quick enough.

He looks at me. "No, its battery operated. When the shop first opened it was and the boss got stuck inside for a couple of hours. He wasn't happy leaving Skyler in the open for other people to take." Dwayne opens the door. As soon as we step into the room its dark, except for the light shining where the stairs are. We climb the stairs and at the top is another door. Opening the door, I step into the office and see Luca sitting behind his desk. "Hey, Luca. It's been a while."
He spins his chair around and faces me. "Cole, I'm glad you came by." He points to the chair opposite him. "You should sit. We have a lot to talk about."

Walking over to the desk I pull the chair out and sit across from him. "What can I help you with tonight?"

Pointing at Julia's friend I say. "Can you go through everything on the internet and give me all the details on this woman. Her names Veronica ... She's been acting strangely and my girl is worried that her life is in danger because of her."

"I can do that." He types stuff onto his computer. "It will take five minutes to gather everything I need on her."

Looking at the CTV footage I see a group of men walk into the restaurant and they take a seat close to my table. "Have you seen those men before, Luca?"

Luca looks closely at them. "No, this is a first time for them. Why?"

I don't have a good feeling about this.

Putting my hand on the gun I stand up and start moving toward the door. Slowly I pull it out of the holster.

"Cole," Luca says. "Don't draw that gun out here or my men will interfere. They'll think you're after me."

"I'm not." I drop my hands to my side and look at the guy standing next to me. "I wouldn't hurt your boss. It will be like hurting my own family and I'm not stupid enough to do that."

"Got it." Luca yells. "You have to see this."

I walk over to him and as soon as I look at the screen the restaurant goes dark. "Fuck," I yell. Pulling my phone out of my pocket I turn the torch on and go downstairs.

As soon as I reach the bottom of the stairs I swing the door open. "Julia," I don't hear anything. Shining the torch I see the guy that was supposed to look out for my girl with a gunshot to his head.

This isn't good. Someone's declaring war on this family.

I keep walking through the restaurant and finding more men with gunshots to the back of their head.

How the hell did they get in undetected? Is there a mole inside of Luca's family?

The door to the woman's bathroom has blood on it and I open the door. Walking into the bathroom I say, "Julia, are you in here?" She doesn't reply.

Where is she?

I walk out of the bathroom and walk down the hall until I see another door. There's a sign on it and it says, "Staff only."

This must be the kitchen.

"Julia," I yell and open the kitchen door. I don't see anyone. As soon as I step around the island I see two men with gunshots to the back of the head.

They were executed and didn't see it coming.

I continue to search the restaurant and come up empty.

She's not here.

Walking over to the wall I begin to punch it.

I fucking failed her. She trusted me and I didn't listen.

After a couple more hits my knuckles are bruised and bleeding.

Luca doesn't look happy either. "They took Skyler too. Who the fuck were those people?"

I don't know, but one thing I'm sure of is that they're going to pay. Every last one of them.

His hand form into fists. "Someone, just declared war with my family and they aren't going to make it out alive.

The lights turn back on and Dwayne enters the room. Looking at Luca he says. "They turned off the power. Whoever is behind this knows their way around the restaurant. I wouldn't have known where the metre-box was if it wasn't for you, Sir."

"I know." Luca replies. "Dwayne I need you to give Skyler's uncle a call. He's going to want to know that his niece has been kidnapped."

I have to call Julia's family.

Luca pulls his phone out of his pocket and calls Skyler's family.

Pulling mine out I look through the contacts until I reach Julia's Dad's name and press the call button.

The phone rings a couple of times before he answers it. "Hey, Cole. How's my daughter?"

Me: Sir, I took Julia out to dinner with her friend and while I was talking to a friend the lights went out and she was taken.

Mr. Harrison: You better find my daughter, Cole. She's been through enough this year and doesn't need this. I'm afraid this is going to push her over the edge.

Me: I'll get her back and when I do I'll give you a call.

Mr. Harrison: You better. Now, bring our girl home.

He hangs up on me.

Luca walks through the door and he looks pissed. "Skyler's Family are on their way here. Shits going to go down. Do you want to stay for the show or leave, Cole? I'd go with leaving."

Shaking my head I say, "I'm the one that brought this trouble through the door I should be the one taking responsibility for it."

A/N: Do you want to read a chapter from Veronica's Pov of what happened in Rivera Restaurant or just a chapter in Julia's Pov?

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