Chapter One

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Tipping his head back, Yu Hao took a swig from the green bottle clasped in his hands. He flexed his calf, looking out the window of his small Beijing apartment.

His leg was almost healed, except for the sharp pain in his knee anytime he jumped or tried to run. He sniffed, smelling his own body odour, cigarettes and alcohol, all mingling together in the dirty apartment.

The walls were bare, holes in them from posters he had ripped down the minute he got back from the hospital.

He sat alone for months, eating mostly instant noodles and things his manager brought him. They weren't that close, but he knew Yu Hao was on a bad path. He just wasn't sure how to help.

Yu Hao tossed the bottle to the floor, running a hand through his short brown hair and groaning. Nowadays, he hated life. He didn't interact with anyone but his manager. He had broken up with his previous girlfriend(s), and none of the guys from the team talked to him.

He wanted to die. It was simple. He felt purposeless and stupid.

His manager, named Zhen Wen, interrupted his wallowing, opening the door to the spacious apartment.

"Good morning, Yu Hao." He smiled gently, closing the door quietly to avoid startling the drunken Yu Hao. "How are you doing?"

"My life is a pile of shit." Over-exaggerated the rich man on the couch. "I smell like crap."

"Yeah, this whole place does." Zhen Wen said sassily, smiling slightly at his closest friend. "Super gross. How long has it been since you showered?"

"Don't fucking ask." Yu Hao snapped at him, eyes red from sleep deprivation and alcohol.

He had known his 'manager' since high school. They used to cause trouble together, and share secrets. Yu Hao still remembered the sleep over when he told Zhen Wen that he lost his virginity recently. Zhen Wen was uninterested, then and there letting Yu Hao know he was gay.

Yu Hao wasn't bothered by the confession, and he continued to support Zhen Wen, even going to his wedding, where he married Zhen Wu.

Yu Hao watched as he unloaded vegetables, milk, and imperishable foods into his kitchen, throwing out the rotten stuff.

"Where has Yuan Qi been?"

"I broke up with her." Yu Hao shrugged.

Zhen Wen looked at him sadly. Months ago, his friend had been... slightly better than this. But he missed the old Yu Hao, the one who wasn't spoiled rich and lazy. The one who cared.

"I was walking into the store today, and I stopped to look at the bulletin board." He said, crumpling the plastic bags and shoving them under the sink.

Yu Hao groaned. "You always do that. Waste of fucking time."

Zhen Wen sighed. "That's what you always say. But I saw this application for a coach..."

"You didn't..."

"I did..." Zhen Wen bit his lip. "It would be great for press. It would help to rebuild your reputation, you know that."

"What kind of coach? Like, highschool....?"

"No, like.... 10 year olds. And under."

"What the actual fuck?!" Yu Hao bolted upright from the couch, making his shorter friend step back in slight fear. "What the fuck, Zhen Wen, What the fuck...."

Yu Hao slowly lowered himself down, his head falling into his hands. He swore as he rubbed his forehead.

"Calm down, Yu Hao. It's only for a couple of months. And the guy seemed so excited over the phone. Please, do this for me." He sighed, looking at his friend sadly. "Xia Yu Hao, I never thought I would say this but... I'm worried about you."

"Zhen Wen." Yu Hao sighed. "Just get out."

"Yu Hao..."

"Out." He said sternly.

Zhen Wen walked to the door. "Shower, please. I'll hire someone to come and clean this place up." He glared at Yu Hao. "I'll be here Monday morning to pick you up. No matter what condition you are in." He watched, holding his breath, as Yu Hao stood up, picking the bottle up from the floor and throwing it at Zhen Wen.

Zhen Wen hardly made it out the door before he heard the glass hit the wood of the door with a smack, falling to the ground and shattering into thousands of pieces.

He sighed, shaking his head when he heard Yu Hao yell a curse. Healing him was going to take time and patience that he didn't have.

Hopefully, Zi Xuan would be able to change him.

For now, Zhen Wen needed comfort. And what could be more comforting than his own home?

He opened the door of his car, stepping in. His house was about ten minutes away, and he still had time before he needed to be at work.

Trying his best to obey the speed limits, he drove home, pulling into the driveway, speeding.

A tall, dark haired man with a two year old boy in his arms opened the front door, smiling at his husband as he stepped out of the car.

"Good morning!" He yelled, shutting the door and walking to where Zhen Wu was standing.

"Good morning." Replied his husband, handing the little boy in his arms to his husband. "Home so early?"

"Yu Hao pissed me off." Sighed Zhen Wen, kissing the boy in his arms on the top of his head. "And, I had to be here for Ci Ci's first day of kindergarten."

As if on cue, a little girl came running from upstairs, supporting a ridiculous outfit with a giant smile. She jumped into her taller dad's arms with effort.

"Are you ready to go to school?" Zhen Wu asked her, putting down the squirming child in his arms.

"Yes daddy!" She grinned. "Do you like my outfit?"

"I love it!" He replied, smiling at her. "Come, I made breakfast, you don't want to be late."

Setting her down, Zhen Wu smiled at his husband. "Are you hungry?"

"Only for your food." Zhen Wen smiled, leaning forward and kissing his cheek.


Some Wen/Wu fluff for you guys. It gets really interesting regarding Yu Hao and Zi Xuan in the third chapter!

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