Chapter Two

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Zi Xuan buttoned up his shirt in front of the mirror, running his fingers through his short black hair. Monday morning practice was his least favourite, but he still knew he had to coach it. Checking his watch, he put his glasses on, picking up his coach's bag and jacket and walking out the door.

The cold fall air hit him harder than he expected, blowing a cloud of fog into the air. He shivered in his jacket.

Zi Xuan walked fast to the pool, his sneakers slapping against the concrete. At this point, he was going to be late. He knew he couldn't do that. He was the only coach on Monday.

Pushing open the doors to the athletic centre, he smiled at the desk lady. She nodded at him, opening the entrance to the pool.

6:00am. Right on time.

He frowned, seeing the group of teenagers just standing around. "Everyone get ready! We leave for a 400 on the top!" He yelled, creating chaos in the pool area as people struggled to undress and put on their caps and goggles.

Zi Xuan laid his coaches bag on the table, opening it up and taking out today's workout. It was the beginning of the season, so he didn't want to be too hard on the kids. That being said, sometimes they needed and challenge, and today was a good day for that.

Because he was also going to be challenged today.

Walking over to the board, Zi Xuan took a deep breath. Today he would be meeting his idol. The ravishingly handsome, full of himself, amazingly talented volleyball player Yu Hao.

And Yu Hao would become his assistant coach.

He could hardly believe it. Beginning to write the set he knew would make these kids whine, Zi Xuan smiled.


"Yu Hao, are you ready to go?"

"Fuck off, it's too early." Said Yu Hao, rubbing his eyes on the couch.

Zhen Wen shook his head, eyes glaring at Yu Hao. "Get up. You aren't missing this job. Just give it a chance, would you?"

Yu Hao rolled his eyes, but reluctantly got up hearing the tone in his friend's voice. He pulled on a clean hoodie and jeans, running a hand through his cropped hair.

"Let's go." Zhen Wen said, leading Yu Hao to the door, out of his apartment, guessing Yu Hao hadn't been outside it in months.

They stepped in the car, buckled in and drove to the sport centre.

Yu Hao gazed out the window, and Zhen Wen's heart softened. Yu Hao looked gentle, clad in his old 'Team China' hoodie, face resting on his hand, eyes brighter than they had been in months. Zhen Wen smiled, turning the radio up a notch.

"Are you hungry?" He asked, looking at Yu Hao.

"Not really. But I'll eat." Came the quiet reply. Zhen Wen could hardly believe it. Had the foul mouthed playboy finally disappeared? And why wasn't Yu Hao being an asshole anymore?

They grabbed breakfast and a coffee for Zi Xuan, completing the drive to the sport centre.

Zhen Wen adjusted his tie, stepping out of the car and watching as Yu Hao did the same. Zhen Wen handed him the coffee.

"You should give this to him. Make a good impression." He smiled softly, watching as Yu Hao took it and nodded.

He felt like he was dropping his kid off at daycare for the first time. His heart squeezed slightly, seeing Yu Hao limp to the door, pressing the wheelchair button to he let in. He felt bad for his friend, but felt as if this was an act he was putting on. Yu Hao hadn't been obedient like this in years.

Zhen Wen nodded at the lady by the front desk. "Do you know where we can find the uhh..." he squinted slightly at the wall behind her, trying to remember the name. "Champions volleyball club?"

She glanced at her computer. "They should be in gym 6 right now. Just setting up for the day."

"Thank you." He said, motioning for Yu Hao to follow him, walking up the stairs.

It took Yu Hao a while to get up. He hadn't gone to any of the physiotherapy appointments Zhen Wen had booked for him, and in return he was struggling to walk.

Yu Hao closed his eyes, ever step ignoring the sharp pains that drove through his knee. It felt unbelievably terrible. He wished he was back home on his couch, watching TV or wasting time some other way.

When he finally got to the top, Yu Hao was exhausted. He glared at Zhen Wen and they continued to walk to the gym.

Yu Hao knew deep in his heart he had never been in love before. Two years ago it wouldn't have mattered, he would have been too busy with volleyball. And, he never really cared. As long as he had the charm to go into clubs and hook up with however many girls he wanted, he was fine. Sometimes he babysat for Zhen Wen and Zhen Wu when they went out on dates, but he never found someone he understood enough to want to spend his whole life with.

The doors to the gym made of glass, so Yu Hao could clearly make out a tall, skinny guy clad in a skin-tight button up shirt. Yu Hao's nice demeanour immediately switched off, seeing Zi Xuan as a figure of authority.

Zhen Wen opened the door. "Zi Xuan?"

The tall guy turned around and smiled. "Zhen Wen!" He walked over, clasping their hands together in a sharp handshake. "Good to meet you."

He walked forward, patting Zhen Wen on the back as he went. "Yu Hao. It's my pleasure." Instead of reaching his hand out to shake Yu Hao's, Zi Xuan bowed down. Yu Hao's brow crinkled in almost anger. How odd could this guy be?

"Zi Xuan. Nice to meet you, I guess." He shrugged, brushing past the bowing guy and into the empty gym.

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