Chapter 7

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This is one of the parts I had a fun time writing. It's not intense or dark, so you can be rest assured and this has one of the most beautiful bonds you'll come across in You and I Collide. Let's welcome Sumo, enjoy the

Confessions of a confused

Saumya considered Ri one of her special friends and loved her in her very own capacity. But it did not stop murderous intentions from forming in her mind when the latter called her at half past eleven at night, simply to know what she would have for dinner! Her one month anniversary at Delhi had been yesterday; the new city and its hustle bustle had drained her; not to mention the pressures of her new job at the TV station along with her studies. Taking Media for graduation had not been her original idea, it had mostly been a heat of the moment decision. But as most of the decisions of her life Saumya did not regret it. Ri had helped her with settling down in the new place; an apartment the two friends had located, Ri had called in a few favors and everything had been going on smoothly since then.

It was one of the many things Saumya was grateful to Ri about. She had been an emotional wrack when she arrived at the Delhi National Airport, calling her childhood best friend after so many years only to crash down at her room and break down to terrible sobs, relating the story of last few months. Ri had been furious at everything, from her accidental wedding, to the freaking - idiot who had refused to accept her. Then, when the two had calmed down, polished a few tubs of butter scotch ice cream; Rti had offered to help, in anything Sumo decided to do next.

So Saumya considered herself duty bound to scramble out of her bed, pull her hair into a messy bun and open the door when Ri rang the door bell at midnight; even though she had worked two shifts at the newsroom before returning to her apartment that day.

"Pizza and Coke at your service my lady!" Ri announced cheerfully, shoving the bags in her face, as she made her away in. The door slammed shut behind her.

Saumya pulled a chair from the kitchen table and sat, watching her friend bustle around the small kitchenette, pulling plates, knives and a bottle of ketchup.

"So, what did you do this time?" She asked after a moment, fixing Ri with a motherly glare. Ri shrugged, not meeting her friend's eye and instead focusing on arranging the table.

"Can't I come just like that?" She said innocently.

"Of cause you can," Saumya tilted her head. "But you're Gauri Kumari Sharma, and you don't come just like that. So out with it miss, what have you done?"

Ri sat across her and shoved a piece of pizza in her mouth, chewing slowly, to postpone the moment she has to answer. Saumya was having none of that, she snatched the pizza box under Ri's elbow and frowned.

"Got a new tattoo have you?" She tried a different approach.

"Ragav's back," Ri said bitterly.

"Damn..." Saumya said softly. "Did he -"

Rti shook his head. 
"He has better things than hitting under his sleeve now. He is going to get me married."

Saumya raised an eyebrow.

"To whom?"

"I am not to find out, am I? If I do I would spoil his great business prospects!"

"God Ri, I'm so..."

"Don't be sorry. I'll handle it." She smiled faintly. "I've been handling that guy for more than a decade now right?"

Saumya chewed slowly and swallowed before frowning in concentration once more.

"So Ragav's not the reason that brought you here." She said thoughtfully. "Then what?"

Ri watched her friend for a moment, sipping her Coke and drawing patterns on the frosty glass with her index finger.

"I think I've made a mistake," she said finally.

"Dear lord!" Exclaimed Saumya. "Please tell me you're not pregnant!"

Ri rolled her eyes. "Chee Sumo, you have such a gandi opinion about me?"

Saumya visibly relaxed.

"Then what is it?"

"There is this guy, he is such a high and mighty egoistic jerk that I wanted to teach him a lesson. And -" she let her voice trail off as she rubbed the back of her neck. "I might have tried to woo him a bit..."

"And now he is head over heels for you, and you want out? Geez Ri, when will you grow up?" Saumya reached across the table and knocked her knuckles against Ri's forehead.

"It's not that, he has not done as much as blink at me but -"

"Then thank god and be done with it!"

 "I think I'm getting affected in return." Ri cut across.

"Whoa!" Saumya raised her eyebrows clearly looking amused as Ri hung her head, stuffing her mouth with pizza.

"Who is this guy?"

"Did I ask you who you got "married" to?" Ri air quoted the word married.

"It's not that," Saumya said in a mockingly apologetic tone. "I'd like to see the mighty man who withstood the charms of the greatest seductress of the century!" She chuckled, as Ri frowned at her. "And meanwhile, eat like a human will you?"

"Yeah right, he's a god damned saint - you know - like that Rishi Kashyap or someone!" She stuffed more food and continued. "And I'm going to eat the way I like, it's my pizza for god's sake!"

"And you pulled a Menaka on him?"

Ri swallowed and Saumya laughed.

"You're going entirely wrong about it." She said finally. "If the guy is kind of decent type, he'll run away the moment you try to go all siren on him. Try to act decently even though its for the first time of your life, then maybe he'll take notice of you."

"Toh kya karu? Dress like a TV serial Bahu and do his aarati?"

"Kitna drama karti hai tu?" Saumya sighed, starting to sip her Coke. "If you do that, he'll know straight away that it's an act. I mean by now he might have got a very good idea about what kind of a girl you are."

"That he has," Ri agreed darkly. "Geez, what am I even saying?" She exclaimed then. "I seriously can't afford to go all crazy on him - that jerk - he doesn't deserve it!"

"First decide what side you're on," Saumya said patiently. "Do you want to get his attention or not?"

"You're the love angel right? Give me some solution! Not that I'm in love with him or anything..." she added the latter part under her breath.

"Okay, relax." Saumya picked up her glass once more. "Do you have any idea what kind of a girl he would like?"

"Umm - probably the behen ji types," suggested Ri.

"We're not getting anywhere," complained Saumya. "Is there even a bit of a shy, gentle girl inside you?"

"Nope!" Ri said, pooping the "P".

"Then forget him and move on!"

Ri looked around, unconsciously thinking of the moments spent in the car, recalling the faint touch of his fingertips on her skin.

"I can't!" She whined.

"Then show him you can be that ideal beauty if you want to. Then we'll see what he does!"

Ri stood up, wiping her hands on her shorts and a calculative look transforming her features. She bit her lip, thinking, thinking and thinking more.

"I can do that.." She said slowly. "You just wait and see what I do Mr. Omkara Singh Oberoi, you will rue the day you said all that about me."

Saumya splattered her Coke.

"Who?" She asked, her jaw hanging open.


Open to your thoughts as always. Please do give me some feedback!

I'm very sorry if anyone is disappointed.

Thanks a lot for reading!



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