Chapter 8

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As I said, the plot is thickening, I hope you're not getting bored. Since I'm doing short chapters, we still have a long way to go.

Have fun reading!

Chapter 8

Breaking walls - part one

Ragav Khanna was not an intimidating man by his physical appearance. He was of a medium built, with streaks of gray hair and a pair of cold gray eyes. It was the look in those eyes, and the hard planes of his face, which warned someone of the man's calculative nature. Something about his thin lipped smile was not right - it was too sweet - yet too artificial at the same time. As if the man was modeling for a toothpaste brand. The moment he was greeted with that smile, the man's greedy eyes boring into his own, and his hands grasping his in a hold of a coiling python, Omkara knew this man was one of the vipers in the pit - perhaps the slyest of them all.

Although he hardly associated himself with the world of his father and brother, Omkara was no stranger to the games these people played sheltered by the opulence of their lavish surrounding. He was not naive to the way that world operated, where every man was, nothing but a masked serpent bidding his time to strike. He had heard much about the man in front of him, both from Shivay and Mr. Oberoi. The inner circles called him vulture, for the man was prone to acquiring companies, stripping them to their assets and selling them off, only so that his own enterprise could grow in return. There were many tales associated with the name; most of them talked of how the man took what he wanted. Omkara could smirk at the ignorance of those who boasted of the man's luck. There was no luck associated with the man's fortune. The business Rivani hotels had been originally created by his late friend Gaurav Sharma. Ragav had been his right hand and his best friend then. He had lost his wife; the mother of his son in the same plane crash that had taken Gaurav's life. It was then Ragav Khanna had actively associated himself with the top flowing business, aiding Gaurav's widowed wife Avantika, whom he later got married  to. It was inside information. That Ragav knew exactly how to drive a company to its destruction and finally bring it down to his feet. His methods were not always honorable. Some said he had a hand in Avantika's death in the year after their marriage. She had died in an motor traffic accident, along with her oldest daughter. Gauri had been the sole survivor of that original family. He did not believe most of what he heard, but looking at the man now, basking in that greedy look of his gray eyes, Omkara did not doubt the man's reputation.

He tried to return that smile, although his facial muscles felt oddly stretched. The older man was kind of impressed with him as a result of their negotiations prior that week. For the sake of his brother and the deal which was now his responsibility Omkara wanted to maintain that impression. But even with that desperate need, he could not pretend to enjoy the celebrations he had been required to part take in. He was never a fan of parties, although they were as common as rains in the monsoon in his circles. The fake show of compassion and joy sickened him to such an extent that he had started bunking most of those elite gatherings his family had hosted. This was one place he did not wanted to be at, then a part of him pulled him to that very place. Ragav played no role in that attraction.

This was a birthday celebration, of a certain person he both detested and desired. That night Gauri Kumari Sharma turned twenty two.

He could not help his eyes from wandering over the crowd every now and then when the conversation ceased to a pause, seeking those espresso color eyes, among the shifting gazes. Then when his eyes finally sought her out, breath hitched in his throat.

Ri descended the stairs, a vision of elegance in silver. The blue highlights removed from her hair which were gathered  to a side, in curls of thick dark brown. Tiny studs of diamond glittered in her dainty earlobes, her eyes shimmering a notch brighter. She was dressed in a saree, the fabric emitting a subtle silver glow, hugging her willowy figure in an enticing manner. Her shoulders were left bare, flaunting the dark ink against her peach complexion, only adding to the charm that had already thickened the atmosphere with her arrival. She floated through the crowd with grace of a butterfly and reached Ragav, who snaked his arm around her waist, without even wasting a glance at her.

"Happy birthday doll," he muttered flashing that empty smile once more and reaching out to kiss her on forehead. Ri stilled the moment his lips made contact with her skin, a mixture of disgust and fear momentarily crossing her features. In the next fraction of the second, her eyes went empty as usual and her lips twisted to their usual haughty curve.

"Thank you uncle." Her tone was sugary yet dipping with venom. Ragav's grip tightened on her elbow, applying a force that was enough to water her eyes. Ri blinked and her eyes shifted to Omkara's.  "Hi Omkara..." she took his name slowly, letting each syllable roll over her tongue, and smiled, seductive as a siren.

The tension from the night he left her at the gate, returned instantly, as she moved closer, eyes still holding his. Omkara said nothing, as he watched her kohl lined eyes, tracing his features greedily. That expression made his heart race with excitement and soul coil with disgust at the same time. This girl, would never learn her lesson. But he was not sure if he cared, anymore.

"Aren't you bored among the old fellows yet?" she asked then, still that smile in place. "Come, let's dance, I really love this song." Her hands swathed around his, a gentle pressure pulling him to follow her. Omkara slid her hands from her grasp, taking a brisk step back.

"I don't fancy dancing," he said simply.

"He likes breaking hearts of pretty women better," a voice said behind them. Something, dark and bitter crossed Omkara's face, his eyes went stony and jaw rigid as he fixed his eyes upon someone over her shoulder. Ri turned slowly to find a stunningly stylish woman in her late thirties, standing there in a ruby red curve hugging saree, caramel pools of her eyes simmering with something malicious, and lusty at the same time. The moment their eyes met and the woman's lips curved in to a leer, Ri knew who this could be. "Or else why would someone stay away from their fiancee for so long?" like a snake she glided to him with those words and wrapped an arm around his elbow, muttering the rest of the words to his ear, but in a voice that clearly carried them over to Ri. "I missed you darling!"

The look of disgust in his face, directed at his own self, should have satisfied her. But all Ri could feel was the burn of anger, that slowly rose from the pits of her stomach. Trying to mask the absolute murderous thoughts, she smiled, or rather displayed her teeth.

"Well have fun, you two...!" With that she turned, before some unwanted words left her traitorous mouth and ruined her entire reputation.

"But you don't refuse the birthday girl," he called after her, and against her better judgement Ri stopped. Her traitor of a heart skipping a beat as he approached her and took her hand in his, his dark gaze locking with hers for one meaningful moment. Under normal circumstances Ri would have told him to get lost, told him that she was not to be used to escape someone, or make someone jealous - Gauri Kumari Sharma did not play the trump card for someone else. But she let him lead her away, his fingers curled around her elbow, their bodies drawn close together as they stepped towards the dance floor.

She threw her head back and looked at Svetlana, who was still standing at her original position, her eyes narrowed and mouth pressed into a tight line.

"Let me borrow you fiance for a moment Svetlana," she could not help but utter. "But have fun, meanwhile!"

Something, almost a sense of triumph sized her heart, as they stood facing each other in the center of the dance floor, gazes locked once more. He took her hand in his, lacing his fingers through his with a delicate movement and pulled her closer. She could hardly feel his other hand on her waist.

"So," she said trying to sound casual, but failing to. "Fiancee and all huh?"

"You already knew," he said, as their synced steps traced the beat. She crooked an eyebrow, and he tilted his head. "I never said she was Svetlana." Ri said nothing, as he twirled her around and pulled her back into his arms. She would pay for this slip of tongue she knew, but she could hardly afford to betray Sumo's secret. Omkara should never know how she found out his life story.

She tried to do what she always did, when she was nervous.

"I was surprised you know," her tone was haughty once more. "That the man who preached me about walking into pits of hell was getting married to a hell hound himself."

"Jealous?" He chuckled, but his eyes only darkened a tone. A vein started to throb at his temple and Ri knew she had touched upon a dangerous topic. But this was the only way she knew how to handle Omkara, argue, frustrate and get a rise out of him.

"How is it fair that I am not supposed to destroy myself and you're free to do the same thing, albeit a different method?"

"You're too young to understand," he was still calm, but his hold on her hand tightened a little.

"Oh please, you're no old man either, and I'm not a kid, stop making excuses Omkara."

"I'm doing it for my family." His tone was bitter and reply short.

"And that makes you noble? Well I'm doing all for myself and that makes me a witch, yeah right!"

He held his burning gaze, with an unwavering one of his own. That frustration burning within her, attracted him. She looked ablaze, power radiating from her. Unconsciously, he grew her closer, heat of their bodies mingling together.

"How does destruction aid your cause?"

Ri shrugged.

"I destroy what is mine, before anyone else could. It's my life, my right to destroy it."

"And you're not a kid - irony, irony!" His tone dripped with sarcasm.  

"Look around yourself," Ri said darkly. "What does this look like? A party? This is an auction. You heard him right? He calls me doll. A doll he is going to dress up, exhibit and pack away to the highest bidder!" he said nothing, and she blinked furiously, not wanting to let that too sharp gaze notice her vulnerable expression.

"Is he worth it?" He asked finally.

"I'm not going to let him take control of me," she had no idea what made her go on, spill all those unsaid words worth years. "I'll ruin myself, before he gets his deal sealed."

He twirled her around, pulling her back and caging her in his arms. It was no longer a dance position, but an embrace, his breath fanned her face.

That moment was a long one, in which she stared at him, wondering what he was going to do, or say. His eyes were too bottomless pits of dark swirls, she found herself drowning in them, forgetting where she stood and the people around them.

"Precious," he muttered slowly, the word almost a whisper against her ear. A chill ran down her spine and tickled her toes, as the tip of his thumb brushed against the corner of her eye. He brushed off a tear that hung there unknown to her and let his fingers trace a line down her cheek. "Don't waste yourself."

It was only later that night, when her racing heart had finally calmed down, did Ri realize that he had  called her "precious." Omkara Singh Oberoi had called her precious.

The world was ending.


Waiting to hear your take, please take a moment to give me some feedback.

Sorry if you're disappointed.

Thanks for reading!



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