Part 10

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Guys... gals... non-binary pals..... this is it. The last chapter

Summary: One month later...

Ron watched as Harry packed up his belongings. He was moving about somewhat jerkily, as if he didn't have control over himself. Not that Ron blamed him for it. After all, it had only been one month since the third task. One month since Lord Voldemort's return. Since Cedric's death...

"It wasn't your fault," he said quietly. It wasn't the first time he said it, and the tensing of Harry's shoulders wasn't new, either.

"But it was. If I hadn't insisted we both take that stupid cup..." He slammed his trunk shut.

"You brought his body back." But even as he said this, Ron felt a shiver run down his spine. He had run forward when Harry had appeared and gotten a good view of Cedric's body, his blank eyes so different from the bright gray ones when he had lived. Hermione had seen him, too, and went nearly went catatonic. Only Ron's sturdy grip on her arm kept her upright.

"And Voldemort," Harry said, lowering his head.

Ron didn't flinch. "And we'll deal with him when the time comes. Cedric will not die in vain."

Harry walked over and pressed his face into Ron's shoulder. Ron could feel him trembling and wrapped his arms around him. They didn't move for a long time. Then Neville poked his head in to tell them they were leaving.

Harry removed himself from Ron but remained standing close by. "I guess we better go."

They headed out in silence. Hermione was waiting for them in the common room; she didn't speak as they all exited through the portrait hole for the last time that term.

For the past month, everyone had been avoiding Harry like the plague. Today was no different; Ron saw a cluster of first years scatter as the three approached.

Morons, Ron thought as they regrouped after he and his friends had passed.

Harry looked as if he hadn't noticed; his eyes were almost as blank as Cedric's, as if he no longer cared about anything else in the world. Life flickered in their depths as Ron took Harry's free hand in his own.

As they continued to walk through the corridors, Ron reflected how they had seemed to switch positions in the eyes of the people. Now it was Ron they were concerned for, while Harry was given the suspicious looks.

"To think it was Potter I was worried for in the relationship!" one person had said, shaking her head irritably.

"Weasley can't back out now," another said. "What if Potter murders him, too?" He had gasped suddenly. "What about Granger?"

If it weren't for the severity of the implications, Ron would have laughed. Harry had felt nothing but gratitude for Cedric, especially seeing as how he was among the first people to notice Harry's feelings for Ron, yet people actually thought Harry would have even wished Cedric dead. Ron himself grieved for the loss of someone who he might have considered a friend if Wormtail had not killed him.

Wormtail! Ron still couldn't believe he had once looked after a traitor and murderer. If I had been more suspicious earlier on, this wouldn't have happened.

But there was no use in pondering over what-ifs now; Harry needed him more than ever. The thought had him tightening his hold on Harry's hand.

The trio had reached the entrance hall and were waiting for the carriages to arrive when a voice called Harry's name. It was Fleur.

"We will see each other again, I hope," she said. "I am hoping to get a job here, to improve my English."

"It's very good already," Ron said.

Fleur smiled at him; Harry looked irritated for some reason.

"Goodbye, Harry. It has been a pleasure meeting you."

She turned and headed back to the carriages. Harry continued to look mutinous long after she had disappeared from sight.

"Wonder how the Durmstrang students are getting back," Ron mused in an attempt to distract him from whatever had taken hold. "D'you reckon they can steer that ship without Karkaroff?"

"Karkaroff did not steer," said a gruff voice. "He stayed in his cabin and let us do the work."

It was Krum.

"He didn't do anything to help you?" Hermione sounded scandalized. Ron guessed she was thinking about the house-elves again.

Krum shook his head.

"I liked Diggory," he said to Harry. "He was alvays polite to me. Always. Even though I was from Durmstrang— with Karkaroff," he added, scowling.

"Have you got a new headmaster yet?" Harry asked.

Krum shrugged. He shook each of their hands and started to head back, but not before signing a piece of parchment for Ron when he asked.

All too soon, the train reached platform nine and three-quarters. Ron and Hermione struggled over Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle, all of whom were unconscious. Crabbe's face had sprouted what looked to be tentacles.

Too bad it wasn't Malfoy, Ron thought.

"Do you think he'll be all right?" Hermione asked, looking back to where Harry lingered with the twins.

"I hope so," Ron said. "I think your trunk just rolled over Malfoy's hand," he added offhandedly.

"Did it?" Hermione didn't look, but Ron saw her step especially hard on his other hand as she passed.

Harry and the twins rejoined them as they reached Mrs. Weasley. She hugged Harry very tightly and whispered something in his ear.

Then Harry turned to Ron. Though his eyes were still haunted, he looked a little more like himself, as if he had physically left behind his worried for the time being.

"Promise you'll keep in touch?"

"Yeah, of course." Ron would have kissed him, but his uncle was standing a few feet away. He had a feeling it wouldn't end well if he knew of Harry's new relationship. So he settled for a hand shake, which Harry accepted with an understanding look.

"Bye, Harry!" Hermione said, hugging him.

Harry smiled at her and turned to follow his uncle.

Ron watched him go. Somehow, it felt much harder to let him leave with his uncle, knowing there would be no support from him or Harry's aunt or cousin.

But he'll be safe, Ron tried to reassure himself. Safe from You-Know-Who.

He kept telling himself this as he turned away.

Harry was alive. Ron would see him again before long. And then they'd face the next threat together.

There will be a sequel, I am confirming there will be a sequel.

(It'll probably be called You and Me 2 or something equally dull if I don't an idea for a decent title beforehand)

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