Part 9

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Summary: The third task has come, and Harry and Ron have never been more scared in their lives

The following week brought more hate mail and Howlers, the latter of which Ron could unfortunately not avoid. They shrieked insults and worse at him; thankfully, Ron didn't seem as bothered as he did originally. In fact, he looked almost amused.

"This one could be a pretty good singer," he joked, poking at one envelope that had screeched in a high-pitched voice. "But she should try to go for more sing-y and less screechy."

"Maybe her voice will go through a transformation like your dress robes," Harry added, and they both laughed.

Hermione, on the other hand, was not as amused. "This is a waste of everyone's time," she said. "It completely disrupts our morning. Oh, when I get my hands on that woman—"

"You're not seriously going to spend the rest of the term on Skeeter, are you?" Ron said.

Knowing how stubborn their friend was, Harry guessed the answer was yes. But at least she didn't try to drag Harry and Ron with her.

Time flew by, and before Harry knew it, it was the night before the third task. He tossed and turned, but he couldn't get comfortable.

"Ron?" he called, keeping his voice low.

"Hm?" Ron turned over to face him.

"I can't sleep."

"Me, neither," Ron admitted.

Harry was silent. "I'm scared."

"That's normal. But you can do it. Just focus on getting through. It doesn't matter if you win."

"But what if something happens to me?" Harry said.

Ron knew better than to tell him nothing would happen. "Then Hermione and I will do everything we can to avenge you."

Harry still didn't look appeased.

"Do you want to sleep with me?" Ron offered.

"Sleep with you?"

"Yeah, why not? Sometimes, when I was little, I'd climb in with Percy."

Harry didn't know what to say. He didn't know that was a thing; he'd certainly never think about sleeping with his cousin for comfort.

"Sometimes Bill, too," Ron added. "But Fred and George? That would be asking for trouble."

Harry laughed a little. "Okay."

Ron scooted aside as Harry climbed into the bed and wrapped an arm around him.

Harry remembered when he had told Parvati and Hermione about how safe he felt in Ron's arms and decided he had severely understated his words.

"Good night, Harry."


Sleep came swiftly for both teens, which was a good thing considering what would be happening in less than twenty-four hours.

All too soon, Harry and Ron were awake and inside the Great Hall. Hermione had just left, intent on going to the library before the History of Magic exam. Professor McGonagall came up moments later.

"Potter, the champions are congregating in the chamber off the Hall after breakfast," she said.

Harry looked astonished. "But the task's not till tonight!"

"I'm aware of that, Potter," she said. "The champions' families are invited to watch the final task, you know. This is simply a chance for you to greet them."

She moved away. Harry gaped after her.

"She doesn't expect the Dursleys to turn up, does she?" he asked Ron blankly.

Ron shrugged, just as clueless. "I better get going or else I'll be late. See you later." He kissed Harry on the cheek and hurried off.

He made it to Binns' class on time, not that the ghost would have noticed. But Hermione didn't appear until well after they started. When Ron looked at her questioningly, she gave a minute shake of her head.

All thoughts of Hermione were pushed to the back of his mind for the time being as he refocused on the task in front of him. He was sure he forgot most of the goblin rebels' names but didn't think the ones he came up with were any different.

He finished before Hermione and headed back to the Great Hall for lunch. To his surprise, his mother and Bill were there to support Harry.

Fred, George, Ginny, and Hermione joined them, and for a while, it felt like a normal day at the Burrow. But then it was evening and Dumbledore was calling for the champions.

Harry turned to Ron as the Gryffindors erupted in cheers around them. He suddenly felt very far away.

"Remember, just focus on getting out alive," Ron said.

Harry nodded. He wanted to speak, but it was as if his vocal cords had stopped working.

Ron watched him go, his stomach churning with every step he took. He felt his mother squeeze his arm, but he did not feel reassured. All he wanted was for Harry to come back out alive, but he felt even that would be too easy.

I'm aware this is a little shorter than the last chapter. But hey, gotta end on a tense note, right? (The answer is no, but shush)

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